72. cats It's raining cats and dogs. boots I bought a pair of boots. parents I'm going to visit my parents for the holidays.

发表于:2018-11-28 / 阅读(123) / 评论(0) 分类 李阳疯狂英语突破口语100要素

[00:00.00]Unit 7 Food [00:05.36]1.Listen.Sing. [00:17.64]I like bananans,cookies,and oranges,tomatoes,hot dogs,and sandwiches, [00:33.30]hamburgers,lettuce,bread,and carrots.Yummy,yummy--I like to eat! [01:03.72]2.Listen.Read and number. [01:17.54]Th

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(70) / 评论(0) 分类 新派英语第二册

B:Helen:(Falling on the road and the big dog runs away.) I must look like a fright. I even scared off the dogs.

发表于:2018-12-16 / 阅读(47) / 评论(0) 分类 王强口语 第一册

[00:00.00]You don't look well [00:02.09]你看起来不太好喔 [00:04.18]A:You don't look well [00:05.29]你看起来不太好喔 [00:06.40]B:I know.I have a bad cold. [00:07.98]我知道。我得了重感冒了 [00:09.56

发表于:2018-12-25 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 英语会话800句

Language Points 1.Elephants can't jump. 2.Happy dogs wag their tails to the right,sad ones to the left. 3.cows can suffer humiliation if people laugh at them. 4.hippos use their sweat as sunscreen 5.turn a shark on its back and it goes into a trance.

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 爆笑英语口语

第一章 练习41 Exercise 1-41:Supporting Words Exercise 1-41: Supporting Words For this next part of the intonation of grammatical elements, each sentence has a few extra words to help you get the meaning. Keep the same strong intonation that yo

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 美式英语正音训练

1The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and 2saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were unclean, that is, unwashed. 3(The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they g

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(170) / 评论(0) 分类 马可福音

Science and technology. 科技。 Exercise and addiction. 锻炼也会上瘾。 Fun run. 奔跑的奥秘。 People, it seems, have evolved to be addicted to exercise. 人类似乎在进化过程中对锻炼上瘾了。 AS THE legions of gym bunnies a

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人科技系列

A:Hello,Modern English .How can I help you ? 你好,洋话连篇。请问有什么事儿? B:Hello,Could I talk to,please? 你好,可以同Drew讲话吗? A:Marco,this is Drew. 我就是。 B:Wh

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 英语抢先学

California Dogs Riding The Waves 加州小狗冲浪大赛 Some people enjoy the water sport of surfing. Many others enjoy watching those surfers riding the waves. And still others enjoy watching when dogs ride the waves. Dogs? Last weekend, groups of

发表于:2019-01-12 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 2015年VOA慢速英语(十)月

Lesson 150 At All 1. There is nothing to worry about at all. 2. I don't smoke at all. 3. I don't like him at all. 4. There is nothing at all to eat. 5. It won't do any harm to you at all. 6. I don't know anything about them at all. 7. I don't like do

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(76) / 评论(0) 分类 辛沛沛NO-BOOK 辛沛沛口语初级版

喵星人(cat)和汪星人(dog)这一对欢喜冤家,在习语中都有各自丰富的表达,快来看看我们熟悉的喵和汪都有哪些你不知道的故事! 1. let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚;泄露秘密 这就是我们常常说的露

发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(33) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

Why are dogs'noses so wet? 狗狗的鼻子为什么总是湿的? Humans and dogs share a special relationship, moulded over millennia of reciprocal love and companionship. 数千年来,人类和狗狗都有十分特殊的关系,相互喜爱,相

发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(356) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间


发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

Two dogsA man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog. He trains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house. When he returns home after a day's hunt, he always gives the house-dog some meat. The hound feels very angry. He say

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 英语美文

In 2015, there was no shortage of moments that made us grin from ear-to-ear. 2015年的确有不少让我们笑得合不拢嘴的时刻。 We rounded up some of the year's most feel-good stories that'll make you look back fondly on the past 12 months

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 阅读空间

1. Decide on horsepower. The biggest mistake people make is selecting a dog without considering its energy level. There are four basic engines: low, medium, high, and very high. Match yours to the dog's。 1. 根据狗狗的精力水平选择。人们在

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(293) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

狗是人类的亲密朋友,在人们的生活、工作中扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。在美国,人们喜欢狗,美国人因此也喜欢使用很多和狗相关的短语表达。 1、to lead a dog's life 形容人过着贫困潦倒、惨

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(51) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

商务中充满了像fat cats有钱有势的人,loan sharks高利贷债主,和含有其它动物的习语。事实上,fat cats近几年用来形容所有在信贷危机中赚了一大笔的银行家。作为英语学习者,如果你想要你的

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

在我看来,如果你不知道几个关于猫的习语,你就不能算是英语流利。今天我们要教你十三个最重要且流行的关于猫的表达,那是每一个英语学习者都需要知道的。 1. Cat Got Your Tongue? (say some

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语