One summer, when Sam Beaver was about twenty, he and his father were sitting in their camp in Canada. 一个夏天的某日,快长到二十岁的萨姆正和它的父亲坐在他们在加拿大的营帐里。 It was after supper. Mr. Beaver was roc

发表于:2018-12-07 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 吹小号的天鹅

From Boston, Louis would lead his family to the Philadelphia Zoo and show them Bird Lake. 离开波士顿后,路易斯会领着全家飞到费城动物园,让他们看看鸟湖。 Here, he would be greeted warmly by the Head Man in Charge of Bird

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Rain or shine, cold or warm, every day was a happy day for the two swans. 不管雨天还是晴天,也不管天冷还是天热,对这两只天鹅来说每一天都是幸福的。 In time, the eggs were laid and the cygnets were hatched--four of t

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Meantime, back on the sidewalk in front of the music store, the judge was announcing his decision. 这时候,在乐器店门前的人行道上,那个法官正在宣布他的判决。 On the basis of the testimony, he said solemnly, 根据证词,他

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A policeman hurried to the scene and started to hold the crowd back. 一个警察赶到了出事现场,把人群往后推。 Stand back! he shouted. The swan is wounded. Give him air! 退后!他大喊,这只天鹅受伤了。让他透透气!

发表于:2019-01-01 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 吹小号的天鹅

Chapter 4 The Cygnets 第四章 小天鹅 During the night, the swan thought she heard a pipping sound from the eggs. 那天夜里,雌天鹅觉得她听到了小天鹅用嘴啄蛋壳的声音。 And in the hour just before dawn, she was sure she fe

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Late in the afternoon, the swan was rewarded for her patience. 下午晚些时候,雌天鹅的耐心得到了回报。 She gazed down, and there, pushing her feathers aside, came a tiny head--the first baby, the first cygnet. 她往身下望去,在

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An hour went by. 一小时过去了。 One of the cygnets, more daring than the others, left the nest and teetered around on the shore of the little island. 一只比其他的更胆大的小天鹅离开了窝,颤颤巍巍地在小岛的岸边一圈圈

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The afternoon was warm; the sun was bright. 这个下午很温暖,太阳也很明亮。 The swan decided she could safely leave her eggs for a few minutes. 雌天鹅觉得暂时离开她的蛋,出去几分钟也不会有事。 She stood up. First

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Chapter 5 Louis 第五章 路易斯 One evening a few weeks later, when the cygnets were asleep, the swan said to the cob, 几周后的一个晚上,当小天鹅们还在睡着的时候,雌天鹅对雄天鹅说: Have you noticed anything differe

发表于:2019-01-29 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 吹小号的天鹅

What kind of a bird is he? she asked. 他是种什么鸟?她问。 He's a young Trumpeter Swan, said Sam. 他是一只年轻的号手天鹅,萨姆说, Right now he's sort of a dirty gray color, 现在他的颜色是暗灰的, but in another y

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I'm lucky, he thought. It's Sam. 我太幸运了,他想,那正是萨姆。 When Sam saw the swan, he laid down his ax and stood perfectly still. 萨姆一看到这只天鹅,就放下了他的斧子,一动不动地站在那里。 Louis walked

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The cob swam over to his son and made a presentation speech. 雄天鹅游向他的儿子,发表了一通赠送演说。 Louis, he said, I have been on a journey to the haunts of men. 路易斯,他说,我到人们的老窝做了一次旅行。 I

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Back in Billings, the news spread rapidly. 回头再说比林斯,这个消息在比林斯迅速传开了。 This was the first time a swan had broken into a music store and made off with a trumpet. 一只天鹅闯入一家乐器店偷走一把小号的

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Chapter 8 Love 第八章 爱情 When Louis's father and mother discovered that Louis was missing, they felt awful. 路易斯的父母发现路易斯失踪后,感到非常担忧。 No other young swan had disappeared from the lakes--only Louis. 湖上

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One day, about a week before Christmas, a great storm came up. The sky grew dark. 一天,大约在圣诞节的前一周,来了一场强烈的大风暴。天空变暗了。 The wind blew a howling gale. It made a whining noise. 风怒号着刮来刮

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After a while, Mr. Brickle rose to his feet and addressed the boys and the counselors. 过了一会儿,布里克先生站起来对男孩和辅导员们发表演说了。 I call your attention, he said, to a new camper in our midst--Louis the Swan. 我

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When the Swan Boat docked and the passengers got off, long lines of people were waiting to get aboard for the next ride. 当天鹅游艇在码头靠岸,乘客们下了船之后,等着乘下一班船的人早已排成长队了。 Business was boom

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How about that? asked the Boatman, grinning at the clerk. 这一手如何?游艇老板朝服务员咧嘴笑问道。 Is this swan a musician or isn't he? 这只天鹅到底是不是音乐家? He plays a sweet trumpet, the clerk said. 他的小号吹

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Because a swan has such a long neck, the table was just the right height for Louis. 因为每只天鹅都有一个这么长的脖子,所以这桌子对路易斯来说正好够高。 He didn't need a chair; he ate his supper standing up. 他不需要坐

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