Wozniak, not surprisingly, had the opposite attitude. 沃兹尼亚克在处理此事的态度上,自然是与乔布斯截然不同的。 Before the shares went public, he decided to sell, at a very low price, two thousand of his options to forty di

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Like a Porsche 像保时捷那样 Jef Raskin's vision for the Macintosh was that it would be like a boxy carry-on suitcase, 杰夫拉斯金设想中的麦金塔电脑就像一只四四方方的手提箱, which would be closed by flipping up the key

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By early 1981 the Mac team had grown to about twenty, and Jobs decided that they should have bigger quarters. 到1981年初,Mac团队的规模已经扩展到了差不多20人,乔布斯觉得他们该有个更大的办公区了。 So he moved ever

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It reflects his personality, which is to want control, 这反映了他喜欢掌控一切的个性。 said Berry Cash, who was hired by Jobs in 1982 to be a market strategist at Texaco Towers. 贝里卡什说,卡什于1982年被乔布斯聘请到苹果

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At the calligraphy class he had audited at Reed, 还在里德学院的时候, Jobs learned to love typefaces, with all of their serif and sans serif variations, proportional spacing, and leading. 乔布斯在旁听书法课时爱上了各种衬线字

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Another of Jobs's maxims at the retreat was It's better to be a pirate than to join the navy. 乔布斯的另一条著名言论是当海盗,不要当海军。 He wanted to instill a rebel spirit in his team, 他想给自己的团队灌输叛逆精神

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So Sculley agreed to meet again when Jobs next came to New York, 因此,斯卡利同意在乔布斯下次来纽约的时候再次同他会面, which happened to be for the January 1983 Lisa introduction at the Carlyle Hotel. 而那天恰好是198

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Jobs confided in Sculley that he believed he would die young, 乔布斯向斯卡利坦言,他认为自己年轻的时候就会死去, and therefore he needed to accomplish things quickly so that he would make his mark on Silicon Valley history. 因

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The Honeymoon 蜜月 Sculley arrived in California just in time for the May 1983 Apple management retreat at Pajaro Dunes. 斯卡利到达加利福尼亚的时候,正好赶上了1983年5月苹果公司管理人员在帕加罗沙丘的度假。 Even

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The consummation occurred outside the penthouse on one of the terraces, 在公寓的一个露天平台上,事情终于圆满成功了。 with Sculley sticking close to the wall because he was afraid of heights. 斯卡利当时紧贴着墙,因为他

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Real Artists Ship 真正的艺术家总能完成作品 The high point of the October 1983 Apple sales conference in Hawaii was a skit based on a TV show called The Dating Game. 1983年10月,苹果公司在夏威夷举行销售会议,乔布斯上演

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Sculley began to believe that Jobs's mercurial personality and erratic treatment of people were rooted deep in his psychological makeup, 斯卡利开始相信,乔布斯善变的个性和对人飘忽不定的态度深深根植于他的心理构成中,

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In its design, color arrangement, and orientation, the logo is a study in contrasts, his booklet proclaimed. 从设计、色彩搭配和定位来看,这个标识就是对比的杰作,他的小册子中写道, Tipped at a jaunty angle, it brims

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

What made the request all the more astonishing to Eisenstat was that it was Jobs who, just a year earlier, 更令艾森斯塔特惊讶的地方在于,就在一年前, had forced frogdesign to abandon its work on Wozniak's remote control device. 乔

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He is full of mannerisms. He bites his nails. 他有很多怪癖,包括咬指甲, He stares with unnerving earnestness at whoever is speaking. 还有用他那令人胆怯的认真劲儿盯着说话的人。 His hands, which are slightly and inexp

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On a beautiful spring day in 1986, 在1986年春天的一个美丽的日子, they met in the publishing house's grand building in the heart of Oxford, 他们在牛津郡中心的出版社大楼见面, where Jobs made an offer of $2,000 plus 74 ce

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The Computer NeXT计算机 During the early months of NeXT, Jobs and Dan'l Lewin went on the road, NeXT公司成立的最初几个月,乔布斯和丹卢因四处奔波, often accompanied by a few colleagues, to visit campuses and solicit opinions

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Joanna Hoffman, the veteran of the Macintosh team who was among those willing to challenge Jobs, did so. 麦金塔团队的老成员乔安娜霍夫曼是敢于挑战乔布斯的人之一,她又一次这样做了。 Reality distortion has motivation

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Rand flew out to Palo Alto and spent time walking with Jobs and listening to his vision. 兰德飞到了帕洛奥图,同乔布斯一同走了走,听取了他的构想。 The computer would be a cube, Jobs pronounced. He loved that shape. It was p

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Mike Markkula rankled at the possibility that Jobs would hire anyone from Apple. 对于乔布斯可能会聘请苹果员工,迈克马库拉颇有微词。 Why would you take anyone at all? he asked. 你凭什么带走任何一个人?他质问乔布

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