So Jobs and Wozniak were invited to have a meeting with, as his impish business cards read, Regis McKenna, himself. 于是乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克获邀去拜访 麦肯纳,本人--他的名片上就是这么写的。 This time it was the normall
The First Launch Event 首次盛大的产品发布会 The introduction of the Apple II was scheduled to coincide with the first West Coast Computer Faire, Apple II 的发布时间被设定为与首届西海岸电脑展览会同步。 to be held in Ap
In September Chuck Peddle of the Commodore computer company came by the Jobs house to get a demo. 9月,康懋达电脑公司的查克佩德尔来到乔布斯家中观看他的演示。 We'd opened Steve's garage to the sunlight, and he came in wear
To Jobs, this seemed preferable to talk therapy because it involved intuitive feeling and emotional action rather than just rational analyzing. 在乔布斯看来,这一疗法比谈话疗法要好,因为这其中包含了直观的感受和情感上
Jobs later said that Janov's teachings did not prove very useful. 乔布斯后来说,事实证明亚诺夫的方法并没有什么效果。 He offered a ready-made, buttoned-down answer which turned out to be far too oversimplistic. 他提供的只是
Breakout 打砖块 One day in early 1975 Al Alcorn was sitting in his office at Atari when Ron Wayne burst in. 1975年初的一天,阿尔奥尔康正坐在雅达利公司的办公室里,罗恩韦恩冲了进来。 Hey, Stevie is back! he shouted.
Astonishingly, they were able to get the job done in four days, and Wozniak used only forty- five chips. 令人惊讶的是,他们真的在4天时间里完成了任务,而且沃兹只用了45块芯片。 Recollections differ, but by most accounts
Machines of Loving Grace 慈爱的机器 In San Francisco and the Santa Clara Valley during the late 1960s, various cultural currents flowed together. 20世纪60年代末,各种文化潮流在旧金山和硅谷交汇。 There was the technology rev
But by the early 1970s a shift was under way. 但到了20世纪70年代初期,人们的想法开始转变。 Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression and liberation
Brand ran the Whole Earth Truck Store, which began as a roving truck that sold useful tools and educational materials, 布兰德经营着一桩名为全球卡车商店的生意,刚开始只是一辆四处游荡的卡车,出售各种很酷的工具和
After work each day, Wozniak would go home for a TV dinner and then return to HP to moonlight on his computer. 每天下班以后,沃兹尼亚克就回到家,一边看电视一边吃晚饭,然后就回到惠普公司连夜研究他的计算机。
This was not an outlook that Bill Gates embraced. 但比尔盖茨不是这么想的。 After he and Paul Allen had completed their BASIC interpreter for the Altair, 他和保罗艾伦完成了阿尔泰电脑的BASIC语言编译器后, Gates was app
Apple Is Born 苹果诞生了 Now that they had decided to start a business, they needed a name. 既然决定开公司了,就要给公司起个名字。 Jobs had gone for another visit to the All One Farm, 乔布斯之前又去了一次团结农场,
His argument was that a great engineer would be remembered only if he teamed with a great marketer, 他的理由是,一个伟大的工程师,只有和一个伟大的营销人员合作,才有可能被世人所铭记, and this required him to c
Wayne then got cold feet. 之后韦恩就退缩了。 As Jobs started planning to borrow and spend more money, he recalled the failure of his own company. 乔布斯开始计划借入并花掉更多的钱,韦恩便想起了以前自己公司失败的教
Jobs was thrilled to give him a private demo. 乔布斯非常兴奋能给他私下作演示。 Take a look at this, he said. 看看吧,他说, You're going to like what you see. 你会喜欢上你看到的东西。 Terrell was impressed enough to
Garage Band 车库工厂 The Jobs house in Los Altos became the assembly point for the fifty Apple I boards 乔布斯一家位于洛斯阿尔托斯的房子,成为了这50块AppleI主板的组装工厂。 that had to be delivered to the Byte Shop w
The Homebrew Computer Club 家酿计算机倶乐部 The group became known as the Homebrew Computer Club, 新成立的组织叫做家酿计算机俱乐部, and it encapsulated the Whole Earth fusion between the counterculture and technology. 它如同
Atari 雅达利 In February 1974, after eighteen months of hanging around Reed, Jobs decided to move back to his parents' home in Los Altos and look for a job. 1974年2月,在里德学院晃荡了18个月之后,乔布斯决定搬回父母在洛斯阿
Jobs did in fact find a teacher right in his own neighborhood. 事实上,乔布斯确实在他洛斯阿尔托的家附近找到了一个导师。 Shunryu Suzuki, who wrote Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind and ran the San Francisco Zen Center, 《禅者的初
- 乔布斯传 第493期:连点成线(4)
- 乔布斯传 第491期:连点成线(2)
- 乔布斯传 第492期:连点成线(3)
- 乔布斯传 第321期:丽萨住了进来(3)
- 乔布斯传 第314期:安家(3)
- 乔布斯传 第315期:安家(4)
- 乔布斯传 第316期:安家(5)
- 乔布斯传 第317期:安家(6)
- 乔布斯传 第318期:安家(7)
- 乔布斯传 第319期:丽萨住了进来(1)
- 乔布斯传 第322期:丽萨住了进来(4)
- 乔布斯传 第323期:丽萨住了进来(5)
- 乔布斯传 第324期:丽萨住了进来(6)
- 乔布斯传 第325期:丽萨住了进来(7)
- 乔布斯传 第326期:孩子们(1)
- 乔布斯传 第328期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(1)
- 乔布斯传 第327期:孩子们(2)
- 乔布斯传 第336期:停下来!(3)
- 乔布斯传 第329期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(2)
- 乔布斯传 第330期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(3)
- 乔布斯传 第493期:连点成线(4)
- 乔布斯传 第491期:连点成线(2)
- 乔布斯传 第492期:连点成线(3)
- 乔布斯传 第321期:丽萨住了进来(3)
- 乔布斯传 第314期:安家(3)
- 乔布斯传 第315期:安家(4)
- 乔布斯传 第316期:安家(5)
- 乔布斯传 第317期:安家(6)
- 乔布斯传 第318期:安家(7)
- 乔布斯传 第319期:丽萨住了进来(1)
- 乔布斯传 第322期:丽萨住了进来(4)
- 乔布斯传 第323期:丽萨住了进来(5)
- 乔布斯传 第324期:丽萨住了进来(6)
- 乔布斯传 第325期:丽萨住了进来(7)
- 乔布斯传 第326期:孩子们(1)
- 乔布斯传 第328期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(1)
- 乔布斯传 第327期:孩子们(2)
- 乔布斯传 第336期:停下来!(3)
- 乔布斯传 第329期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(2)
- 乔布斯传 第330期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(3)