Life in Los Angeles 天使之城的生活 Vans of the rich and gridlocked 堵在路上的富豪座驾 Vehicles that make waiting in traffic a pleasure 个性化座驾让堵在路上成为一种享受 I HATE driving in Los Angelesthe traffic makes you

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Reproductive technology 生育技术 Oh, baby 噢,宝贝! Britain's approval of babies with three genetic parents offers lessons for other countries 英国通过三亲婴儿决议,给他国带来的影响。 PLAYING God is what medicine is for.

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Europe Greek politics Tsipras's travels The new government ruffles feathers abroad but gains popularity at home 欧洲 希腊政治 齐普拉斯之旅 希腊新政府享誉国内却在国际上饱受指责 RATINGS for the evening news soared this wee

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University endowments 大学捐赠 The lolly and the Ivies 金钱amp;常青藤 Cambridge has the largest endowment of any British university, at 4.9 billion (7.4 billion). It sounds impressive until you look at Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Harvard

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The Litvinenko inquiry 利特维年科案的调查 Murder most mystifying 扑朔迷离的谋杀案 Truth, perhaps, about a Kremlin hit-jobbut little prospect of justice 也许会揭开克里姆林宫特工职务的真相,但取回公道的希望一片

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Multiple births 多胞胎 Oh, baby 噢,宝贝 A reduction in multiple-birth pregnancies is a good thing 多胞胎怀孕率的减少是件好事 IT HAS long been known that in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) increases the chances of multiple births, as se

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America's mid-term elections 美国中期选举 The silent centre 沉寂的中间地带 If moderates don't vote next week, extremists will thrive 如果中立人士于下周不进行选举,极端主义者将会茁壮发展 ALL political campaigns i

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Home brewing 家庭酿造 A pint well made 一品脱制作精良的好酒 Britain's home brewers are raising a more palatable glass 英国家庭酿酒者杯中美酒更加可口 Mr Nelson's tipple 纳尔逊先生的酒 HOME brew was once a phrase tha

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Rough sleeping 露宿街头 One home at a time 房子的救赎 How to cut the number of street dwellersand save money, too 减少倒卧,节约开支 HANDING a homeless alcoholic the keys to a free furnished flat may seem foolish, unfair or both. Th

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The Supreme Court 最高法院 Drafting laws, vows and maps 起草法案,郑重起誓,划分选区 Obamacare, gay marriage and race: the justices' term is heating up 奥巴马医改,同性婚姻,种族问题:最高法院忙得团团转 TWO

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Congress and the president 国会与总统 Face-off 对峙 Anyone hoping for an outbreak of good government is likely to be disappointed 想要一个良好政府的人们恐要大失所望 SPEAKING at the White House after a stinging mid-term defeat,

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FIFA and corruption 国际足联与腐败 Hear no evil 非礼勿听 Football's governing body is struggling to silence its critics 足球管理机构努力平息批评 AUTOCRATIC Russia and sweltering Qatar won the rights to host the 2018 and 2022 Wo

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The SNP's new leader 苏格兰国民党的新领袖 Queen of Scots 苏格兰女王 Alex Salmond's unflashy successor could yet outshine him 亚历克斯萨蒙德的接班人朴实无华,却更胜一筹 ALEX SALMOND, Scotland's most famous secession

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HIV/AIDS 艾滋病 A spectre returns 幽灵般的转机 The fall in HIV infections conceals a worrying rise among gay men 艾滋病感染率下降安抚了日益惶恐的男同性恋们 A TELEVISION campaign in the 1980s showed a volcano exploding an

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America's next defence secretary 美国下任国防部长 Fit for purpose 量身定做 Ashton Carter is well-qualified to lead the Pentagon, if he is allowed to 阿什顿卡特完全够格统领五角大楼,前提是他通过提名 More hawkish tha

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Lexington 莱克星顿 Mr Castro goes to Washington 卡斯特罗来到华盛顿 A rising Hispanic star ponders how to reconcile Americans with the federal government 一颗冉冉升起拉美裔的新星思考如何协调美国人与联邦政府之间的

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Bribery 贿赂 Graft work 移花接木 A new study lights up the shadows 无处遁形 GONE are the days when multinationals could book bribes paid in far-flung countries as a tax-deductible expense. These days would-be palm-greasers have to contend w

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Cycling in Sao Paulo 在圣保罗骑行 Tropic of Copenhagen 热带的哥本哈根 A city fights its car addiction 城市戒车瘾 SaO PAULO'S obsession with the automobile is well documented. It first hosted a Formula 1 Grand Prix in 1973; a motorwa

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Internet use 互联网的使用 A tangled web 错综复杂的网络 Who goes online, and where 谁在网上,在哪里? THE internet looks like an adman's dream. Counting how many times an advert on a bus shelter has been viewed is impossible; count

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Sweden's government 瑞典政府 That was quick 生命短暂 Stefan Lofven's fall shows the strength of the far-right Sweden Democrats 瑞典首相斯特凡勒文下台,彰显瑞典极右翼民主党实力 IT WAS supposed to be the Swedish Social D

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