Cannabis in Chile 智利大麻 Easing the agony 减轻痛苦 The state relaxes its stance on the use of the drug as a painkiller 政府立场松绑,允许大麻作为止痛药使用 CECILIA HEYDER has breast cancer. She also has systemic lupus, a d

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London embassies 伦敦大使馆 Envoy envy 招人嫉妒的大使馆 Embassies in London are worth a lot of money 伦敦的大使馆价值不菲 IN 2009 America sold its embassy in fashionable Grosvenor Square for a reported £500m ($800m) to Qatar'

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Recognising Palestine 认可巴勒斯坦 A state of things to come 大波纷争来袭 Britain votes to recognise a Palestinian state 英国投票承认巴勒斯坦国 What would Arthur Balfour say? 阿瑟贝尔福将会说什么? IN HIS declaration

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Psychotherapy 精神疗法 Expanding the shrinks 垂死挣扎 The popularity of CBT is freezing out more traditional forms of therapy CBT的兴起威胁着其它心理疗法 THE unexamined life may not be worth living, but the overexamined life can b

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Education and religion 教育与宗教信仰 Falling away 此消彼长 How education makes people less religiousand less superstitious, too 接受教育越多,宗教倾向越少迷信倾向也越少。这是为什么? JUST one extra year of schoo

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A killer in close up 杀手在敲门 You can do a lot of damage with just seven genes 七个基因,祸害无穷 EBOLA is a simple virus, but also a subtle one. The stringy looking particles consist of a genome wrapped up in two layers of protein. T

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Germany's parliament 德国议会 Order, order! 命令不止 Many Germans crave a less boring Bundestag, including its own president 即便是总统也渴望议院不再那么无聊 Gripped by question time 被提问时间紧抓不放 GERMANY'S parli

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Lexington 莱克星顿 The politics of Guantanamo 关塔那摩监狱政治 The idea of providing a home to terror suspects sparks a revealing fuss in Kansas 堪萨斯热议为恐怖活动嫌疑人安家,发人深省。 IF AN irresponsible Barack Ob

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Terror inCanada 加拿大国内的恐怖主义 Losing your immunity 失去免疫力 Attacks on soldiers in a mainly tranquil land stir talk of global action against terror 士兵在一片宁静的土地上遭受袭击引发了全球有关反恐行动的

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The queen's knickers 女王的短裤 Victorias secret 维多利亚的秘密 维多利亚的秘密.jpg What do you buy the monarchist who has everything? One auction bidder has the answer: knickers that belonged to Queen Victoria. The buyer paid 6,200

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Cheaper oil 油价下跌 Winners and losers 赚了还是赔了? America and its friends benefit from falling oil prices; its most strident critics don't 美国及其盟友将从油价下跌中获益;最为毒舌的批评者们却不能如此 IN E

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French local government 法国地方政府 Slimming down 瘦身中 France tells local governments to cut the fat 法国当局下令地方政府减肥 WHEN Claude Monet lived near the Seine at Argenteuil, he painted white canvas sails and river banks.

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Private health care 私人医疗保健 The problem-solvers 问题的解决者 Hints of how to provide better health care for less money 有关花更少的钱获得更多的医疗保健的建议 CHENMED doesn't look like much. Its clinic north ofMiami

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Insolvency 资不抵债 Going under 愈发艰难 A lot of people are still going bankrupt 仍有很多人濒临破产 GOVERNMENT ministers took a break from wooing the Scots on September 17th to crow over Britains strengthening job market. Unemployme

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Germany's digital future 德国的数字化未来 Googlephobia 谷歌恐惧症 Germany's opposition to American technology firms is short-sighted and self-defeating 德国对美国技术公司的排斥,显得它目光短线,最后弄巧成拙。

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Health care in Vietnam 越南卫生保健 Limping along 一路跛行 Ordinary folk are sick and tired of their public hospitals 老百姓厌烦了公立医院 Full to overflowing 完全超载 WAS the tumour malignant? Nguyen Thi Hoat's doctors could

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The marriage market 婚姻市场 Got to have a J.O.B. 必须要有一份工作 Women still most want to marry men with money 女性仍然最想嫁给有钱的男人 JANE AUSTEN'S characters took it for granted that men with money made more eligible m

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Demography 人口统计学 Hip and hobbling 时髦与蹒跚齐行 Not all towns are desperate to attract young people 并不是所有城镇都渴望吸引年轻人 Nationally, an ageing population is a problem. But locally it can be a boon. The over-

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America and Islamic State 美国与伊斯兰国 Mission relaunched 再担重任 The fight against Islamic State will help define America's role in the world 打击伊斯兰国能帮助美国定位自己的国际角色 FOR more than three years, Barac

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Women-only cabs 女士专用出租车 Fare Ladies 女驾驶员 A new car service offers lifts for women, from women 新的打的服务女司机载女乘客 WOMEN have been driving yellow cabs in New York since the 1940s, but 99% of drivers are male.

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(99) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人文艺系列