Criminal justice in Japan 日本的刑事司法 Forced to confess 屈打成招 Suspects in Japanese police cells are far too vulnerable to abuse日本监狱里的政治嫌犯极其脆弱,易受欺凌 ON THE face of it Japan's system of criminal jus

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Leaders Abortion in America Back in court 社论精粹 美国堕胎问题 重返公堂 It may poison the 2016 election, but the Supreme Court should strike down Texas's restrictive abortion law堕胎问题的争论或许会阻碍2016年大选,但最高

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Women in Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯的女人们 One step forward, one step back 进一步,退一步 Progress for women is going into reverse under the new king 在新任国王的统治下,女性地位的进步又倒退了 WHEN Hind Al-Otaibi we

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Social workers 社会工作者 First, care 关爱为上 A new initiative could revive a beleaguered profession 一个新尝试可以让一个饱受诟病的职业重获新生 ON AUGUST 2nd Magdalena Luczak and her partner, Mariusz Krezolek, were jail

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Air safety 飞行安全 Pressing on 高压 A spate of accidents will not put Asians off air travel 事故连绵不绝,但不会阻止亚洲人乘坐飞机 ON DECEMBER 30th Indonesian officials said they had discovered debris and bodies from AirAsia

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The Vatican and Turkey 梵蒂冈和土耳其 Never forget 永世铭记 Forthrightness about a past atrocity provokes a strong reaction 直面暴行,一石激起千层浪 IN 1915 Pope Benedict XV wrote to Mehmed V, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire,

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China 亚洲中国 Housing 房产 Why grumble? 为何怨声载道? silver lining to the housing cloud 房产疑云的一线希望 JUST how bad is China's housing bubble? One important measurethe most important for those trying to get a foot on the

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Iraq's Christians 伊拉克的基督徒 Nearly all gone 几近消失 The conquering jihadists are evicting or killing Mosul's last Christians 圣战者乘胜追杀摩苏尔的基督徒 At least he's aliveamong the Kurds 至少他还活着作为一个库

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Religion in Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂的宗教 All things happily to all men 对他们而言都是幸福的事情 Sierra Leone bucks a west African trend by celebrating its religious tolerance 塞拉利昂通过颂扬它的宗教容忍来反对西非趋

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Scottish nationalism 苏格兰的民族情怀 Thistles and thorns 烦心乱意 What the Scottish National Party will try to do in Westminster 苏格兰民族党在议会中的举动意欲何在 WITH hardly a glimpse of tartan, Nicola Sturgeon, leader

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German politics 德国政治 Gone boy on the right 消失的极右领袖 How an anti-foreigner, anti-establishment group is changing German politics 一个反移民、反伊斯兰化组织如何改变德国政治 Bachmann: only joking, honest 巴赫曼

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The police and austerity 警察与紧缩 Down beat 下降趋势 Budget cuts may not affect crimebut they will change politics 削减预算可能不会影响犯罪但能改变政治 Good old-fashioned policing 传统治安维持方式 POLICING in Engl

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Social change 社会的改变 The weaker sex 弱男子 Blue-collar men in rich countries are in trouble. They must learn to adapt 在发达国家的蓝领男性群体正处于困境中,他们必须学会适应。 AT FIRST glance the patriarchy appe

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Corporate tax in America 美国的公司税 How to stop the inversion perversion 如何阻止歪曲的误解 Restricting companies from moving abroad is no substitute for corporate-tax reform 限制公司出境并不能成为公司税改革的替代品

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Leaders Satellites Space: the next startup frontier 社论精粹 卫星 太空:下一个 Where nanosats boldly go, new businesses will followunless they are smothered with excessive regulations 微型卫星大胆地去哪儿,新的商业就会跟去

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Top Gear 疯狂汽车秀 High-octane antics 高辛烷值的滑稽 Motormouth Jeremy Clarkson is suspended from the BBC's hit show 快嘴快舌的杰里米克拉克森被BBC热门节目停职 WHEN Jeremy Clarkson suggests switching off the VSC on a To

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Marriage 结婚 Wedding wows 哇,婚礼! How the one-child policy changed Chinese nuptials 独生子女政策如何改变了中式婚礼 Falling in love 陷入爱河 OVERSIZE cupids in pink, furry outfits hand out heart-shaped balloons with I Do

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The Palace of Westminster 威斯敏斯特宫 House of Cards 纸牌屋 The mounting case for MPs to abandon Westminster 议员们正被要求撤离威斯敏斯特宫 OBSERVE the Palace of Westminster on a rainy night, and you may see lights strangely

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Scottish engineering 苏格兰的工程 From ships to satellites 从轮船到卫星的发展 How high-end engineering escaped industrial meltdown 高端工程如何在崩溃的产业中逃过一劫 Box me up Scotty 把我组装成箱,苏格兰人 S

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Latinos in the United States 美国拉美裔族群 How to fire up America 如何调动美国的活力 The rise of Latinos is a huge opportunity. The United States must not squander it 拉美裔族群的增大带来无限机遇,美国可别错过了

发表于:2019-02-24 / 阅读(124) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人文艺系列