Business;Face value;Bank to square one; 商业;商业精英;回到原点的银行; Ken Moelis believes that small is beautiful when it comes to investment banking; 肯莫里斯认为对于投行来说做小是件好事; The first invest
Business 商业 Corporate fraud 公司欺诈行为 Mind your language 谨言慎行 How linguistic software helps companies catch crooks 语言识别软件帮助公司擒获不法之徒 IN THE film Superman 3, a lowly computer programmer (played by Ri
Business 商业 Social media and job titles 社交网站与职位 A pixelated portrait of labour 就业市场高清图 LinkedIn offers a new way to look at employment LinkedIn让你用全新的角度看待就业 OFFICIAL statistics can tell you how m
Business 商业 Diet products 减肥商品 A big, bad business 点肥成金不现实 Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. 肥
Business 商业 Cotton exports 棉花出口 Knickers in a twist 两不讨好 India bans cotton exportsconfusing everyone, including its government 印度禁止棉花出口所有人都摸不着头脑,印政府也不例外 WHEN Mahatma Gandhi began s
Business 商业 IT in Myanmar 缅甸IT业 Yangon's digital spring 仰光的数字之春 An isolated country gradually goes online 一个封闭的国家逐渐地走上了网络前线 WHERE did BarCamp, a get-together of tech geeks (pictured), recently
Business 商业 News Corporation's travails 新闻集团的阵痛 Rising Sun, setting son 《太阳报》冉冉升起,太子爷黯然退场 James Murdoch quits the newspaper business. Will News Corp too? 詹姆斯.默多克不再插手报纸行业,
Business 商业 Diet products 减肥商品 A big, bad business 点肥成金不现实 Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments 制药公司试图从减肥治疗中获利 OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others. 肥
Business 商业 Bakers and chaebol in South Korea 韩国的糕点店与财阀 Let them eat cake 让小店也分一杯羹 A half-baked effort to curb the conglomerates 控制财阀的笨办法 SOME parents give their children cakes. A few give them ca
Business 商业 Corporate culture 企业文化 The view from the top, and bottom 老板与员工的意见分歧 Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree. 老板们认为公司对员工关怀备至,但其下属却不以为然。 A
Business 商业 Microsoft and privacy 微软与隐私 Change of track 转轨 Data on people's online behaviour are worth both paying for and arguing over 广告商愿意花钱购买记录人们在线行为的数据,但跟踪用户行为是否合理则
Business 商业 Veolia's boardroom battle 威立雅集团的董事会斗争 Plumbing the depths 政界涉商之深 What a row over a water company says about French capitalism 从一家水务公司总经理的连续更替来看法国的资本主义 E
Business 商业 Insulting advertisements 侮辱性广告 Ad hominem 人身攻击 When rudeness sells 以冒犯为卖点 THE Israeli government recently raised an interesting question for advertisers: whom can you safely insult? 最近,以色列政府
Business;Face value; 商业;商界人物; BRAC in business BRAC的商业一面 Fazle Hasan Abed has built one of the world's most commercially-minded and successful NGOs; 法佐哈桑阿比德建立了世界上最具商业头脑的、最成功的
Business 商业 The internet and file-sharing 互联网及文件共享 Dotcom bust 网站大搜捕 The arrest of Kim Dotcom has rocked the world of cyberlockers Kim Dotcom被逮捕的遭遇使全球网络存储业务受到震动 MOST people running a
Business 商业 American business 美国公司 Hard times, lean firms 艰难时局磨练高效能企业 How much longer can America keep increasing productivity? 美国的生产率增长还能持续多久? EVERYONE complains that corporate America
Business,Golden,parachutes Rip-cord economics 商业 ,金色降落伞,打开经济降落伞。 Pay-offs for the boss need to be better designed 企业老板薪酬结构须改善。 RICH rewards for departing bosses are not popular. 离职的老板还领
Business B Corps Firms with benefits 商业 互益性企业 心系社会的企业 A new sort of caring, sharing company gathers momentum 一种关爱社会、分享利益的新型公司形式方兴未艾 HE likes to do things differently. 伊冯?乔伊
Business Opening a business in Brazil Why make it simple?商业 在巴西做生意 何等简单Setting up shop has just got easier. But not much 开店变得简单。却没有很多 BRAZIL is not an easy place to start a business. 巴西并不是开店
Business Selling cars online The TrueCar challenge 商业 网上卖车 TrueCar来势汹汹 A price-comparison website causes ructions in the motor trade 比价网站在汽车销售行业掀起争议 AMERICANS looking for a new car nowadays often use
- 经济学人:优步第一把交椅:新时代的考验(上)
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- 经济学人447:土耳其总统 高高在上的埃尔多安
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- 经济学人:优步第一把交椅:新时代的考验(上)
- 经济学人:特朗普欲将空中交通私有化(上)
- 经济学人447:土耳其总统 高高在上的埃尔多安
- 经济学人388:手机 廉价智能手机的崛起
- 经济学人390:亚洲私立医院 随时候命
- 经济学人389:欧洲移民 胜利大逃亡
- 经济学人387:鸣金收兵 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值
- 经济学人386:能源效率融资 钱不是万能的
- 经济学人385:巴基斯坦的移动通信业
- 经济学人384:拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权
- 经济学人383:美国电视产业 广播电视业界的强盗
- 经济学人382:租房网VS旅馆 人人有房
- 经济学人381:科技公司 地位逆转
- 经济学人380:西班牙制造 迫在眉睫
- 经济学人379:南欧的结构性改革 小有成效仍需努力
- 经济学人378:邮政银行 邮件在哪儿钱就在哪儿
- 经济学人362:房利美与房地美
- 经济学人363:脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博
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