Business 商业报道 Corporate governance in Germany 德国公司的管理 Diversifying the board 董事会的多元化 German boards have long been cosy men's clubs. But things are changing 德国的董事会曾一度是享乐者的天堂,但是现

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Leaders 社论 Syria's civil war 叙利亚内战 Desperate times 艰难时刻 A conference on Syria is not enough. The West should also arm the rebels 叙利亚问题远非一项会议可以解决,西方国家还应该为反对派提供武装援助

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Business 商业报道 The music industry 音乐产业 Beliebing in streaming 高举丁日的旗帜 Record bosses now hope that online streaming could become a big enough business to arrest their industry's long decline 唱片公司老板们正希望线

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Business 商业报道 Legal jobs 法律工作 The price of success 成功的代价 Some American law schools are paying many of their graduates' salaries 一些美国法律院校正在为许多他们的毕业生支付薪水 EACH YEAR when U.S. News,

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Business 商业报道 Internet access 互联网接入 Congestion on the line 网上的拥堵 Internet-service providers clamour for a fairer contribution from content firms 互联网服务提供商要求内容商的付出更加公平 THE raid by the

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Carl Icahns latest investment 卡尔伊坎的最新投资 Nice juicy Apple 新鲜多汁的苹果 Activist investors are training their sights on tech firms 积极投资者正在瞄准科技公司 Aug 17th 2013 | SAN FRANCISCO |From the print edition

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Business Totvs 商业报道 Local hero 地方英雄 Brazil's biggest software firm sees a sluggish economy as an opportunity 巴西最大的软件公司把经济不景气看做机会 IN THE late 1970s Bill Gates predicted a computer on every desk and

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Business 商业报道 Comcast's future 康卡斯特的未来 Thinking outside the set-top box 跳出机顶盒定式 America's largest cable company is becoming more like the firms it is battling against for the attention of couch potatoes 美国最大的

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Business 商业报道 EU telecoms regulation 欧盟电信规制 Kroes control 克洛伊持大局 The digital commissioner proposes a single market to speed up Europe 数字委员会提出单一市场来加速欧洲电信网络 EUROPE wasn't always a

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Business 商业报道 Manufacturing in Serbia 塞尔维亚的制造业 Balkan legacy 巴尔干遗产 Fiat goes east to lower costs 菲亚特东迁降低成本 MASS-MARKET carmakers in western Europe are enduring car sales at their lowest since 1993. 畅

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Business 商业报道 Consultancy firms 咨询公司 Strategic moves 战略举措 Big consulting and accounting firms are making a risky move into strategy work 大型的咨询和财务公司正在战略上铤而走险 OPERATIONS consultants sit at t

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Business 商业报道 The future of corporate IT IT企业的未来 Surfing a digital wave, or drowning? 数字时代浪头的弄潮儿还是浪下溺死鬼? Information technology is everywhere.For companies'IT departments, that is a mixed blessing

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Business 商业报道 Apple in China 苹果在中国 Better days ahead 明天会更好 The tech giant can rebound from its recent misfortunes in China 科技巨头将从最近在中国遇到的霉运中走出 THINGS have not gone well for Apple in Ch

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Business 商业报道 TSMC 台积电 A fab success 一家晶圆厂的成功之道 The smartphone boom has been a boon for a pioneer in semiconductors 智能手机的大爆发让这个半导体行业的先锋获益不少 WHEN he founded Taiwan Semicon

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China 亚洲中国 Football 足球 Keepy uppy 逆袭 Chinese football fans at last have something to cheer about 中国球迷终于可以庆祝一次了 ALTHOUGH they excel at gymnastics and table tennis, the sport many Chinese really want to win at

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Designer headphones 名牌耳机 The sound of music 音乐之声 Dr Dres creation of a market for costly cans may herald the return of true hi-fi 说唱歌手Dr Dre创造的高端耳机市场可能预示着高保真时代的回归 Aug 24th 2013 |From

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Finance and economics 财经商业 Reforming the World Bank 世界银行,亟待重整 Zen and the art of poverty reduction 禅宗思想及扶贫艺术 Calm and confusion at the world's biggest development institution 世界最大发展机构平静与

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Finance and economics 财经商业 The Hong Kong dollar 港币 Buy now at 1983 prices 现在入手还是1983年那个价格 After 30 years, Hong Kong's peg to the American dollar is still going strong 三十年后的今天,港币汇率稳定不变将继

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Business in Russia 俄罗斯商业 From bad to worse 每况愈下 Domestic and foreign firms wonder how serious things might get 国内外的企业都想知道境况将会变得多严峻 BEFORE the current standoff between the Kremlin and the West ov

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Schumpeter 熊彼特 Hidden gems 束之高阁的宝藏 Reviving old brands sometimes makes more sense than creating new ones 有时,重启旧品牌比创造新品牌更有价值 CASH IN THE ATTIC is one of the jewels in the BBC's crown: The show th

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(163) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人商业系列