Eurosceptics 疑欧派 A cunning plan 狡猾的计划 Eurosceptics adopt an old Marxist technique 欧洲怀疑论者采用了古老的马克思主义技术 BRUSSELS-BASHING is never out of season in Britain, but the past few weeks have been unusually
Black cabs 黑的士 Rank protectionism 阶级保护主义 A distorted market is becoming even more intolerable 畸形的市场越发难以忍受 Licensed to bill 授权开账单 ALONG with red letterboxes and telephone booths, London's black taxis a
Ukraine's protesters 乌克兰的抗议者 Still out there 仍然在那儿 Viktor Yanukovych's government still faces proteststhough smaller ones 维克托亚努科维奇的政府依然面对着抗议活动尽管规模变小了 ANATOLY HRYTSENKO, a l
Hungary's past 匈牙利的过去 His contentious legacy 有争议的遗产 A wartime leader still divides Hungarians 匈牙利战时领袖依旧掀起大争议 ADMIRAL MIKLOS HORTHY, Hungary's controversial wartime leader and an ally of Hitler, is e
Politicians v newspapers 政客与媒体 Hold the presses 媒体控制 The battle over newspaper regulation rolls into the long grass 新闻法规之战暂被搁置 IT IS not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning
Spain's economy 西班牙经济 The worst may be over 最糟的情况即将结束 Mariano Rajoy predicts economic joy, but Spain still has a long way to go 马里亚诺拉霍伊预测经济形势可喜,但是西班牙仍然任重道远。 THE Prado
Monetary policy 货币政策 A long low note 长期低息 Why interest rates can be expected to stay low for years 为什么可以肯定利率在未来数年都会维持在低位? CENTRAL bankers have a reputation for snatching away the punch bowl
The NHS 国民健康保险制度 Health reform in a cold climate 遇冷的医改 The government's reforms to the NHS are viewed as its biggest failure. They are better than that 政府医改被指其最大败笔。盛名之下其实难副 WITH the Co
Leaders 社论精粹 Privatisation 私有化 The $9 trillion sale 9万亿美元的大拍卖 Governments should launch a new wave of privatisations, this time centred on property 富裕国家的政府应当再掀起一股私有化浪潮,这次应当把
The European Union budget 欧盟预算 The gourmands of Brussels 布鲁塞尔的贪食者 The EU may be spending less, but the cost of running it is rising 欧盟也许会削减开支,但是运营成本在增加 THE European Union is on the verge o
Europe Charlemagne A democratic nightmare 欧洲 查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇 Seeking to confront the rise of Eurosceptics and fill the democratic deficit 根治疑欧主义,弥补民主缺陷 TO ITS critics the European Union was born
Payday lending 发薪日贷款 Shark bait 海底大冒险 The Labour Party launches an attack on payday lenders. It may be too late 工党向发薪日贷款人发难,但这可能为时已晚。 IN THE real world, shoppers are moving online. But ret
Climate change 气候变化 Raise the green lanterns 高举环保大旗 China is using climate policy to push through domestic reforms 中国以环境政策推动国内改革 WHEN world leaders gathered in Paris to discuss cutting planet-heating emis
Mark Carney 马克卡尼 I mean what I say 言出必行 The new governor is struggling to convince sceptical markets 英国银行新晋领导人正试图极力说服持怀疑态度的国内市场 CREDIBILITY is treasured by central bankers. It is aft
Banking in Congo 刚果的银行业 Cash in a canoe 木船运钞 A new system for paying civil servants puts banks through their paces 公务员工资支付方式翻新,银行加快发展脚步 IMAGINE if, to collect your salary each month, you had
Middle East and Africa Nigeria's government 中东非洲 尼日利亚政府 At work at last 总算点卯了 After sixmonths, Nigeria's president no longer leads alone 过了六个月,尼日利亚总统才总算结束了孤立无援的窘境。 THE
Bello 贝洛 The gods that failed 失败的上帝 A writer's recantation highlights the intellectual failures of the Latin American left 作家的改口显示拉美左派的理论失败。 LEAVE aside Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and no writer has done mo
Environmental policy 环保政策 Reefer madness 珊瑚礁化狂热 Turning oil rigs into reefs saves money and marine life. Yet many greens oppose it 石油钻塔变成群礁,既可以省钱,又可以拯救海洋生命。然而,许多绿色环保
Undercover on a Segway 摄位车上进行的秘密活动 Tourists beware 游客们当心 A report from the seamy underworld of unlicensed tour guides 关于无证导游这个阴暗地下世界的报道 A TERRIBLE threat stalks the streets ofWashingto
Scottish finance 苏格兰财政 A case of the jitters 人心惶惶 As the Scottish referendum nears, capital takes fright 苏独公投逼进惊扰资金流动 BEFORE this week many investors and money managers had dismissed the possibility that Scot
- 经济学人:优步第一把交椅:新时代的考验(上)
- 经济学人:特朗普欲将空中交通私有化(上)
- 经济学人447:土耳其总统 高高在上的埃尔多安
- 经济学人388:手机 廉价智能手机的崛起
- 经济学人390:亚洲私立医院 随时候命
- 经济学人389:欧洲移民 胜利大逃亡
- 经济学人387:鸣金收兵 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值
- 经济学人386:能源效率融资 钱不是万能的
- 经济学人385:巴基斯坦的移动通信业
- 经济学人384:拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权
- 经济学人383:美国电视产业 广播电视业界的强盗
- 经济学人382:租房网VS旅馆 人人有房
- 经济学人381:科技公司 地位逆转
- 经济学人380:西班牙制造 迫在眉睫
- 经济学人379:南欧的结构性改革 小有成效仍需努力
- 经济学人378:邮政银行 邮件在哪儿钱就在哪儿
- 经济学人362:房利美与房地美
- 经济学人363:脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博
- 经济学人364:非洲撒哈拉以南地区就业状况
- 经济学人365:铜 破碎的联系
- 经济学人:优步第一把交椅:新时代的考验(上)
- 经济学人:特朗普欲将空中交通私有化(上)
- 经济学人447:土耳其总统 高高在上的埃尔多安
- 经济学人388:手机 廉价智能手机的崛起
- 经济学人390:亚洲私立医院 随时候命
- 经济学人389:欧洲移民 胜利大逃亡
- 经济学人387:鸣金收兵 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值
- 经济学人386:能源效率融资 钱不是万能的
- 经济学人385:巴基斯坦的移动通信业
- 经济学人384:拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权
- 经济学人383:美国电视产业 广播电视业界的强盗
- 经济学人382:租房网VS旅馆 人人有房
- 经济学人381:科技公司 地位逆转
- 经济学人380:西班牙制造 迫在眉睫
- 经济学人379:南欧的结构性改革 小有成效仍需努力
- 经济学人378:邮政银行 邮件在哪儿钱就在哪儿
- 经济学人362:房利美与房地美
- 经济学人363:脸谱网与虚拟现实 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博
- 经济学人364:非洲撒哈拉以南地区就业状况
- 经济学人365:铜 破碎的联系