One of the clearest places to find good metaphors is in poems. 诗歌是最容易出现好隐喻的地方。 Take this haiku by the 18th century Japanese poet Issa. On a branch floating downriver, a cricket singing. 以18世纪日本诗人小林一茶的

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When we talk, sometimes we say things directly. 我们说话时,有时候会直接说。 I'm going to the store.I'll be back in 5 minutes. 我要去商店。我5分钟内回来。 Other times though, we talk in a way that conjures up a small scene.

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全新产品 这次的发布会上,苹果推出了三款新的iPhone以及新一代的Apple Watch: Apple announced its new generation of iPhones and Apple Watch. 很多人认为苹果已经彻底抛弃了数字和数字加S的命名形式,但其实

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简单来讲就是重音上的词要声大,拉长,调高 It's red. See you. I don't care. It's in the bag. Great, I'll take it.

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普通名词短语: 通常是形容词+名词形式,前边的形容词修饰后边的名词,组成一个短语 这时要重读后边的名词,比如blue sky, pretty girl, good job 理解要点: 1. 在普通名词短语中,形容词主要起

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动词词组主要分两种: 1. 第一种:普通动词+介词的短语,重音放在动词上 比如: Look at Look at the cat. 看看那只猫。 Wait for Please wait for me. 拜托等等我。 理解要点: 1. 这是动词的用法,具体来

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动词短语Phrasal verb是由一个动词+介词或者副词组成的 重音应该放在后边的介词或者副词上 比如: work out 健身,锻炼 v. Let's go work out today. 我们今天去健身吧。 但是有些动词短语还可以做名词

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Growing up in Taiwan as the daughter of a calligrapher, 我在台湾长大。作为一位书法家的女儿, one of my most treasured memories was my mother showing me the beauty, the shape and the form of Chinese characters. 我最珍贵的记忆之

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Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square. You get a mouth. 把你的嘴张得越大越好,直到变成正方形。这就是一个口字。 This is a person going for a walk. Person. 这是一个人正在散步。人字。 If the shape

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One tree is a tree. Two trees together, we have the woods. 一棵树是木。两棵树在一起,就是树林。 Three trees together, we create the forest. 三棵树在一起,就是森林。 Put a plank underneath the tree, we have the foundation

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We heard a brilliant simple solution to not killing people in surgery, which is, have a checklist. 我们听说了一个简单有效的方法,来降低手术中病人的死亡率,就是准备一个事项清单。 You can't fix that problem withou

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But in surviving this last year, I was reminded of a cardinal rule -- not a research rule, 但是在过去一年的挣扎中,我被一个基本守则所提醒着--不是做研究的守则, but a moral imperative from my upbringing -- you've got t

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And then I hear, Vulnerability TED! I turn around, I go, Hi. 然后我听到:脆弱TED! 我转过身,说:嗨。 She's right here and she said, You're the shame researcher who had the breakdown. 她就在这儿,然后她说:你就是那个崩

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What would you like for me to talk about? There's three big answers. 那你们想让我讲什么?有三个主要的答案。 This is mostly, to be honest with you, from the business sector: innovation, creativity and change. 这些老实讲,主要是

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The first is: vulnerability is not weakness. 第一件事,脆弱不是弱点。 And that myth is profoundly dangerous. 并且这种错误理解非常危险。 Let me ask you honestly -- and I'll give you this warning, I'm trained as a therapist, so

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And she goes, Uh... no. 然后她说:呃,不记得。 Of course, the only thing I could say at that point was, Yeah, me neither. Yeah -- me neither. 所以当然了,我也只能说:哦,我也是...我也是。 And I'm thinking to myself, Br

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So we have gone through almost 30 characters. 我们已经学了差不多三十个汉字, By using this method, the first eight radicals will allow you to build 32. 通过这个方法,这八个基本字可以衍生出三十二个汉字, The nex

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I'm going to tell you a little bit about my TEDxHouston Talk. 我要跟大家讲一点关于我TEDxHouston演讲的事。 I woke up the morning after I gave that talk with the worst vulnerability hangover of my life. 在演讲之后的那个早上,是

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No, it is. You know why this place is amazing? 不,它就是。为什么这地方很神奇? Because very few people here are afraid to fail. 因为这里几乎没有人 是害怕失败的。 And no one who gets on the stage, so far that I've seen

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What do you do? Well, there are steps we can take to navigate our way through the morass. 怎么办呢?有几个步骤可以指导我们走出迷雾。 Trained liespotters get to the truth 90 percent of the time. 受过识谎训练的人能认识到

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