时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-给朱丽叶的信


  [00:02.16]it seems a little churlish not to meet the woman responsible 1 导致这趟混乱之旅的女人就在眼前 却不见见

[00:05.43]for this voyage 2 of lunacy.       Okay. 有点幼稚吧      好了

[00:07.67]Charlie doesn’t approve, which makes this all the more fun. 查理不同意 这就更好玩了

[00:13.07]We were just going for a glass of wine. Would you like to join us? 我们要去喝一杯 想一起来吗?

[00:15.84]Absolutely not. 当然不想

[00:17.01]What?       Absolutely not. 什么?      当然不想

[00:18.11]It’s been a long day. It’s too long a day. 今天很漫长 实在是太漫长了

[00:20.98]Okay, darling. Have a good sleep.       But I... 好了 亲爱的 做个好梦      但我...

[00:23.48]Do you know somewhere we could go? 能推荐个地方吗

[00:25.99]I actually have the perfect place. 我知道有个地方很完美

[00:32.93]I can’t believe you’re really here. 真不敢相信你真的来了

[00:36.10]I was taking an art course in Tuscany,  我当时在托斯卡纳上艺术课

[00:38.10]staying with a family outside Siena, 住在锡耶纳外的一户人家

[00:40.63]and they had a son Lorenzo, and it was love at first sight. 他们的儿子洛伦佐 我们一见钟情

[00:47.21]He had such gentle blue eyes. 他有温柔的蓝眼睛

[00:49.74]And he told me I was very beautiful. 他说我很漂亮

[01:02.96]And he gave me this ring. 他送我这枚戒指

[01:07.59]We wanted to get married, 我们想结婚的

[01:09.23]but I’d got exams back in England  但我要回英国考试

[01:11.86]and my parents would never have agreed, 我父母也绝对不会答应的

[01:13.69]and I got scared, 于是我怕了

[01:16.44]and I ran away. 我就逃跑了

[01:20.24]Now 现在

[01:24.34]what I really want is to 我真正想要的是

[01:28.28]tell him that I’m so sorry I was such a coward 3. 告诉他 我很抱歉当时这么胆小

[01:33.15]Of course, a card or letter is just too simple. 当然了 寄卡片或写信也太没诚意了

[01:36.82]So, you’ve come to find your Lorenzo? 所以 你回来找你的洛伦佐?

[01:39.86]Yes, and I think I know where he is. 是的 我想我知道他在哪儿

[01:42.73]Where? 在哪?

[01:44.03]On the farm, just near Siena. 锡耶纳旁边的农场

[01:47.80]Charlie’s driving me down tomorrow. 查理明天开车送我去

[01:50.40]Only because I didn’t want you to hitchhike. 只因为我不想让你搭车去

[01:54.31]Well, he thinks it’s a big mistake. 他觉得这是个大错误

[01:56.74]Because you don’t have a romantic 4 bone in your body. 因为你身上根本没有浪漫的细胞

[01:59.38]No, no. It’s because I am a realist. 不 是因为我是个现实主义者

[02:02.25]No. Because you are an Englishman 5! 不 是因为你是英国人!

[02:04.68]Cold as fish! 比动物还冷血!

[02:06.59]Right. And who was it that wrote Romeo and Juliet? 好吧 那罗密欧和朱丽叶是谁写的?

  [02:10.12]Williamo Shakespearelli, a great Italian. 威廉姆·莎士比亚 伟大的意大利人

[02:14.66]They’re mad. They’re mad. 她们疯了 她们疯了

[02:17.53]Sophie, my dear. 索菲 亲爱的

[02:20.47]Good night. Thank you so much. 晚安 非常感谢你

[02:23.74]Thank you. 谢谢

[02:28.31]Good night. Good night, everybody. 晚安 大家晚安

[02:31.01]Good night.       Charlie, let’s go. 晚安      查理 我们走

[02:33.41]Good night, ladies. Ciao.       Good luck. 女士们 晚安 再见      好运

[02:35.31]Bye.       Ciao. 再见      拜

[02:36.92]How wonderful would it be if she found her Romeo? 她要是能找到她的罗密欧 那该多好啊?

[02:42.49]Imagine if she did, 50 years later, all because you found that letter. 想想因为你写的这封信 在50年后 她终于找到了

[02:46.79]Nobody would believe it if it weren’t true, you know. 如果不是亲眼看见 谁也不会信的

[02:59.47]Wait! Wait! 等等 等等!

[03:01.57]Oh, for... Here she comes.       Sorry. 天... 她来了      抱歉

[03:05.31]May I come with you to find Lorenzo?       Come with us? 我能一起去找洛伦佐吗?      跟我们一起?

[03:09.12]What about this fianc?of yours? 那你未婚夫怎么办?

[03:10.48]You’re in the city of love and you want to come with us? 你人在爱之城 你却要跟我们走?

[03:12.89]Yes, I do. Because he’s busy and I’m free. And I mean... 是的 因为他很忙而我有空 而且我的意思是...

[03:16.59]Of course, if it’s not an intrusion. 当然了 如果不打扰你们的话

[03:17.80]No, no, it’s not an intrusion. 不不 一点都不打扰

[03:19.36]I just... Listen, 我只是... 听着

[03:20.59]I do have one thing to tell you first.       It’s not an intrusion. 我倒有事要先告诉你      一点都不打扰

[03:22.56]This is not entirely 6 selfless. 这也不是完全无私的

[03:24.30]It started out as a simple reply to your letter, 这一切开始于看到信的反应

[03:27.17]and now I think it’s so amazing what you’re doing, 现在我觉得你要做的事太美好了

[03:31.14]and I’d love to write about it if it’s okay.        A journalist. 如果可以的话 我想把它写下来      作家

[03:34.31]Gran, a journalist trying to pry 7 into our private lives. 奶奶 有位作家大人想探入我们的私人生活

[03:37.34]Charlie, come on. It’s hardly state secrets, is it? 查理 好了 这又不是国家机密 是不是?

[03:40.21]I’m not a journalist. I would like to be some day, but... 我不是作家 希望有一天我能当上作家 但是...

[03:43.15]And you think Gran’s story is your ticket? 你觉得奶奶的故事能当你的垫脚石?

  [03:45.48]I think it’s a story worth telling. 我觉得这故事值得讲出来

[03:47.32]I’d love to have you with us. 我希望你能跟我们一起去

[03:48.92]Really?       Yes. Of course. 真的吗?      是的 当然

[03:51.82]We would. 我们会的

[04:40.07]How much time did you actually spend with Lorenzo? 你到底跟洛伦佐相处了多久?

[04:43.41]Every second that we could. 可能的每一分每一秒

[04:45.81]I’d go to meet him after class, to the farm where he was working, 下课后我会去见他 去他工作的农场

[04:50.22]and we’d sit under the trees  我们会坐在树下

[04:52.12]and we’d share some bread with tomatoes and olive 8 oil. 就着西红柿和橄榄油吃面包

[04:55.63]It’s so romantic.       Yeah. 好浪漫      是的

[04:57.02]What’s so romantic about eating in the dirt? 在飞沙中吃面包有什么好浪漫的

[04:58.82]Really? 真的?

[04:59.89]The dirt. Well, you see, he loved the earth. 飞沙 他喜欢地球

1 responsible
  • He must be responsible to me for this matter.这件事他必须对我负责。
  • The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order.警察负责维持法律与秩序。
2 voyage
  • Life is compared to a voyage.人生好比航海。
  • The December weather favoured our voyage.12月的天气使我们的航行顺利。
3 coward
  • The newspapers had unjustly labelled him as a coward.那家报纸不公正地称他为懦夫。
  • I was basically a dreadful coward.从根本上说,我非常胆小怕事。
4 romantic
  • She thinks it will be romantic to be an actress.她认为当个女演员会很浪漫。
  • Her husband is very romantic.她丈夫非常浪漫。
5 Englishman
  • I was astonished that he was not an Englishman.我很惊讶,他竟不是英国人。
  • She stared thoughtfully at the Englishman across the table.她若有所思地盯着桌子对面的那个英国人。
6 entirely
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
7 pry
  • He's always ready to pry into other people's business.他总爱探听别人的事。
  • We use an iron bar to pry open the box.我们用铁棍撬开箱子。
8 olive
  • Have you eaten a kind of fruit called olive?你吃过橄榄这种水果吗?
  • She likes olive because It'symbolizes peace.她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平。
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Wooramel R.