时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语—换子疑云


  [00:06.42]Oh, God. 哦,我的老天

[00:07.78]Well, he's lying. 好吧,他是在撒谎

[00:08.66]Have you gone soft in the head, Les? 你脑子抽风了么?莱斯?

[00:11.06]Twenty kids, sir. 整整二十个孩子,长官

[00:12.58]<i>He's playing you.</i> 他在耍你呢

[00:13.86]He knows he's in trouble, so he's come up with some cock and bull story 他知道自己肯定麻烦了 所以搞出这种狗屁故事来糊弄人

[00:16.06]about how he was forced to stay in the country. 说什么自己是被迫留在这里的

[00:18.34]With all due respect, sir, I don't think so. You didn't see him. 那是你的看法,长官 我不这么认为,你没有看见他的表情

[00:21.38]This kid, he's scared half out of his mind. 这小子已经被吓得半死,浑浑噩噩了

[00:23.62]He picked the Collins kid. We found him, remember? 他还挑了那个叫柯林斯的小鬼 我们已经找到那孩子了,你还记得不?

[00:27.46]Haven't you been reading the papers? 你没读报纸吗?

[00:28.58]Or maybe you have, is that it? 可能你已经读过了 我说的对吗?

[00:32.66]<i>Sir, if you'd just listen to me...</i> 长官,请你听我说

[00:34.34]Who? That Reverend Briegleb. - 谁? - 那个布里格勒博牧师

[00:35.82]He's asking about Christine Collins. 他在打听克莉斯汀·柯林斯的事

[00:37.42]Well, you tell that son of a bitch 好吧,那你去告诉那个煞笔

[00:38.82]to get the hell off of police property, 让他快点从警察局里他妈的滚出去

[00:41.50]I tried. He said he won't leave, him or his friends. 我说了,但是他说他不会离开 他还带了人来

[00:42.38]or I'll have him arrested for disturbing the peace. 不然我就以扰乱治安罪逮捕他

[00:45.06]What? 什么?

[00:49.82]Oh, what the hell! 哦,真他妈的该死!

[00:54.30]Jesus! 上帝!

[00:59.26]Oh, Jesus jumped down. 哦,上帝都去死吧

[01:00.14]<i>Captain?</i> 上尉?

[01:02.74]Listen to me. You're to do nothing except get back here. 听我说,你给我回来,什么都不要做

[01:04.46]<i>Ybarra? Yeah.</i> - 伊巴拉 - 我在

[01:07.42]<i>Sir, departmental policy requires that</i> 长官,根据警局的规定

[01:09.42]all allegations of homicide have to be investigated. 所有谋杀案都要进行调查

[01:11.10]These are kids, for Christ sake. 看在上帝的份上,这些可是孩子啊

[01:12.78]Departmental policy is what I say it is. 我刚才的话就是局里的规定

[01:13.42]Now, I'm ordering you to get your ass 1 back here with that kid, you got that? 现在我命令你带着那个孩子滚回来,听到没有?

[01:17.78]You don't talk to anybody and you bring me that kid. You got it? 你谁都不要讲,然后给我把那个孩子带过来,听明白没?

[01:20.66]Nobody! 不准告诉任何人!

[01:34.38]Captain Jones. Boys. - 琼斯上尉 - 伙计们

[01:36.66]What the hell have you done with Christine Collins? 你把克莉斯汀·柯林斯怎么了?

[01:40.66]And don't try and lie your way out of it, 不要给我装腔作势说些虚的

[01:40.74]because several of her neighbors saw her being driven away in a police car. 有好几个邻居都看见她坐上一辆警车走的

[01:47.98]Mrs. Collins has been placed in protective custody 2 柯林斯太太因为精神崩溃

[01:48.70]following a mental breakdown 3. 现在正在我们的保护性监管中

[01:53.58]A what? 精神崩溃?

[01:54.26]She's getting the best treatment available. 她正在接受最好的治疗

[01:58.26]And that will be all. 事情就是这样

[02:01.38]Next. 下一个

[02:03.98]Medication. 药物治疗

[02:04.38]Go on. Move up. For what? 过来 接受什么?

[02:05.26]Medication for what? The kind that's good for you. 为什么要做药物治疗? 对你有益

[02:07.78]Help you relax. 能够帮助你休息

[02:09.58]Well, I don't want to relax. Come on. 但是我不想要休息 别这样

[02:10.86]if that's what you want. I don't know what it is! 如果你希望我们用这样的方式的话 我不知道这是什么药!

[02:11.14]I'm not gonna take something... We can force-feed you 我什么药都不需要… 那我们将强制你服用

[02:13.74]I don't know what it is. Dr. Steele? Take it. Orderly. 我不知道,斯蒂尔医生 抓住她

[02:13.90]Dr. Steele? 斯蒂尔医生?

[02:15.14]I understand. Come on. 我明白,过来吃药

[02:16.30]Ladies, keep moving. Come on. 女士,继续走,过来

[02:18.30]I don't wanna take anything that I don't know what it is. 我不知道这是什么东西,我不要吃

[02:22.10]There's nothing wrong with me that I need medication. 我什么病都没有,我不用接受药物治疗

[02:22.30]There's nothing wrong with you. 你的确没有什么问题

[02:27.14]No, there's nothing wrong. No. 你没有问题 没有

[02:30.54]You're fine. Yes, I am. 你很健康? 是的,我很好

[02:30.94]Well, then you shouldn't have any trouble signing this. 那么你应该能够在这个上面签字

[02:37.98]By signing it, you certify 4 that you were wrong 签了这份东西,你要承认

[02:42.38]when you stated the boy returned to you by the police was not your son. 警察还给你的孩子不是你儿子这话是错的

[02:45.02]It further stipulates 5 that the police were right 这上面还声明警察把你送到这里

[02:46.02]in sending you here for observation and it absolves 6 them 接受看护是有必要的 他们不必对此承担任何责任

[02:48.02]of all responsibility. Sign it. 签字吧

[02:51.78]I won't sign that. 我不会签字的

[02:53.82]I won't sign that. 我不会在上面签字的

[02:55.90]Well, then your condition is not improved. 好吧,那说明你的情况没有好转

[02:58.66]Sign it, and you can be out of here first thing tomorrow morning. 签完字,明天一早你就可以出去

[03:02.82]But I wasn't wrong. 可我根本没错

[03:06.90]He's not my son. My son is still missing. 他不是我儿子,我的儿子还失踪着

[03:08.90]Mrs. Collins, you're becoming agitated 7. 柯林斯太太,你开始激动了

[03:10.98]Yes, I'm, yes... I'm not signing that, because he's not my son! 是的,我是很激动…我不签 因为他不是我儿子!

[03:15.54]Orderly! 看护员!

[03:16.78]My son is missing! 我的儿子还没有找到

[03:16.94]He's not my son! Orderly! 他不是我儿子! 看护员!

[03:19.66]The patient is becoming hysterical 8! No! My son is missing! 这个病人精神错乱了 我没有!我的儿子失踪了!

[03:20.94]See to it she is sedated 9 properly. 去看看镇静剂是不是有效

[03:23.30]Get her out of here. No! No! No! - 把她带出去 - 不!不!不!

[03:25.58]Next! No! 下一个! 不!

[03:26.62]No, no! Orderly, hold on. 不!不! 看护员,抓住她

[03:31.74]Stop it! 住手!

[03:33.38]No! Open your mouth. Open, open your mouth. 该死!张嘴! 张开,张嘴

[03:35.22]Easy! You got her? 冷静! 你抓好她了?

[03:38.74]God! Swallow it. 上帝啊! 吞下去

[03:39.30]Stop it! 住手!

[03:42.70]Move back. 退回去

[03:44.38]Come on, you got her? 过来,你找到她了?

[03:46.70]Stay out of this! This is none of your business! This is police business! 不准插手,这跟你们没关系 这是警察在办事!

[03:47.58]All of you! You'll stay out of it if you know what's good for you! 你们所有人都别动!都不准过来 如果你们还有点脑子的话!

[03:52.26]You'd think you were in enough trouble with the law already, 你不知道你已经惹上很多麻烦了么

[03:55.46]being a whore, wouldn't you? 臭婊子,你不明白么?

[03:59.38]Attacking a staff member. Room 18. 攻击管理人员 把她关进18号房间去

[04:02.22]No, no! Stop it! No! 不,不要!住手!不要!

[04:05.58]No! No! 不!不!

[04:06.66]No! Stop it! 不!住手!

1 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
2 custody
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被还押候审一个星期。
  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.抢劫案发生后,他立即被押了起来。
3 breakdown
  • She suffered a nervous breakdown.她患神经衰弱。
  • The plane had a breakdown in the air,but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.飞机在空中发生了故障,但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了。
4 certify
  • I can certify to his good character.我可以证明他品德好。
  • This swimming certificate is to certify that I can swim one hundred meters.这张游泳证是用以证明我可以游100米远。
5 stipulates
n.(尤指在协议或建议中)规定,约定,讲明(条件等)( stipulate的名词复数 );规定,明确要求v.(尤指在协议或建议中)规定,约定,讲明(条件等)( stipulate的第三人称单数 );规定,明确要求
  • The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The contract stipulates for the use of seasoned timber. 合同上订明用干透的木料。 来自辞典例句
6 absolves
宣告…无罪,赦免…的罪行,宽恕…的罪行( absolve的第三人称单数 ); 不受责难,免除责任 [义务] ,开脱(罪责)
  • Not making a decision absolves procrastinators of responsibility for the outcome of events. 不做决定让他们不会为事情的最终结果承担责任。
  • Moist soil absolves absorbs more heat than loose, dry soil covered with much mulch or vegetation. 湿润的土壤,相比有覆盖物或有植物的稀疏、干燥土壤能够吸收更多的热量。
7 agitated
  • His answers were all mixed up,so agitated was he.他是那样心神不定,回答全乱了。
  • She was agitated because her train was an hour late.她乘坐的火车晚点一个小时,她十分焦虑。
8 hysterical
  • He is hysterical at the sight of the photo.他一看到那张照片就异常激动。
  • His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.他那歇斯底里的笑声使所有的人不知所措。
9 sedated
v.使昏昏入睡,使镇静( sedate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She's sedated,but she's probably scared out of her mind. 她很安静,但是她可能已经吓疯了。 来自电影对白
  • Are you telling me the porn actually sedated you? 你是要告诉我,那毛片的确让你镇静下来吗? 来自电影对白
'Ar'ar, Wādī
AC three phase four wire system with neutral earthed
Agave L.
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arrow arums
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flare away
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grammothele fuligo
have too much on one's plate
helping-hand phenomenon
Itapicuru, Sa.de
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make sb's heart flutter
marzipan cake
mesial slope
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Off Peak Power
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sarcophaga iwuensis
shrapnel wound
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subbituminous a coal
supplementary feeds
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take to sth like a duck to water
thermodynamic test
transistor-to-transistor logic
twist lace
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yellow trumpet