英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 04
时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语—换子疑云
- 1 英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 04
[00:02.84]Damn you! 你真该死!
[00:06.60]I want my son back! 我要我的儿子回来!
[00:41.24]I was wrong to yell at you. 我不应该对你大吼大叫的
[00:47.76]You're just a child 你只是个孩子
[00:51.16]and I don't think you know what you're doing, 我想你也不知道自己正在做什么
[00:53.52]and the hurt you're causing. 还有你的到来给我带来的伤害
[00:55.76]But I need you to understand that my son is my life. 但是你必须知道一件事,我的儿子就是我的生命
[01:01.96]He's all I have. 他就是我的一切
[01:07.16]And no matter what the police think, and no matter what the world thinks, 不管警察是怎么想的,我也不管世界上所有人怎么想
[01:12.40]you and I, 你和我
[01:19.20]We both know that you're not Walter. 我们都清楚你不是沃特
[01:24.56]You just have to tell them that you're not my son, 你只要告诉他们说你不是我的儿子
[01:28.84]so they can find my son. 然后他们就会找到我儿子了
[01:33.00]Please. 求求你
[01:40.36]We can talk tomorrow. 我们明天再说吧
[02:04.52]Hello? 哈啰?
[02:06.20]<i>Is this Mrs. Christine Collins?</i> 是克莉斯汀·柯林斯太太吗?
[02:08.60]Yes. 我是
[02:09.16]My name is Gustav Briegleb. 我的名字叫做古斯塔夫·布里格勒博
[02:12.80]I'm the pastor 1 over at St. Paul's Presbyterian. 我是圣保罗教会的牧师
[02:16.64]Oh, yes, I've heard your broadcasts. 哦,我知道你,我听过你的广播
[02:18.76]I'm... 我…
[02:19.20]Thank you. 谢谢你
[02:21.08]<i>Have you read the Times this morning?</i> 你读过今天的泰晤士报了没?
[02:25.60]No. 没有
[02:26.16]<i>Well, maybe you should give it a gander and then come over here to the parish</i> 也许你应该先去读一下 然后过来教堂这里吃早餐
[02:31.24]for breakfast, in, say, an hour. I think we should meet. 大约一个小时之后,我们会再见的
[02:36.20]Hello? 哈啰?
[02:45.76]"Mysterious case of... 神秘案件…
[02:48.16]"Acting on the request of the Los Angeles Police Department, 应洛杉矶警局的要求
[02:51.92]"Dr. Earl W. Tarr, child specialist, examined Walter Collins 儿童专家伊尔·塔尔医生为沃特·柯林斯
[02:53.84]"to determine the cause of his loss of weight, 作了检查,以了解造成他变矮的原因
[02:55.32]"paleness, confusion, and rundown condition 自从星期一这个孩子
[02:59.36]"To his mother last Monday. " 显得苍白、疑惑、摇摇欲坠
[03:00.28]"noticed since the return of the boy 回到他母亲的身边之后
[03:03.64]Lovely bit of phrasing, isn't it? 用词很优美,不是吗?
[03:06.84]Noticed since the return of the boy to his mother. 他提到自从孩子回到他母亲身边后
[03:10.24]Now, not only does that clearly state you're the boy's mother, 现在不只是证明了你就是这男孩的妈妈
[03:12.60]but one could infer from it that you're somehow responsible for these changes. 还指出说你应该为这些改变负责
[03:18.36]And that the police department is concerned 而且警察局开始关注
[03:18.84]for the boy's welfare while he's in your charge. 在你的监护下孩子的生活状况
[03:21.16]You should try the eggs. They're very nice. 尝尝煎蛋,做的非常好
[03:24.84]"'I examined the boy quite thoroughly,' Dr. Tarr said, 我给那男孩做了全面检查,塔尔医生说
[03:30.52]"'And it's clear that he has something to tell. 很明显这孩子有些话要跟我说
[03:31.68]"'I'm sure that in time... "' 我很确定不久之后…
[03:34.56]...time he will give his boyish story of the entire affair, 他会把整件事情的来龙去脉告诉我们
[03:36.36]but not until he has faith in his listener. 不过那要等到他有信心讲给他的听众
[03:41.84]And that is what is lacking here, faith in the poor lad's story. 而那正是他缺少的, 一位听众和让这个可怜孩子讲出经历的信心
[03:45.92]Course of my examination, I found nothing to dispute the findings 经过检查,我的结论和洛杉矶警局
[03:48.08]of the LAPD. 得出的结论是一致的
[03:51.48]Why would they do this? 他们为什么这么做?
[03:54.28]To avoid admitting they made a mistake 这样才能避免承认他们犯了错误
[03:57.56]when they brought back the wrong boy. 承认说他们找错了孩子
[03:58.52]Of course, anyone reading the newspaper with half a brain 只要是稍微有点脑子的人在读了报纸以后
[04:00.44]would see through it instantly. 肯定会对此表示怀疑
[04:07.60]Mrs. Collins, I have made it my mission in life to bring to light all the things 柯林斯太太,我一直致力于找出隐藏在各类事情后的真相
[04:12.72]the LAPD wish none of us ever knew about. 洛杉矶警局不希望让人发现他们的错误
[04:15.24]A department ruled by violence, abuse, murder, corruption 2 and intimidation 3. 这是一个充斥着暴力、滥用职权 谋杀、腐败和恐吓的警察局
[04:23.20]When Chief Davis took over the force two years ago, he said... 两年前戴维斯局长接手的时候他说
[04:27.84]We will hold court against gunmen in the streets of Los Angeles. 我们会好好料理洛杉矶街上的那些拿枪的混混们
[04:29.56]I want them brought in dead, not alive, 我要把他们赶尽杀绝
[04:32.60]and I will reprimand any officer who shows the least mercy to a criminal. 对于任何姑息养奸和对罪犯表示同情的下属 我将做出严厉的斥责
[04:36.32]He picked 50 of the most violent cops on the force, 他挑选了警队里最暴力的50个人
[04:41.36]gave them machine guns and permission to shoot anyone who got in their way. 给他们发了中型枪械 以及朝任何反抗人员射击的许可
[04:43.88]He called them the Gun Squad 4. 他把他们叫做炮团
[04:47.64]<i>No lawyers, no trials, no questions, no suspensions, no investigations 5.</i> 不需要律师,没有诉讼,没有问讯,不处分,不调查
[04:51.68]Just piles of bodies. 只剩下一摞摞尸体
[04:56.60]<i>Bodies in the morgues, bodies in the hospitals, bodies by the side of the road.</i> 停尸房、医院甚至路边,到处都是尸体
[04:58.28]And not because the LAPD wanted to wipe out crime. No. 洛杉矶警局不是想要消灭犯罪,根本不是
- He was the son of a poor pastor.他是一个穷牧师的儿子。
- We have no pastor at present:the church is run by five deacons.我们目前没有牧师:教会的事是由五位执事管理的。
- The people asked the government to hit out against corruption and theft.人民要求政府严惩贪污盗窃。
- The old man reviled against corruption.那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。
- The Opposition alleged voter intimidation by the army.反对党声称投票者受到军方的恐吓。
- The gang silenced witnesses by intimidation.恶帮用恐吓的手段使得证人不敢说话。
- The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.班长命令战士们原地踏步。
- A squad is the smallest unit in an army.班是军队的最小构成单位。
- His investigations were intensive and thorough but revealed nothing. 他进行了深入彻底的调查,但没有发现什么。
- He often sent them out to make investigations. 他常常派他们出去作调查。