时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-口是心非


  [00:36.40]Remember me? 还记得我吗?

  [00:42.20]- Sure. Of course. We... - Long time, huh? - 当然记得,我们... - 好久不见,是吧?

  [00:45.16]- Yes! - Gotcha. - 对 - 终于抓到你了

  [00:50.36]- I'm sorry, I just... - Just what? - 对不起,我刚才.. - 怎么了?

  [00:51.92]I'm drawing a blank. 我忘记了

  [00:53.44]- Nice try. - Excuse me? - 装的真像 - 什么?

  [00:54.40]A little professional courtesy would make this a lot less awkward. 一点职业礼貌就会避免很多尴尬

  [00:57.40]- How do I know you? - How do you know me? - 我怎么认识你的? - 你怎么认识我的?

  [01:02.96](LAUGHING) Wow! That's tough. That's a strong play. 哇!真厉害,演的不错啊

  [01:05.44]Believe me, I've spent a lot of time thinking what this would be like, 我想了很久,我们见面会怎么样

  [01:09.80]where we'd be, what I'd say, what you'd say. 在哪里见面,我会说什么,你会说什么

  [01:10.52]- But I never thought that you'd... - I'm terribly sorry. - 但是我从没想过... - 实在抱歉

  [01:13.48]You really want to go this way? 你一定要这样吗?

  [01:16.60]You clearly have me confused with someone else. 你一定是把我和谁弄混了

  [01:17.56]I don't know. 我也不知道

  [01:19.36]I mean, I'm not great on names. I should be. I try. 我是说,我不擅长记名字 我应该记住,我会努力

  [01:20.88]Faces, I'm definitely better. Faces, I'm like a B, B minus. 至于记住长相,我还是在行些 这方面,我能得B,B-

  [01:23.36]Where I'm good, where I really excel, people I've slept with. 我最擅长的 就是能记住和我睡过的人

  [01:27.32]That's been a traditional area of strength for me. 我是我的传统强项

  [01:29.40]Look, seriously, I don't know who you think I am, but... 好吧,严肃点,我不知道你把我当成谁,但是...

  [01:32.96]You charm me, you seduce me, you screw me, 你吸引了我,引诱了我,强奸了我

  [01:33.64]then you drug me and ransack my hotel room. 接着你给我下迷药 然后搜查了我的房间

  [01:37.76]And how sick is this? You know, the last thing I remember before I passed out 你知道这有多恶心么? 你要知道,在我昏迷之前我最后记得的是

  [01:39.12]was how much I liked you. 我有多喜欢你

  [01:43.00]All right. You don't look crazy, 好吧,我现在没有尖叫的唯一原因

  [01:46.28]which is the only reason why I'm not screaming 是你看起来还没有发疯

  [01:47.60]- for a security guard right now, but... - I can't believe you're going this way. - 叫保安,但是... - 我真的不敢相信,你会这样

  [01:53.08](LAUGHS) Wait. Is this a joke? Is that what it is? 等等,你是在开玩笑吗? 是这样吗?

  [01:57.76]Do you have any idea how far my ass was hanging out because of you? 你真的不知道我为你付出了多少吗?

  [01:59.84]Did I win something? 我得到了什么好处了吗?

  [02:03.80]I woke up the next morning, I went back to the consul. 第二天早上我起来 我回到了领事那

  [02:03.88]I practically crawled over glass to get a copy of the guest list. 我费了好大力气才得到了客人的名单

  [02:08.80]I spent the next 24 hours trying to figure out 我用了接下来的24个小时时间去研究

  [02:10.28]if you were working for Mossad, the Syrians or the Russians. 你是为摩萨德,叙利亚人还是俄国人工作

  [02:13.92]- And which was it? - Still working for the CIA? - 那都是些什么? - 还在为中央情报局工作吗?

  [02:17.12]Okay, I think we're done now. 好吧,我想我们该结束了

  [02:18.68]American Consulate, Dubai, you and me, Fourth of July, 2003. 迪拜,美国领事馆,你和我,2003年独立日

  [02:22.28]Find someone else to bother. 你还是去骚扰别人吧

  [02:24.08]- Red, white and blue margaritas. - Stay away from me. - 红色,白色还有蓝色的鸡尾酒 - 离我远点

  [02:27.16]I had a knee brace, you had toe rings. First toe ring I ever saw, by the way. 我穿着膝盖支架,你脚趾带着戒指 顺便说一句,这是我第一次见到脚趾带戒指的

  [02:30.10]I took vacation time to find you! Five years. 五年来,我花了所有的假期时间去找你

  [02:31.64]You follow me, I'll scream. 你再跟着我,我就要大叫了

  [02:34.40]And every time I walked into an evaluation... 每次我进入评估...

  [02:37.12]- I'm warning you for the last time. ...I was waiting for them - 我这是最后一次警告你 - 我都希望他们

  [02:38.20]"So, Ray, anything you care to tell us about Dubai?" “好吧,Ray,关于迪拜你想告诉我们些什么”

  [02:39.00]to throw your picture on the screen and say, 把你的照片扔到屏幕上说

  [02:40.76]- You are harassing me! - So who the hell are you? - 你在骚扰我! - 你到底是谁?

  [02:47.04]Oh, no. You? 哦,不,你?

  [02:54.40]- You're the drop. - You're my contact?

  [02:55.88](EXHALES DEEPLY) - 你是我的接头人? - 我是我的联系人?

  [03:04.20]Knock yourself out. 你还是醒醒吧

  [03:04.24]CLAIRE: You're acting like I owe you an apology. 看起来我必须向你道歉

  [03:07.32]You were an assignment. You're a big boy. You knew what you were doing. 你有任务,你是一个大人 你清楚你在做什么

  [03:09.28]I can see it's really been eating at you. 我知道这是对你的折磨

  [03:12.80]An Ml6 case officer takes a strange girl from an embassy party 一个M16计划的成员在一个使馆聚会上带一个陌生女孩

  [03:16.96]back to his hotel room where he has an unsecured briefcase 回房间,房间里有个不加锁的公文包

  [03:19.32]- full of Egyptian Air Defense codes. - Did they tell you to sleep with me? - 里面装满了埃及的防空系统代码 - 他们让你和我睡觉?

  [03:20.72]I needed the codes. I thought the less time I spent with you, the better. 我需要那些代码,我以为和你在一起的时间越短越好

  [03:23.04]- Oh, Jesus. - How did you get on this project? - 喔,天啊 - 你项目进行的怎么样了?

  [03:25.52]- And you're the mole. - And who the hell hired you anyway? - 你是间谍 - 到底是谁指使你的?

  [03:29.28]- I can't believe it. - How did you get this job? - 真难以相信 - 你怎么得到这份工作的?

  [03:30.76]I got news for you, okay? The day I left Ml6, 我告诉你,我离开MI6那天

  [03:32.36]I had 15 major companies begging for my services. 有15家公司抢着要我

  [03:34.04]Well, I guess you picked wrong. But you must be used to that. 哦 我看你选择错了 但是你还得适应它

  [03:37.64]- You know, I've got a meeting in 12 minutes. - Where's the drop? Hand it over. - 你知道,我12分钟后有个会议 - 遗落物在哪?把它交出来

  [03:42.80]- Forget it. I'm not working with you. - Excuse me? - 忘了这事吧,我可不想让你做我的接头人 - 你说什么?

  [03:44.28]You think I'm gonna let you be my contact officer? 你以为我会让你做我的联系人?

  [03:46.36]- This is way over your head. - Over my head? - 你不能胜任 - 我不合适?

  [03:50.48]Lady, I worked Yemen, Athens and Cairo. 女士,我在也门,雅典和开罗工作过

  [03:53.96]I've been promoted and decorated every place I served. 我在我工作过的每个地方都受到了提升和嘉奖

  [03:54.84]Tell Duke to send someone else. 告诉Duke另换个人吧

  [03:55.00]Listen. I'm sure you know your way around a shoe store, 听着,我相信在某些方面你比较擅长

  [03:58.88]but I did 12 years in the field. 但是我在这一领域做了12年

  [03:59.52]And how long have you been working for Equikrom? 那你为Equikrom工作过多久呢?

  [04:03.88]- Long enough. - How long? - 足够长了 - 多长?

  [04:06.04]Three weeks. 三周

  [04:08.92]Three whole weeks? Like every day? 3整周吗?每天都是吗?

  [04:12.84]Well, I've spent the last 14 months undercover inside Burkett & Randle. 好吧,过去14个月我一直在Burkett&Randle秘密工作

  [04:16.40]I'm an Assistant Director of Counterintelligence. I am all the way in. 我是反情报秘密行动的副指挥,我说了算

  [04:20.16]So let's get this straight. I'm the asset here. You're a delivery boy. 所以我们直说吧 我是核心人物,你只是一个通信员

  [04:23.08]And the only thing I'm gonna give you is a message. 我唯一想给你的信息是

  [04:25.52]Tell Duke I don't ever wanna see you again. 告诉Duke我不想再见到你

  [04:31.44]I run field agents for a living. There's only two ways to do it. 我为了谋生从事这项工作 这种事只有两种方法

  [04:33.48]Either you bring them flowers 要么你给他们鲜花

  [04:35.00]or you hang them by their heels out of the window. 要么把他们的脚绑起来挂到窗外

  [04:37.68]Now, maybe you're so used to having your legs in the air you don't realize it, 你可能已经习惯被挂到窗外了 而你没有意识到

  [04:39.16]but you're upside down, sister. 但是你头已经朝下了,姐姐

  [04:43.16]- You've 10 seconds to get your hand off me. - Or what? You won't be my friend anymore? - 给你10秒的时间把你的手从我身上移开 - 我要是不做呢?你不再是我的朋友了?

  [04:43.84]I own you. 我拥有你

  [04:50.32]I like this gig. I like the money. I like the hours. 我喜欢这份工作,我喜欢薪水,我喜欢工作时间

  [04:52.10]So I'm not going anywhere, and you're gonna get over it 所以我哪也不去 你也不会如愿所偿

  [04:56.64]because if you ever mention again that you don't wanna work with me 因为如果你再说你不想和我一起工作

  [04:58.72]or that we've met before or that you think someone else might do a better job, 或者是我们以前见过 或者你认为别人能做的更好

accumulator cell
ancillary shoring
apex distance
Athens of Switzerland/on the Limmat
atomizing cone
band adapter
blows someone away
care pathway
commercial land use
congestive chill
cross domain mapping framework
cylindrical harmonics
diebold research program
discontinuous mode control
environmentally damaging activities
exhaust pipe clamp
facial neurolysis
farmland water
formatted software capacity
fused polycyclic system
gushing well
hyaloid degeneration
left hereditary ring
legal easement
like a streak of lightning
low carbonsteel
marginal thrust
natural dust
nerve regeneration
nested block
non-degenerate Hermitian form
oliguric renal failure
organismic psychology
pace-makers motorcycle
petrol garage
radiation detection
rated thrust
regrind circuit
retaining ring groove
salient pole alternator
save address latch
score sheets
sectional cast-iron boiler
self-adjusting tappet
solar telephone
spoon gouge
square bar
srensen titration
stand at the courtesy of
Sweet Lucy
throw of crankshaft
tolerance allowance
type of decay
unleaded gasoline
Would you mind giving me a push