时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-爱是妥协


  [00:05.72]No. 没有

[00:05.88]We haven't. You're correct on that one. 还没上过床,你说对了

[00:11.80]Something to live for. 值得为此而活下去

[00:22.88]Down to the cheek. 才亲脸颊而已

[00:32.92]Hold on, Tarzan, we're still moving. Slowly. 等等,老兄,我还在推耶 慢慢来

[00:37.88]Hey, l-- 嘿,我…

[00:44.08]Harry, I'm sorry but I can't let you travel quite yet. 抱歉,你还不能远行

[00:48.16]I ain't going back in there. 我不要回医院

[00:50.00]I can't put you in a car and I can't leave you in the parking 1 lot. 我不能让你上车 也不能任你躺在停车场

[00:55.00]I won't sue 2 you, if that's what you think. 放心啦,我不会告你的

[00:58.08]I'll sign whatever you'd like. 我可以签切结书

[00:59.88]Just let me go back to the city. 让我回市区吧

[01:04.28]Here's my best offer. 我有个提议

[01:07.60]I won't put you in the hospital if you stay nearby a few days. 只要你在附近住几天 就不用回医院

[01:11.68]Get a nurse. Let me keep an eye on you until we get your strength back. 找个护士照顾你,我再帮你检查一下 等你恢复元气再走

[01:14.76]Stay nearby. 住附近?

[01:18.08]Doc, where do you suggest I go? 医生,你要我住哪里?

[01:25.16]No! 不要!


[01:31.96]Somebody please explain to me how I ended up babysitting 3 this guy? 谁能告诉我 怎么会要我当这家伙的保姆?

[01:32.48]Somebody please explain to me how I ended up babysitting this guy?

[01:35.68]This is the best turkey sandwich I've had in my life. 没吃过这么好吃的火鸡三明治

[01:38.04]-You're not listening to me. -I am. Don't get all pissy. -你有没有在听我说话 -有啊,别气了啦

[01:41.20]I come here for peace and quiet. 我是来这里享受宁静的

[01:45.24]Suddenly, I'm a character in a Kaufman and Hart play. 却突然成了讽刺喜剧里的倒霉鬼

[01:48.52]And the phone doesn't stop. 电话响个不停

[01:50.56]And it's never for me. 没有一通是找我的

[01:53.76]Sorry to interrupt 4. 抱歉打扰了

[01:53.92]No, that's fine, Leo. I'll take it. 没关系,里欧,交给我吧

[01:55.64]-No, it's okay-- -No, no, I'll take it. -没关系啦 -我来就好了

[01:58.04]I don't mind washing them. Okay. 要我洗碗也可以

[02:00.04]How you doing? 你好

[02:05.40]The man doesn't know my name, and I'm doing his dishes. 他记不住我的名字 我却得替他洗碗

[02:08.16]I said I'll take it back tomorrow, okay? Great. 我说我明天会退回去,好吗? 太好了

[02:09.56]I'll take care of it. Just one second. Hi, Erica? 我会处理,等一下,爱莉卡

[02:13.96]-Where shall I put this? -Here. I'll take it. -这要放哪儿? -放这里,给我就好了

[02:14.72]Harry has a bad headache. Do you have any Tylenol? 哈利说他头痛 有没有止痛药?

[02:17.08]-Tylenol-- -Extra Strength would be fantastic. -止痛药? -最好是加强碇

[02:20.92]Hi, I'm Tania. 你好,我是谭雅

[02:22.80]-Hi. -Harry's second assistant. -你好 -哈利的助理

[02:23.60]-Dave Klein, her assistant. -Nice to meet you. -大卫柯蓝,她的助理 -幸会

[02:28.76]-Nice to meet you. -Thank you. Appreciate it. -幸会 -谢谢你,感激不尽

[02:32.72]“What should I do with this?” “这要放哪儿?”

[02:35.80]It's an empty water glass. What are the choices? 这是空水杯,还能放哪儿?

[02:37.32]Okay, I'm getting out of your hair. 好吧,我不吵你了

[02:39.40]So you're not ready to show me any new pages? 你剧本还没进展吧!

[02:43.36]-Dave. -I'm not putting any pressure on you. -大卫 -我不想给你压力

[02:47.52]-I'm just asking. -Dad! -只是随口问问 -爸!

[02:48.24]I didn't know you were here. 我不知道你来了

[02:49.60]Just on my way out. 我正要走

[02:52.48]I was gonna drive back to the city with Zoe, but I'd much rather go with you. 柔怡要开车载我回市区 但我宁可搭你的车

[02:57.16]Actually, I have someone to meet before I go. 可是我要去找一个朋友

[02:58.84]Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等一下…

[03:00.16]You're leaving? Zoe's leaving? The entourage is leaving? 你要走了?柔怡也要走? 大队人马都要走?

[03:04.64]I'm gonna be stuck with him, alone? 就我和他单独在家?

[03:07.20]The hospital's sending over a nurse in the morning. 医院一大早就会派护士过来

[03:09.00]In the morning? That's, like, 1 9 hours from now. 一大早?还有19个小时耶

[03:11.56]Okay, I can handle this. 好吧,我能应付

[03:14.28]I'll just get myself into a Zen place. 我会打坐,让自己平心静气

[03:18.24]Play music. Cook. Write. Focus 5. 放音乐、煮饭、写稿 全神贯注

[03:41.72]Thank you. 谢谢你

[03:54.12]Well, four mai tais at lunch... 午餐喝四杯迈泰鸡尾酒

[03:56.20]...is a bit much for anybody. 任何人都会受不了

[04:00.76]Hi. 你好

[04:05.16]Can I call you right back, doll, huh? Thank you. 我再打给你,好吗? 谢谢

[04:09.04]Hey. 你好

[04:13.44]-What's up? -Okay, here's the thing. -什么事? -好,我先声明

[04:14.60]I don't want to play the uptight 6 nurse to your bad-boy patient. 我不想当正经八百的看护 照顾你这个不乖的病人

[04:19.08]If you want another heart attack, go ahead. I have work to do. 若你想再心脏病发 请便,但我要工作

[04:20.16]I don't have time to make a run... 没空再跑医院

[04:24.76]...to the hospital because you're filling your clogged 7 arteries 8 with smoke. 因为抽烟会让血管栓塞更严重

[04:26.72]But more importantly... 但更重要的是…

[04:30.00]...I'd rather not have my freshly painted house smell like a pool hall. 我房子刚粉刷好 不想满屋子烟臭味

[04:36.88]Have you always been like this, or do I bring it out in you? 你平常都这样? 还是被我激怒的?

[04:39.08]Just, you know. 嗯,请你熄烟

[04:41.36]I don't think I've ever had this effect on a woman before. 我不曾让女人有过这样的反应

[04:44.92]What effect do you think you have on me? 什么反应?

[04:47.60]I don't quite recognize it. 我也不太清楚

[04:48.92]That's how I know I never had it before. 只知道从来不曾这样

[04:53.16]So you don't sleep? 所以,你不必睡觉吗?

[04:54.84]I only need about four hours a night. 我每天只睡四小时

[04:58.04]Me too. 我也是

[04:58.96]I never slept eight hours in my life. 这辈子没睡超过八小时

1 parking
  • A bus is parking on the road.路上停着一辆公共汽车。
  • Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.下一步你应该学会如何把车倒入停车的空地。
2 sue
  • If you don't pay me the money,I'll sue you.如果你不付给我钱,我就告你。
  • The war criminals sue for peace.战犯求和。
3 babysitting
n.托婴服务v.临时受雇代外出的父母照料小孩( babysit的现在分词 )
  • If you ever need help with the babysitting, I'd be glad to oblige. 如果你什么时候需要找人照看孩子,我很乐意帮忙。 来自辞典例句
  • Do you think any of the cops outside would like to do a little babysitting? 你不知道这外面的警察就好像是在代人照看小孩吗? 来自电影对白
4 interrupt
  • It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。
  • You'd better not interrupt him.He is sleeping.你最好别打扰他,他在睡觉。
5 focus
  • She was the focus of everyone's attention.她是大家注意的焦点。
  • The noise made it hard for me to focus on work.噪音让我无法集中注意力工作。
6 uptight
  • He's feeling a bit uptight about his exam tomorrow.他因明天的考试而感到有点紧张。
  • Try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight.试着一笑了之,不要紧张。
7 clogged
(使)阻碍( clog的过去式和过去分词 ); 淤滞
  • The narrow streets were clogged with traffic. 狭窄的街道上交通堵塞。
  • The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line. 汽油的注入由于管道阻塞而停止了。
8 arteries
n.动脉( artery的名词复数 );干线,要道
  • Even grafting new blood vessels in place of the diseased coronary arteries has been tried. 甚至移植新血管代替不健康的冠状动脉的方法都已经试过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic met. 这就是伦敦西部三条主要交通干线的交汇处。 来自《简明英汉词典》
ain deheb
alveolar processes
calculated on
carry authority
char revivifying kiln
collateral accessory buds
complete valuation ring
construction of small towns
consumer electronics
core groups
cornish stone (china stone)
delayed call
epinephelus bruneus
eye splice
forced heir
forward switching loss
freight rate war
funds in float
Garrisdale Point
graded index fiber coupling efficiency
heatr resistance
hemolytic chain
Henry Luce
high-frequency small power transistor
hitching bar
I Heard You Using the Microwave
instrumental drift
internal wheel spindle
ion (ic) exchange
legitimi haeredes
likely to
Loudon County
mentha longifolias
mosaic culture
motor ganglia
neuromuscular depolarizing agent
non-operating earnings
obsolescent product
oil tank vent
optimal searching method
oxidized paraffin
payload platform
perforated iron cathode
reactive thrust
reentry similar trajectories
refrigerant bottle
replay characteristic
replica surface
reservoir static data
retort sponge
river cross section
single valved
spring-tine harrow
spur gear set
steel reinforced
tee pipe
terminating trunk centre
tractor ride
turbo generator lighting of train
underwriting's guarantee
Viola acutifolia
watertight luminaire
weather satellite data
wide range