时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-朱诺


  [00:02.22]It’s a Pilates machine. 那是普拉提机

[00:07.02]You don’t make anything. 它不是用来制造的

[00:07.22]What do you make with it? 拿它来制造什么东西?

[00:09.66]It’s for exercising. 是用来健身的

[00:10.30]Yeah, my wife ordered one of those, uh… 对,我老婆也从电视购物

[00:15.34]Tony Little "Gazelles" off the TV. 订了那个啥…

[00:17.42]You know, from the guy with the ponytail? 就是被那个扎马尾辫的小子忽悠的

[00:20.34]Guy just doesn’t look right to me. 我怎么看都觉得他不顺眼

[00:30.98]I’ll be right back. 我去去就来

[00:34.34]Excuse me. 不好意思

[00:35.54]∮… really want to∮ ∮…真的想要∮

[00:37.54]∮Really, really want to, and I do, too∮ ∮真的,真的想要,而我说真的∮

[00:44.46]-∮I want to be…∮-Hi. -∮我想成为…∮ -嗨

[00:44.70]Hi. 嗨

[00:47.06]Juno wanted a little closer look at Kimber. 朱诺想零距离接触一下金伯

[00:48.26]You’re playing music. 你们在玩音乐呢

[00:51.34]Your guitar is named Kimber? 你给吉他取名金伯?

[00:51.94]-Yeah -That’s cool. My ax is named Roosevelt, -是啊 -酷毙了,我的吉他叫罗斯福

[00:55.62]but after Franklin, not Ted 1. 是富兰克林·罗斯福,不是西奥多·罗斯福

[00:58.78]Franklin-he was the hot one with the polio? 是那得小儿麻痹症的?

[01:01.38]Yeah. Um… hey, Gerta’s downstairs. 不错,不过戈塔还在楼下

[01:02.14]We still have… 我们还得…

[01:04.06]we still have a lot of stuff to go over and do. 我们还有很多手续要办

[01:06.74]-You got it? -Got it. -拿稳没? -好了

[01:08.34]I got it. I got it. 我来拿,我来拿

[01:09.10]Not to interrupt the jam session, but… 不想打扰你们的即性演唱会,不过…

[01:16.10]If you have any questions, call me at my office. 有疑问就打电话到我办公室

[01:17.54]We would really appreciate if you would just, you know, 我们将会非常感激,如果

[01:19.54]keep us updated on any doctor’s appointments 能及时把检查情况告知我们

[01:23.62]or ultrasounds or anything of that nature, 或者超声波情况,要么任何有关情况

[01:24.74]-if it’s not too much… -No. Right. For sure. -如果不太麻烦的话 -不麻烦,应该的

[01:28.50]You want to know how your kid’s a-cookin’. I get it. 想知道你孩子的活动,明白的

[01:30.18]You think you’re really going to do this, then? 你确定真的想这样做吗?

[01:34.30]Yeah. Yeah. No. I… I like you guys. Yeah. 对,对,没问题,我喜欢你们俩,对

[01:37.74]How sure would you say you are? 你能有多确定?

[01:39.74]Like… Would you say you’re 80% sure, 比如说,你有80%确定

[01:45.34]or 90% sure or? 或90%把握?

[01:46.62]I’m going to say I’m about 104% sure. 那我要说,我能104%的确定

[01:50.50]Here you go, sir. 您的衣服

[01:51.30]Really? 真的吗?

[01:52.18]No, seriously, if I could just have the thing, 说实在的,如果我现在

[01:55.66]and give it to you now, I totally would. 能把孩子给你们,我绝对不会犹豫的

  [01:56.66]But I’m guessing it looks, probably, 但是我想

[02:01.30]like a sea monkey right now, 可能现在说为时还早

[02:01.82]and, you know, we should let it get a… 我们不如等他…

[02:03.30]get a little… get a little cuter. 等他长好一些再说

[02:04.98]Keep it in the oven. 别搞掉了

[02:06.18]-Right? -Yes -That’s great. -好不? -对 -好极了

[02:06.38]I think that’s a great idea. 我认为这才是最重要的

[02:09.90]Nice to meet you both. 很高兴见到你们

[02:11.34]-You, too -Please drive carefully. -我也是 -一路顺风

[02:12.54]-Hopefully, we’ll hear from you soon -Thank you. -希望能快点听到好消息 -谢谢

[02:13.42]-Thank you -All right. You take care. -谢谢你 -好,你们保重

[02:15.30]All right. Bye-bye. 好的,再见


[02:22.38]Hmm? 亲爱的…

[02:22.90]Come here. 来抱抱

[02:34.34]∮I’m sticking with you∮ ∮我总粘着你∮

[02:37.78]∮’Cause I’m made out of glue∮ ∮因我是胶水做的∮

[02:44.14]∮Anything that you might do∮ ∮你所作的任何事∮

[02:47.82]∮I’m gonna do, too…∮ ∮我也会去尝试∮

[02:52.14]Hey, man. 嘿,哥们

[02:54.38]Hey, Vijay. How’s it going? 嘿,V.J.,最近怎么样?

[02:55.18]-Did you hear? Juno MacGuff’s pregnant -Yeah. -听说了吗?朱诺·麦古菲怀孕了 -是

[02:56.66]-Like our moms and teachers -Yeah. -就想老妈和老师那样 -是

[02:59.74]Did you hear it’s yours? 听人说过那是你干的吗?

[03:02.58]Yep. 是

[03:03.74]What a trip, huh? 够牛的你啊

[03:05.34]I don’t really know too much about it. 我没有太多的感觉

[03:07.58]You should grow a mustache. 你应该留胡子

[03:11.50]I can’t. 留不了

[03:12.30]Me neither. 我也是

[03:13.98]But I’m going to stop wearing underpants. 但我不准备再穿内裤了

[03:14.66]Raise my sperm 2 count. 增加精子数量

[03:16.78]See ya. 下次见

[03:19.78]∮’Cause I’m made out of glue∮ ∮因我是胶水做的∮

[03:22.54]∮Anything that you might do∮ ∮你所作的任何事∮

[03:28.70]∮I’m gonna do, too∮ ∮我也会去尝试∮

[03:42.78]-Juno, hey -Hey, Bleek. -朱诺,嘿 -嘿,布里克

[03:44.86]Me and some guys are going to go to the movies after school, 我和一帮朋友放学后去看电影

[03:47.78]and we’re going to doughnut that flick 3 边吃甜甜圈边看电影

[03:49.58]with the guy who has 18 kids. 讲的是个有18个小孩的家伙

[03:51.26]You want to come? 你也来吗?

[03:51.94]Oh, it… sounds awesome 4, but I got my ultrasound. 听上去还不错,但我要去做超声波检查

[03:57.94]Oh, really? 真的吗?

[04:00.50]Should I come, you think? 你说,我能去吗?

[04:00.70]Can I, uh… 我能…

[04:02.66]Aw, you… you can’t waste those… 你… 你不能浪费那些…

[04:07.54]those doughnut holes there. 那些甜甜圈

[04:09.26]I… But maybe I could, you know, drop by later. 但是也许我可以晚点去电影院

[04:12.74]Okay. Cool. 好吧

[04:13.30]Later, Bleek. 迟些见,布里克

[04:17.82]I’ll save you a seat. 我会给你留座位的

  [04:30.34]There’s your baby. 那就是你的宝宝

[04:32.10]-Ah! -Oh!

[04:35.22]Oh, my God! 哦,天啊

[04:35.38]There’s a hand. 小手在那儿

[04:37.78]And an arm.

[04:39.10]-Oh! -Oh! 还有手臂

[04:43.22]And there’s the feet. 然后是小脚

[04:46.74]Oh! 你们看到了吗?

[04:49.22]Would you look at that?

[04:50.38]Whoa! Check out Baby Big Head! 哇!快看宝宝的大脑袋

[04:52.70]Dude, that thing is freaky looking. 伙计,那东西看上去好怪

[04:57.06]Excuse me- I am a sacred vessel 5, 拜托,我肚子可是个圣地好不好?

[04:57.26]all right? All you’ve got in your stomach is Taco Bell. 哪像你胃里面,都只是快餐

  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
  • Only one sperm fertilises an egg.只有一个精子使卵子受精。
  • In human reproduction,one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.在人体生殖过程中,一个精子使一个卵子受精。
  • He gave a flick of the whip.他轻抽一下鞭子。
  • By a flick of his whip,he drove the fly from the horse's head.他用鞭子轻抽了一下,将马头上的苍蝇驱走。
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
  • The vessel is fully loaded with cargo for Shanghai.这艘船满载货物驶往上海。
  • You should put the water into a vessel.你应该把水装入容器中。
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