- She speaks English very well.她英语讲得很好。
- I can't sleep well because the tap is dripping.龙头漏水,吵得我睡不好觉。
- It was well worth waiting for.这件事倒是很值得等待。
- Let me think for a minute. Well, I guess so.让我想想,好吧,我想可以。
- Well, who would have thought it?嗳, 谁想得到是这样啊?
- Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复, 能够旅行了吗?
- We're very well where we are.我们处境很好。
- It would be well to start early.最好还是早点动身。
- The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.警察在一口废弃的井里找到了丢失的财宝。
- She has the well of enthusiasm.她是热情的源泉。
- She went up through the dark well of the house.她转身穿过房子阴暗的楼梯井。
- Do you eat well at school?你在学校吃得好吗?
- I hope your plans go well.我希望你们的计划进展顺利。
- He was well fed up with the neighbour's empty talk.他很厌烦邻居的空谈。
- The plan didn't work out very well.这一计划实行起来不大满意。
- He's sure to do well in the exams if he keeps on studying at that rate.假如他那样持续学下去,考试是一定能考好的。
- She did well by me.她待我很好。
- This young man should do well, and may even rise to great fame.这个年轻人一定会干得很出色,甚至还可能名扬四海。
- Think well before you act.三思而后行。
- He works well together with them.他同他们一起工作得不错。
- Such behaviour does not sit well with them.这种举止不合他们的身份。
- I know him well.我非常了解他。
- They treated me very well.他们待我很好。
- They learn English well.他们英语学得不错。
- Examine the account well before you pay it.在付款之前仔细核对一下账目。
- He's always done his job extremely well.他总是把工作做得特别好。
- The boss thinks well of Jack.老板重视杰克。
- You may well look ashamed of yourself.你应该为自己的行为羞愧!
- You may well be right.很可能是你对。
- You may quite well give illness as an excuse.你尽可以把生病当作借口。
- I can't very well leave now.我现在离开不大合适。
- I couldn't very well refuse to help them.我很难拒绝帮助他们。
- He arrived well within the time.他恰好如期赶到。
- He was leaning well forward in his chair.他坐在椅子上,身体前倾着。
- He must be well over forty years of age.他一定超过了40岁很多了。
- He is well past forty.他四十好几了。
- I don't think he is really a well man.我认为他并不是真正健康的人。
- The doctor says you'll be well again in a few days.医生说你几天后就可痊愈。
- We are very well where we are.我们目前的处境很好。
- All is not well in this country.这个国家的情况不能都令人满意。
- The building looks well.这幢楼看上去不错。
- All is not well with her since she lost her money.她自从丢钱以来,一切都不走运。
- All is well with the family.这家一切都顺利。
- Anyone who wishes to be well with her must praise her children.任何人要取悦于她必须夸赞她的孩子。
- It might be well for you to see a doctor.你还是去看看医生的好。
- It's all very well for you to suggest a skiing holiday, but I'm the one who will have to pay for it.你提议假日滑雪倒是不错,可付钱的却是我。
- It's all very well for you to talk like that, since you don't have to cope with those difficulties.像你那样讲当然容易,因为你用不着去对付那些困难。
- It would have been well to ask for his advice.要是原来征求一下他的意见就好了。
- It would be well to start early.最好早点儿动身。
- It is well that you didn't go.幸好你没走。
- It's well the children didn't see what happened.幸亏孩子们没看见发生的事。
- Well, who could have thought that he was so unreliable?哎呀!谁会想到他那样不可靠呢?
- Well, here we are at last.啊,我们终于到了!
- Well, is he coming or not after all?请问他到底是来还是不来?
- Well, what come next?请问下文怎样?
- Well, let me see.嗯,让我想想。
- Well,I'm not sure I can afford it.呃,我不能确定我能否买得起。
- Well, well!if you want to go, go.I shall not try to stop you.好吧,好吧!如果你要走,走吧,我不会阻止你。
- Well!Look at that amazing sight!哦!看那迷人景色!
- I drew water from the well.我从井中汲出水来。
- There are several oil wells in the North Sea.在北海有几口油井。
- The village water comes from a well.该村的用水来自一口井。
- A book is a well of knowledge.书是知识的源泉。
- 也,还有 too; besides
- 摆脱了…很幸运 be fortunate that one is not involved in sth
- 得益 profit by
- 相配,调协 harmonize with
- 做某事倒也无妨 in the circumstances, no harm to will come from doing sth
- 对某人有好意 have good intentions (though perhaps not the will or capacity to carry them out); have kindly intentions towards sb
- 显示出成功的迹象; 前景很好 show signs of success
- 对…有利 be evidence in favour of
- 说…的好话,称赞 praise sb
- 经久耐用 be durable; be able to stand wear and tear
- 确实地 thoroughly
- 幸运的,生活宽裕的 in a fortunate situation or wealthy
- 对…很精通 well informed about sth
- 希望交好运〔健康〕 hope that sb will have good luck or health, etc.; express support for sbwish sb well
I wish you well in your future with the other firm.
She has a pleasant nature and seems to wish everyone well.
- 好倒是好(但也有不如意处) satisfactory (though other things may not be satisfactory)
- 倒也不错,也相宜 prudent or appropriate
- 真想不到 (exclamation of surprise)
- 涌出,流出 flow freelywell out from sth
Blood welled out from the cut.
well out of sthOil welled out of the ground.
- 溢出 overflow (the edge of a container)well over
She poured too much milk in the glass, and it welled over.
His heart welled over with joy.
- 涌出 risewell up
She was so angry that the tears welled up.
Happiness welled up inside me.
Tears welled up in her eyes.
Anger was welling up in him.
- arrive well恰好赶到
- do well做得很好
- eat well吃得好
- go well进展顺利
- know well非常了解
- treat well友好地对待
- as well又,也
- equally well同样地好
- fairly well相当好
- jolly well实在,的确,当然,最好
- quite well相当好
- tolerably well还算好
- very well很好
- very well很健康
- feel well觉得好
- look well看起来健康
- well in health身体健康
- well out of摆脱了…很幸运
- well with与…相处得好
- bore a well钻一口井
- dig a well挖一口井
- drill a well钻一口井
- sink a well挖一口井
- deep well深井
- natural well天然井
- power-operated well机井
- oil well油井
- well behind the hut小木屋后面的天然井
- well of 25 feet deep二十五英尺深的井
- well out from the cut从伤口流出来
- well over with joy满怀喜悦
- well up夺眶而出
- well up in one's eyes涌上某人的眼眶
- well up inside sb内心充满幸福
- well up with tears泪如泉涌
- well out of the ground从地下涌出
A fountain in a waste, A well of water in a country dry.
出自:E. MuirShe saw..that all was not well with him.
出自:W. IrvingFifty eggs, not new laid, but still well enough.
出自:P. S. BuckAll's well that ends well.
出自:ProverbThrough his clothes fresh blood came welling up with every heart-beat.
出自:J. ReedMaria watched the tears welling in Helene's eyes.
出自:J. DidionNew peace and happiness welled up inside her.
出自:S. ChittyA thick brown liquid welled up and quickly filled the hollow.
出自:M. LeitchBy acting well, And understanding, I should..love The end of life.
- adv.
- admirably
- agreeably
- closely
- fairly
- greatly
- happily
- possibly
- rightly
- warmly adj.
- healthy
- strong
- vigorous
- good
- proper
- right
- happy
- satisfactory
- successful n.
- cavity
- hole
- mine
- pool
- source
- spring v.
- flood
- flow
- jet
- rise
- spring
- stream
- surge
单词:welling 相关文章
As I was walking down a path in the woods one day I came across a vision that caught my eye There was a lady standing Right there beside a well And I heard her whisper What you wish for you can have Then the vision went away I thought that I had lost
Ross: Then don't do that, alright? 那么就不要那么干。 Ross: Monica. What do you think? 摩妮卡,你认为呢? Monica: (welling up) Mmhmm. 嗯。 Ross: Wh are you welling up? 你热泪盈眶了? Monica: No. 才没有。 Ross: You are,
As I was walking down a path in the woods one day I came across a vision that caught my eye There was a lady standing Right there beside a well And I heard her whisper What you wish for you can have Then the vision went away I thought that I had lost
Ross: Well? Isn't that amazing? Joey: What are we supposed to be seeing here? Chandler: I dunno, but.. I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. Phoebe: You know, if you tilt your head to the left, and relax your eyes, it kinda looks like an old p