音标:[ru:l] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 规则, 统治, 控制, 支配, 规律, 标准, 章程, 破折号, 铅线
vt. 规定, 统治, 管理, 控制, 支配, 裁决
vi. 统治, 管辖, 裁定
[计] 规则, 水线
n. a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior
n. prescribed guide for conduct or action
n. (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
n. the duration of a monarch's or government's power
词型变化:名词复数形式 : rules ; 过去分词 : ruled ; 过去式 : ruled ; 第三人称单数 : rules ; 现在分词 : ruling



  1. Can you explain the thirty-second rule to me?可以给我解释一下30秒规则吗?
  2. It's against the rule to pick up the ball.捡球是犯规的。
  3. Is this rule in operation yet?这一条例生效了吗?
  4. I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.我习惯在午饭后散散步。
  5. Kenya was under (British) colonial rule for many years.肯尼亚曾多年受(英国)殖民统治。
  1. I am slowly but surely going to rule this land.我一定会慢慢地统一这片土地。
  2. Charles ruled England for 11 years.查理一世统治英国11年。
  3. Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线。


  1. One rule for all doesn't work.一刀切是不行的。
  2. The rule has been in abeyance since 1980.这一规定自1980年起失效。
  3. The rule has no application to this particular case.那项规定不适用于这一特定情况。
  4. There is no rule against it.没有禁止这种做法的规定。
  5. You must obey the rule.你必须遵守规定。
  6. They argued her out of violating the operating rule.他们说服她别违反操作规程。
  7. You must obey the rules of the game.你必须遵守游戏的规则。
  8. You'll have to fight through a lot of opposition to get the rules changed.你们必须力排众议,以求变法。
  9. It is against the rules of the school to keep pets.饲养宠物是违反学校规定的。
  10. Everything has been done in accordance with the rules.一切都是按规定进行的。
  11. He broke the rule that family discord should never reach the ears of outsiders.他打破了家庭不和不可外扬的惯例。
  12. It is my rule to get up early.我习惯早起。
  13. It has been a rule for years never to interrupt father in the morning.多年来我们从不在早上打搅父亲。
  14. She makes a rule of going for a walk every afternoon.她有每天下午散步的习惯。
  15. He makes it a rule to do morning exercises every day.他每天必做早操。
  16. They were determined to liberate the people from the puppet regime's dark rule.他们决心把人民从傀儡政权的黑暗统治下解放出来。
  17. These are the countries that were once under French rule.这些是曾由法国统治的国家。
  18. He knows the decimal rules.他懂得十进制的用法。
  19. Use a rule to measure the width of that cloth.用尺子量一下那块布的宽度。
  1. The British monarchs reign but do not rule.大不列颠君主称王但没有统治权。
  2. The majority rules in a democracy.民主国家一切听任多数人的意见裁决。
  3. Obviously economic forces rule.很显然经济力量起决定作用。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. Despots seldom rule long.暴政短命。
  2. Crops rule good.庄稼长势都很好。
  3. Prices ruled low.物价普遍偏低。
  4. The market rules high in that country.那个国家里市场价格昂贵。
  5. The marks for English exams this term ruled high.这学期几次英语考试分数普遍偏高。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He ruled the test paper carefully.他小心地在考卷上划直线。
  2. He used a ruler to rule the paper.他用尺子在纸上划直线。
  3. She ruled a line and numbered it off; one inch representing three feet.她画了一条线,标上数字,每英寸代表三英尺。
  4. Is it true that Mrs. Robert rules her husband?罗伯特夫人真的对罗伯特先生管得很严吗?
  5. She couldn't rule herself that moment.当时她不能控制自己。
  6. She could rule her children.她能支配自己的孩子。
  7. He couldn't even rule that small province.他甚至控制不住那个小省。
  8. The King ruled his people well and wisely.这位国王贤明地统治着他的臣民。
  9. Who rules this country?谁治理这个国家?
  10. The times when colonialists ruled Africa is over.殖民主义者统治非洲的时代已经过去了。
  11. His reason ruled his anger.他凭理智抑制了愤怒。
  12. Silence ruled the room.房间里一片寂静。
  13. I always like Napoleon from when I was six on because he was small and had ruled the world.我从6岁起就一直喜欢拿破仑,就是因为他个儿小却统治了世界。
  14. 1
  15. Everything is ruled by his brother.一切都由他哥哥决定。
  16. He did not want himself to be ruled by others.他不愿意自己受人控制。
  17. Some feudal states were ruled by autocratic kings.有些封建国家由专制的国王统治。
  18. Don't be ruled by personal interests.不要被个人利益所支配。
  19. Don't be ruled by your passions.不要被强烈感情所支配。
  1. The judge ruled that the new evidence should be considered.法官宣布新的证词应予以注意。
  2. The judge ruled that the witness (should) be heard.那位法官裁定要传唤证人问话。
  3. The judge ruled that he must stop beating his wife.法官裁决他必须停止打他的妻子。
  4. The judge ruled that they had no right to ask such a question.法官宣布他们无权提这样的问题。
  5. The chairman ruled that my action was a violation of the law.主席裁决我的行为是违犯法律的。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) adj./prep. -phrase
  1. She tried to rule herself not to be angry.她竭力控制自己不发火。
  2. The judge ruled him incompetent to stand trial.法官裁定他没有受审的行为能力。
  3. The committee ruled Nigel's proposal out of court because it was too expensive.委员会拒绝了奈杰尔的建议,因为他的建议花费太大。
  4. 1
  5. These documents were ruled irrelevant.这些文件已判定与本案无关。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. He ruled himself not to intervene.他克制自己不要干预。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. In this country ruled by law, few criminals can get away with their crimes.在这个法治国家里,罪犯无法逃脱罪有应得的惩罚。
  2. Do you want ruled paper or plain?你要有格的纸还是白纸?
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. The ruling classes will not step off the stage of history of their own accord.统治阶级不会自动退出历史舞台。


as a rule
    通常; 一般说来 usually
bear rule over
    支配(某人) control sb
bend the rules
    放宽限制,通融 soften the terms; make an exception in sb's favour
by rule
    循规蹈矩地 according to rule
by rule and line
    准确地,精密地 accurately
ground rules
    基本规则 basic rules
rule of sea〔road〕
    航行规则; 交通规则 accepted laws governing ships/road vehicles
rule of thumb
    凭感觉做的方法; 单凭经验的方法 practical (rather than theoretical) method
rules and regulations
    琐碎而烦人的规定 small annoying rules
under the rule of
    在…的统治〔管理〕之下 under the control or management of sb/sth
work to rule
    照章工作 follow the rules of one's occupation with excessive strictness in order to cause delay, as a form of industrial protest
rule against (v.+prep.)
    作出不利于…的裁决 make a formal decision not in favour of (sb/sth)rule against sb/sth/v-ing

    The representatives ruled against the motion.


    The government has ruled against any increase in taxes this year.


    The judge ruled against the plaintiff.


    The chairman ruled against admitting the press to the meeting.


rule off (v.+adv.)
    使…不能 cause sb not to do sthrule off

    When you have finished an exercise, rule off.


    rule sth ⇔ off

    He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly.


    Rule off the column and we'll close the account at that date.


    rule sb ⇔ off for sth

    A bad leg ruled him off for long distance running.


    The referee ruled him off for rough attitude.


rule on (v.+prep.)
    就…进行裁决或作出决定 make a formal decision about sthrule on sth

    The court will rule on the matter.


    The judges have been asked to rule on the question of the lawfulness of the drug in medical use.


rule out (v.+adv.)
    宣布…不可能; 排除…的可能性 prevent sb from sth/doing sth; prevent sth from happening; make sth impossible; exclude a possibilityrule sth ⇔ out

    Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish the examiner to read.


    rule sb/sth ⇔ out

    The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen.


    A sudden storm ruled out the boat race.


    But this does not rule out unofficial discussions.


    So I should ask you not to rule out that possibility.


    Police have ruled out murder but are still holding several people for questioning.


    That's a possibility that can't be ruled out.


    He said the possibility was not ruled out for them to meet again in June.


rule over (v.+prep.)
    作为君主或首领来统治 act as a king, queen, or other governor of (usually a nation)rule over sb/sth

    The parents ruled over their children.


    He ruled over his people with cruelty.


    An emperor is a monarch who rules over an empire.


    He was the only person who could rule over the tribes.


    They ruled over that country for more than 300 years.


    Gessler ruled over Switzerland. The Swiss people hated him.


    He ruled over the country with great justice.


    They no longer rule over any overseas dominions.


rule with (v.+prep.)
    用…方式管理 govern (sth such a group) in a (very severe) wayrule with sth

    He sent a special governor to Altorf, a man named Gressber, who would rule with a firm hand.


    rule sb/sth with sth

    The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline.


    Mark said that he would like to rule a small kingdom with a rod of iron .


    John is ruled by his wife with a rod of iron .



用作名词 (n.)
  • abide by the rules遵守规则
  • abolish a rule废除统治
  • adopt a rule采纳一项规则
  • apply a rule应用一项规章
  • bear rule支配,统治
  • bend a rule任意歪曲规则,篡改规则
  • break a rule打破规章制度
  • cancel rules废除规则
  • carry out a rule执行规定
  • conform to the rule符合规定
  • consolidate the rule加强统治
  • do away with a rule废除统治〔规则〕
  • draw up rules制定规则
  • enforce a rule执行规定
  • establish rules建立制度
  • extend one's rule扩展统治
  • follow the rule遵守规则
  • frame rules制定规则,形成规则
  • ignore a rule忽视规则
  • keep the rules遵守规则
  • lay down rules建立制度
  • make a rule of养成…习惯
  • obey a rule遵守规则
  • observe a rule遵守规则
  • rebel against rules反对规则
  • relax some rules放宽某些规则
  • respect a rule尊重裁决
  • revoke a rule废除规章,取消规章
  • revolt against the rule反抗…的统治
  • set down a rule制定规则
  • stretch a rule曲解规则,滥用规则
  • violate a rule违反规则
  • work out rules制订规则
  • absolute rule绝对法则
  • basic rule基本规则
  • benevolent rule仁慈的统治
  • colonial rule殖民统治
  • despotic rule专制暴君的统治
  • established rule成规
  • firm rule严格的规则
  • fixed rule固定的规则
  • flexible rule灵活的规则
  • foreign rule异国的统治
  • general rule普遍规律,通则
  • main rules主要规则
  • ordinary rules常规
  • outdated rules陈规
  • popular rule民众的统治
  • rewrite rule重写规则
  • rigid rule严格的规则
  • same rule同样的规则
  • strict rules严格的规定
  • two-foot rule两英尺长的尺子
  • wise rule明智的规定
  • deletion rule省略规则
  • home rule地方自治
  • gag rule限制言论自由的规定
  • ground rule基本规则,行动准则,比赛场地,临时规则
  • majority rule多数党执政
  • against the rules违反惯例
  • as a rule通常,一般说来
  • by rule按照规则
  • by rule and line准确地
  • during rule在统治期间
  • a set of rules一套规则
  • out of rule与习俗相悖
  • under the rule在统治之下
  • rule for…的规则
  • rules of…规律,…规则
  • rule of law法治
  • rule over对…的统治
用作动词 (v.)
  • rule a community统治一个社区
  • rule a continent统治大陆
  • rule oneself克制自己
  • rule sb's fate支配某人的命运
  • rule the world统治世界
  • rule arbitrarily武断地判定
  • rule brutally残暴地统治
  • rule democratically民主统治
  • rule despotically专制统治
  • rule off用尺画线隔开
  • rule off the figure在这个数字下面画一条线
  • rule out划去,排除,拒绝,不考虑,不接受
  • rule out the possibility排除此可能性
  • rule over支配
  • rule against对…作不利的裁决
  • rule on对…作出裁决
  • rule over统治…
  • rule over the gathering(友好气氛)笼罩会场
  • rule with justice公正治理


  • His object..was..to find a rule by which to govern his own actions.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • My rule is to remember that I understand nobody.

    出自:T. S. Eliot
  • The function of an empirical hypothesis is to provide a rule for the anticipation of experience.

    出自:A. J. Ayer
  • The..Abbot..commanded Halbert to rule his temper.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • One who rules himself to..sobriety of conduct.

    出自:E. Gaskell
  • Great brewing families which rule London.

    出自:E. Waugh
  • We were ruled by the clock.

    出自:R. Rendell

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bale picker
Balūch, Kūh-e
Battery Construction Ltd.
be in the same camp
become a figure of fun
broadband channel
brush apparatus
car hole
carbon spot
cleanup sludge system
clove bark
come into sb.'s possession
condition for stability
Connection speed
councilman cell
Cycas circinalis
DC high potential test
diagnostic measure and read
differential quotient
dual shale shaker
equilibrium numerical aperture
finishing roll
genus araneas
gradual exhaustion
grandfather cycle
grevy's zebra
grid type radiant burner
Hamiltonian group
have sb in
homonomial organ
horizontal support
hygral shrinkage
lactic cheese
magnesia-chromite brick
mild steel reinforcement
native hydrocarbons
neo malthusianism
noneconomic variable
normal engagement
oval cam
over-notching relay
overhead press
procedural unconscionability
quantitative cytophotometry
recording of subdivision load lines
ring oscillator
ring roll press
rock-rolled sheet
saprobic classification
service interval
setup service
shingled bacon
solid pedestal
Spivack's operation
striking block wearing plate
surplus personnel
take one's hair down
the course of action
thinking process
three-phase rotor
tilling attachment
U.S. News & World Report
visible light transducer
visual purplr
Weber's sign
went the extra mile
woolly hat
World Wild Web