音标:['kwestʃәn] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 问题, 询问
v. 询问, 审问, 怀疑
[计] 询问
n. an instance of questioning
n. the subject matter at issue
n. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply
n. an informal reference to a marriage proposal
词型变化:名词复数形式 : questions ; 过去分词 : questioned ; 过去式 : questioned ; 现在分词 : questioning ; 第三人称单数 : questions



  1. He gave me no chance to reply to his question.他没有给我回答他问题的机会。
  2. That is a great international question of the day.那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
  3. Make a mark where you have a question.在有疑问的地方做个记号。
  4. There was some question as to his honesty.关于他的诚实,还有些疑问。
  1. The teacher will question us on verbs.老师将问我们关于动词的知识。
  2. We shall have to detain him and question him.我们只好把他扣起来,讯问他一下。
  3. I would never question her honesty.我决不会对她的诚实有所怀疑。
  4. We must question your judgment in this matter.我们必须怀疑你对这件事的判断。


  1. Answer the following questions.回答下列问题。
  2. The students asked a lot of questions.学生们问了许多问题。
  3. We must consider the question in all its bearings.我们必须从各方面考虑这个问题。
  4. What did you say in answer to the teacher's question?你是怎么回答老师的问题的?
  5. If you have any questions, ask the director.He's in charge.若有问题,你可问主任。他负责一切。
  6. The professor said that he would not go into the question in great detail.教授说他今天就不十分详细地谈这个问题了。
  7. The question is still up in the air.这个问题还没定下来。
  8. The question was how field work should be planned in view of the previous day's rain.现在的问题是由于头一天下了雨,这一天的农活应当怎样安排。
  9. There was absolutely no question about the diagnosis, she had lung cancer.业已完全确诊,她得了肺癌。
~+to- v
  1. It's a difficult question to decide.这是个难以决定的问题。
~+of wh-to- v
  1. I think that I've managed to solve the question of what to buy my mother for her birthday.我认为我自己解决了给妈妈买什么东西来作生日礼物的问题。
~+as to wh-clause
  1. There has been some question as to whether or not the President will resign.总统是否会辞职还不确定。
  2. A question arose as to who was the legal heir.出现了谁是合法继承人的有争议的问题。
  1. These are questions that lie outside the purview of our inquiry.这些都不是属于我们调查范围的问题。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I prefer questioning my pupils to lecturing them.我喜欢少讲课,多提问。
  2. What right have you to question us?你有什么权力盘问我们?
  3. I questioned the boy until he told all he knew.我询问这孩子直到他把所知道的都说出来为止。
  4. The police questioned the witness.警察审讯证人。
  5. The police will begin to question the suspect.警方将开始审讯疑犯。
  6. They are questioning the captive.他们在审问那个俘虏。
  7. They were questioning him for the second time.他们是在第二次审讯他了。
  8. The police questioned her for three quarters of an hour.警察审问了她三刻钟。
  9. They questioned the prisoner in order to know something.他们为了了解一些东西而审问犯人。
  10. The bandits questioned us one by one, whipping whoever refused to answer.匪徒们挨个问我们,谁不说就是一顿鞭子。
  11. I'll question the truth of his words.我将问他说的是不是真话。
  12. I would never question his honesty.我绝不会怀疑他的诚实。
  13. Almost 400 years ago an Italian scientist named Galileo began to question Aristotle's theory of falling objects.大约400年前意大利一位名叫伽利略的科学家开始对亚里士多德的落体论提出质疑。
  14. No one questioned his ideas for almost 2000 years.差不多2000年来,没有人对他的想法提出怀疑。
  15. Some people question the value of compulsory games at school.一些人怀疑学校中强迫运动的价值。
  16. They question the importance of that matter.他们对那件事的重要性表示怀疑。
  17. I could not but question the possibility of such flight.我不得不怀疑这种飞行的可能性。
  18. You are challenging my competence as a teacher and I question your right to do it.你对我作为教师的能力表示怀疑,而我不相信你有这样做的权力。
  19. That's your right and we will never question it.这是你们的权力,对此我们绝不怀疑。
  20. I don't question his ability to do the job.我不怀疑他有做好那项工作的能力。
  21. 1
  22. The man was questioned by the police.那人受到警方的讯问。
  23. Two men are being questioned by the police in connection with the robbery.两个与劫案有关的男人正受警方讯问。
  24. He was questioned by the police for more than five hours.他被警方审讯了五个小时。
  25. Some of the labour leaders were also questioned by the reactionary police.一些工人领导也受到反动警察的讯问。
  1. I question if you can do it.我对你能否做这件事表示怀疑。
  2. We question if his application will be approved.我们怀疑他的申请能否被批准。
  3. I question whether his policy will be successful.我怀疑他的政策是否会成功。
  4. I questioned whether he would keep his promise.我很怀疑他能不能信守诺言。
  5. I question whether he can do the job in a day or two.我怀疑一两天后他能否做那件工作。
  6. We question whether his application will be approved.我们怀疑他的申请能否被批准。
  7. He questioned whether anybody could run a Marathon in less than two hours.是否有人能在两小时内跑完马拉松全程,他表示怀疑。
  8. I very much question whether this plan is practicable.我很怀疑这个计划是不是行得通。
  9. 1
  10. It has been questioned whether that is the best solution for the problem.有人怀疑这是不是解决问题的最好办法。
  1. “What's the use of telling all this to me?” she questioned.她问道:“你告诉我这些有什么用?”


ask a silly question
    不要问答案已很清楚的问题 do not ask a question to which the answer is obvious
beside the question
    不切题,不相干 not be relevant to the subject
beyond (all) question
    无可置疑,毫无疑问 without argument
in question
    正被谈论的 referred to; stated
it's a question of
    涉及,有关 concerning; relevant to
open question
    未解决的问题,有争议的问题 arguable; debatable
out of question
    毫无疑问 unquestionable
out of the question
    不可能的,不能考虑的 impossible
pop the question
    求婚 ask sb to marry one
put a question mark against
    提出疑问,表示怀疑 raise doubt
put it to the question
    畅所欲言 get sb to state his〔her〕 opinion
question of moment
    首要问题 topical question
there be no question (but) that...
    毫无疑问 undoubtedly
There is〔was〕 no question of
    毫无疑问 undoubtedly
under question
    在受盘问时 being questioned
without question
    毫无疑问,无可争辩 undoubtedly
It cannot be questioned but/that...
    毫无疑问 There is no question (but) that
question about (v.+prep.)
    询问,盘问 ask a question or questionsquestion sb about sb/sth

    He proceeded to question her in detail about the school children.


    They questioned her closely about her relation with the dead man.


    The policeman just questioned him about his connections with the injured man.


    The lawyer questioned the witness about the accident.


    The scientist questioned the Indians about the river's name.


    Did he question you about it?


    He took the first opportunity to question his wife about it.


    The enemy had not questioned him about that.


    She was questioned about his immoral conduct towards her.


    question sb about wh-clause

    I'll question him about what he was doing last night.


    The teacher questioned the children about what happened in the story.


question as to
    询问,盘问 ask (sb) about sthquestion sb as to sth

    We questioned the natives as to the river's name.


    They invited her in and questioned her as to her ability.


question on (v.+prep.)
    询问,盘问 ask sb about sthquestion sb/sth on sth

    The master had told us he would question us on verbs.


    They questioned him on this subject.


    I'd like to question you on your views about the housing problems.


    When the reading was over, she questioned the class on the content of the text.


    You can question the whole class on the stories they have read.


    They were all questioned on the matter.



用作名词 (n.)
  • address a question提出问题
  • admit no question不容置疑
  • answer the question回答这个问题
  • ask a question问个问题
  • beg the question用未经证明的假定来辩论
  • bring forth a question提出问题
  • bring out a question提出问题
  • bring up a question提出问题
  • clear up a question澄清疑点
  • come into question被讨论,变得有实际重要性
  • consider the question考虑问题
  • decide the question解决问题
  • direct a question发问
  • discuss a question讨论问题
  • field a question巧妙地回答问题
  • fire the question提出质问
  • have a question有个问题
  • ignore the question不理睬这一问题
  • leave the question untouched把这问题置于一旁
  • make no question of对…不加怀疑
  • move a question提出问题
  • open to question还有讨论的余地
  • pass the question by不注意问题
  • pose a question提出问题
  • put forward a question提出问题
  • raise a question提出问题
  • reply to a question回答一个问题
  • sleep on〔upon〕 a question把问题留到第二天解决
  • sleep over a question把问题留到第二天解决
  • solve a question解决问题
  • take up the question着手处理这一问题
  • treat a question处理问题
  • turn the question off避开这一问题
  • work out a question解决一个问题
  • above question(s)上述问题
  • basic question根本问题
  • civil question有礼貌的问题
  • complicated question疑难问题,复杂的问题
  • difficult question难题
  • direct question直截疑问句
  • disputed question有争论的问题
  • easy question容易的问题
  • economic question经济问题
  • explosive question爆炸性事件
  • few questions几个问题
  • the following question(s)下边的问题
  • further question进一步的问题
  • interesting question有趣的问题
  • leading question暗示性或诱导性的问题
  • loaded question含沙射影的问题
  • major question重大问题
  • new question新问题
  • open question未解决的问题
  • personal question个人问题
  • polite question有礼貌的问题
  • political question政治问题
  • serious question严重的问题
  • sharp question尖锐的问题
  • silly question愚蠢的问题
  • similar question相似的问题
  • special question特殊疑问句,特殊的问题
  • sticky question麻烦的问题
  • straight question直截了当的问题,明确的问题
  • technical question技术性的问题
  • the first question第一个问题
  • the last question最后的问题
  • the same question相同的问题,同样的问题
  • thousand questions许许多多的问题,无数问题
  • unsettled question未解决的问题
  • vexed question争论不休的问题,议论纷纷
  • vital question生死攸关的问题
  • essay question问答题
  • examination question考试题
  • test question测验题
  • question to vote提请表决的议题
  • at question可以争论的
  • beside the question离题
  • beyond (all) question毫无疑问,当然
  • on this question关于这个问题
  • out of question毫无疑问
  • out of the question不可能,办不到
  • past all question毫无疑问
  • to the question针对这问题
  • without question毫无疑问
  • question about the matter有关这事的问题
  • question of importance重要的问题
  • question of time时间问题
  • question on a picture图片问题
  • question on the exam考题
用作动词 (v.)
  • question a person审问某人
  • question the accuracy怀疑正确性
  • question the truth怀疑真实性
  • question closely仔细地审问
  • question curiously好奇地问
  • question exhaustively追根究底地问
  • question improperly不符合事实地问
  • question innocently天真地问
  • question minutely仔细地问
  • question openly公开怀疑
  • question sternly严厉地询问
  • question sb about his activities询问某人的活动
  • question sb on his views询问某人的看法
  • question sb on〔upon〕 the point就这点质问某人


  • Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs.

  • Excused from having to ask those ghastly sickroom questions.

    出自:C. Isherwood
  • The friends..questioned one another with their eyes.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • I questioned John half a century later about that suit.

    出自:E. Longford
  • An unidentified man was still being questioned in connection with Puddephat's murder.

    出自:Joan Smith

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a tame jolly
abrasin oils
aggregate social capital
air actuator
all-rubber adsorbent
animal lover
Anna May
aulacaspis maesae
auxiliary tone
bearing rod
binary composition
brand choice behaviour
capillary poisons
change of flag
cheilopogon spilopterus
choleic acid
connected word recognition
cost row
creation of pledge
Deal I.
descriptive crystallo graphy
Devil's Triangle,the
double cutting separating disk
fallen woman
frame photography
informal coalition
inhibitory state
initiation of lactation
Johor Bahru
kinetomere (lima-de-faria 1949)centromeric chromomere
liberal zombie
licenced pilot
line drip signal
mast cell
medium-speed pump
optical image processing
paries anterior vaginae
primer surfacer
recirculation reactor line
sample details
semiconductor cell
software masking
space filling
starboard tack
Suaeda prostrata
Sungai Bayor
system, data acquisition
tabled zero-sided Lindenmayer system
tanked it
territory health quarantine
title insurers
total salt content
transverse palsy
underwater physics
up-and-down rod
VHF TV transmitter