n. 合身的衣服;阵发;一阵(fit的复数)
n a display of bad temper
n a sudden uncontrollable attack
n the manner in which something fits
n a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)
v be agreeable or acceptable to
v be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired
v satisfy a condition or restriction
v make fit
v insert or adjust several objects or people
v be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
v conform to some shape or size
v provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
v make correspond or harmonize



  1. I don't see fit to tell you all my plans.我认为把所有的计划都告诉你是不适宜的。
  2. The soil is fit for cotton planting.这种土壤适宜种棉花。
  3. The room was a fit place for study.这个房间适宜读书。
  4. He could find a fit opportunity to divulge their marriage.他找到一个合适的机会来宣布他们的婚姻。
  5. The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。
  6. He is now fit enough to go back to work.他现在身体健康,可以回去工作了。
  1. His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post.他的天资有限,不太适合担任这项职务。
  2. A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.管子工是安装和修理水管的人。
  3. Could you fit me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car ?请您给我的车灯安装一个新灯泡好吗?
  4. Can you fit it in the door?您能把它安装在门上吗?
  1. She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names.她一阵歇斯底里发作,骂了他几句。
  2. A fit of stubbornness came over him and he refused to have anything further to do with them.他的牛脾气发作了,再不肯和他们打什么交道。
  3. Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism.湿气使我的风湿病又发作了。
  4. This dress is a beautiful fit.这件衣服既合身又漂亮。


  1. The hat fits perfectly.这顶帽子挺合适的。
  2. This pair of shoes fit perfectly. I will take this pair.这双鞋大小刚合适,我就买这双了。
  3. If this shirt doesn't fit, may I change it later?如果这件衬衫不合身,我可以来调换吗?
  4. The door fits badly.门关不严。
  5. They don't fit together.它们装配不起来。
  6. The broken pieces won't fit.这些碎片拼不起来。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Does the coat fit you?这件上衣合你的身吗?
  2. You ought to have that coat tailored to fit you.你应该把那件衣服裁得合身。
  3. It's difficult to fit him; he's so fat.要他穿着合适很难做到,他太胖了。
  4. Therapeutic measures were selected to fit the patient.选择治疗措施以适应病人的需要。
  5. Does this plan fit our present and future needs?这个计划适应我们目前和未来的需要吗?
  6. His speech fitted the occasion well.他的演说很合时宜。
  7. Each of you must find the technique that fits your convenience.你们每个人都必须找到自己感到方便的方法。
  8. No program of work will fit every community.没有一种工作规划对各个团体都适用。
  9. The sheets are made in several sizes to fit different sizes of bed.这些床单有几种尺寸规格,以便与大小不同的床配套。
  10. He will just fit the post.他会相当地称职。
  11. As the work is great,I intend to appoint a strong man to fit it.由于这项工作责任重大,我打算派个能干的人去承担。
  12. The electrician fitted my new cooker.电工为我安装新炊具。
  13. I took the wheels off and fitted them again and again, but they still didn't move.我把轮子都卸下来,安装了好几次,但是轮子仍旧不转。
  14. 1
  15. Each of the tubes has to be fitted inside the other.这些管子必须一个套一个。
  16. The machines were fitted in position.机械都已安装到位了。
  17. This room has been fitted carpets.这个房间已铺了地毯。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. The authorities fitted the explorers a fleet.当局为探险者配备了一艘舰艇。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. His great height fitted him to play basketball.他身材高大,适于打篮球。
  2. Through such activity in peace time, we have fitted ourselves to undertake many tasks in case of enemy attack.通过和平时期的这种活动,万一敌人进攻,我们就能承担许多任务。
S+be ~ed+to- v
  1. She is not fitted to play the part of Juliet.她演朱丽叶不合适。
  2. The food was not fitted to eat.这食物不宜吃。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. We must decide at once on a fit time and place for the meeting.我们必须马上定一个合适的开会时间和地点。
  2. Only fit applicants need apply.只有符合条件的申请人需要申请。
  3. She's not a fit person to be in charge of small children.她不是一个适宜看管孩子的人。
  1. I should have attended the lecture yesterday, but I was not fit.昨天我本应去听讲座的,但身体不好没有去。
  2. He runs 3 miles every morning; that's why he's so fit.他每天上午跑3英里路,因此才那么强壮。
  3. You look very fit.你看上去很健康。
  4. I hope you're keeping fit.希望你保持健康。
S+be+~+ prep. -phrase
  1. She is fit for the job.她适合做这项工作。
  2. The old Prime Minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office than anyone else.老首相可是个聪明诚实的人,比谁都称职。
  3. Such a boat is only fit for a calm sea.这种船只适合于在风平浪静的海上航行。
  4. This book is fit for the children.这本书适合儿童阅读。
  5. He is now well and fit for work.他现在很健康,能做工作。
  6. We must decide at once on a fit time and place for the meeting.我们必须马上定一个合适的开会时间和地点。
  7. The house is fit for human habitation.这房子适宜人居住。
  8. The food is not fit for eating.这食物不宜吃了。
  9. The manager is not fit for his position.这位经理不称职。
  10. I don't think she's really fit for the job.我觉得她实在不能胜任这项工作。
  11. She's just fit for a job as a secretary.她只适合于当秘书。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. The food was not fit to eat.那食物不能吃。
  2. The water is not fit to drink.这水不适宜饮用。
  3. She's not fit to be in charge of small children.她不适合照看婴儿。
  4. The young man is now fit to ride.这个年轻人可以骑马。
It is/was+~+that-clause
  1. It is not fit that you should speak to your mother like that.你对你母亲这样讲话是不合适的。
  2. It is fit that we give thanks.我们致谢是应该的。
  1. Don't you think the clothes are a nice fit?难道你们不认为这衣服非常合身吗?
  2. The coat is a bad fit.这上衣不合身。
  3. This coat is a beautiful fit.这件上衣非常合身。
  4. I'll try to climb through, but it's a tight fit.我想爬过去,但是这太窄了。
  5. She suffers from epileptic fits.她有癫痫的毛病。
  6. She fell down in a fit.她突然昏倒了。
  7. I had a blue fit when he walked into the room,I thought he had died years ago.他走进房间来时,我吓昏了,我以为他多年前就死了。
  8. The man collapsed on the floor in a fit.这男子昏倒在地。
  9. In the election, he was beaten into fits.在选举时,他被人轻易地击败了。
  10. He beat his opponent into fits in the match.比赛中他轻易地击败了他的对手。
  11. He laughed himself into fits.他笑得东倒西歪。
  12. She screamed herself into fits.她狂吼乱叫。
  13. She burst into a fit of laughter.她突然大笑起来。
  14. In a fit of anger he hit his friend.他一怒之下打了他的朋友。
  15. He did it in a fit of temper.他一怒之下做了这件事。
  16. I left him in a fit of indignation.一怒之下,我离开了他。
  17. In a fit of efficiency he answered all his mail in an hour.他猛写了一阵,在一小时内回复了全部信件。


fit for (v.+prep.)
    适于,适合 be suitable for sth
fit in (v.+adv.)
    相处融洽,合得来 behave or feel as if belonging or suitingfit in

    I don't think this is the box that this toy came in, it won't fit in.


    All of us couldn't fit in there.


    fit sb/sth ⇔ in

    There was so much furniture in the sale room that it became impossible to fit any more in.


    The room is so small that I don't think we can fit in another bed.


    fit sb/sth ⇔ in

    Mr. Sharp is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent,I will see if I can fit you in.


    Although I am very busy,I'll try to fit in a game of tennis at the weekend.


    I am sure you can fit me in somewhere.


    fit in

    Mary joined a painting group but didn't seem to fit in, so she left.


fit in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    适合,适应,符合,与…一致 agree withfit in with sb/sth

    His plans to take his vacation early in August fit in with mine.


    New members must fit in with the rest of the committee.


    His examples fitted in well with his argument.


    I will change my timetable to fit in with yours.


    My holiday arrangements must fit in with yours.


    Your ideas fit in with mine.


    fit sb/sth in with sb/sth

    I will try to fit my arrangements in with yours.


fit into( v.+prep. )
    适合,合乎…的时间〔空间〕,与…融为一体 take the right space or time infit into sth

    If I gain any more weight,I won't be able to fit into my clothes.


    I don't think she'll fit into the organization.


    He did not fit so easily into the life in America .


    The house fits into the scenery so well that you can hardly see it.


    fit sth into sth

    I cannot fit this toy into the box, are you sure it is the right one?


    Any new building must be fitted into the existing appearance of the city.


fit on1( v.+adv. )
    试穿 try clothing to see if it is the right size
fit on2( v.+prep. )
    把…安在…上 place sth exactly on sthfit sth on sth

    I cannot fit the lid on this box.


    Father fitted a new tyre on my bike.


    Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes.


fit out( v.+adv. )
    以…装备,供给…以必需品 supply with necessaryfit sb/sth ⇔ out

    We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.


    We must fit the boy out for school.


    The ship has been newly fitted out.


    The new machine has been fitted out for a trial.


fit round( v.+prep. )
    为适应而改变… change to suit sthfit round sb/sth

    The baby's hands are too small to fit round the ball.


    fit sb/sth round sb/sth

    I don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.


fit to( v.+prep. )
    与…相配,与…相称,相对应 match; suitfit to sth

    See if the frame fits to the door, and if it does, then finish making it.


    fit sth to sth

    We should fit the punishment to the crime.


    See if you can fit any of these odd lids to this set of containers.


    Fit the appetite to the task.


    We have to fit ourselves to the requirements of our jobs.


    We always fit our deeds to our words.


fit together( v.+adv. )
    组成一个整体 form a whole or unityfit sth ⇔ together

    The ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together from building materials that they found on the island.


    fit together

    These broken pieces of plates don't fit together, they must be parts of different ones.


    The movements of this piece of music somehow don't fit together.


fit up( v.+adv. )
    给(某人)硬套罪名 make sb seem guilty of a crime when in fact he is notfit sth ⇔ up

    There's room at the end of the garage to fit up a workbench.


    It costs a lot of money to fit up a new office.


    The royal train was fitted up with costly furniture.


    The hotel has been fitted up with modern comforts and conveniences.


    fit sth ⇔ up

    Please fit the machine up for this afternoon's class.


    New blackboards have been fitted up in all the classrooms.


    fit sth ⇔ up

    Please stay here, we can fit up a bed for the night.


    fit sb ⇔ up

    I will fit you up with a bed at my house.


    Your uncle should be able to fit you up with a job in his firm.


    fit sb ⇔ up

    I didn't take the jewels, the police have fitted me up.


fit with( v.+prep. )
    给…装配… supply with sthfit sb/sth with sth

    I must ask the dentist to fit me with some new teeth.


    Each drawer was fitted with a lock.


    Each office is fitted with bookshelves.


as fit as a fiddle
    非常健康的,感觉良好 in very good physical condition
fit to burst
    几乎要爆炸 as if about to explode
fit to drop
    几乎要瘫在地上的 (as if) about to fall on the ground, especially because of extreme tiredness
see〔think〕 fit
    认为干…是合适的 consider it correct, convenient or acceptable (to do sth); decide or choosesee〔think〕 fit

    Do as you think fit.


    see〔think〕 fit to-v

    In his mercy,Allah had seen fit to spare him once again.


    The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.


    She thought fit to buy two expensive hats at a time.


fit and start
    一阵一阵地 in irregular bursts of activity over a period of time
have a fit
    大吃一惊,大发脾气 suffer a fit


用作动词 (v.)
  • fit a lock装锁
  • fit facts符合事实
  • fit fog lights安装在雾中使用的灯
  • fit new seat covers安装新椅套
  • fit the conditions适合情况
  • always fit一向适合
  • ill fit不适合
  • fit all right完全合适
  • fit best最适于
  • fit well好关
  • fit badly关不上
  • fit closely完全适合
  • fit eminently非常符合
  • fit exactly完全地吻合
  • fit ideally完美地结合
  • fit neatly绝对地符合
  • fit nicely十分贴切
  • fit perfectly完美地结合
  • fit physically自然地符合
  • fit plainly简陋地装备
  • fit successfully成功地结合
  • fit temperamentally不稳定地结合
  • fit uniquely独一无二地结合
  • fit in适合
  • fit in with适合,符合
  • fit on试穿(衣服),安上,安装,盖上
  • fit out供应,装备,配备
  • fit throughout全部地符合
  • fit together配得上,配得起来,契合在一起
  • fit up供应,装备,配备
  • fit for使…适应,使…胜任
  • fit oneself for做好…准备
  • fit into使…任命于,使…适合于
  • fit round调整得一致
  • fit to把…装到…上,使一致,使适应
  • fit with用…装备,给…配备,向…供应
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • feel fit感觉身体很好
  • keep sb fit使人健康
  • see〔think〕 fit认为…适当,决心,决定
  • amazingly fit好极了
  • just fit只配
  • physically fit体力〔身体〕合适
  • quite fit良好
  • so fit如此健康
  • very fit非常合适
  • fit enough足够
  • fit for适合于
  • food fit for a dog适合狗吃的食
  • fit for the standard合乎标准
  • fit to be tied极为愤怒的,气冲冲的
  • fit to burst笑破肚子
  • fit to drop简直要倒下
用作名词 (n.)
  • give sb fits使人大吃一惊,使人极端愤怒
  • have〔throw〕 a fit大发脾气,大为震惊
  • have a fit of blues〔a blue〕 fit情绪低落,无精打采,郁郁不乐
  • apoplectic fit中风
  • bad fit不合身
  • beautiful〔excellent〕 fit合身极了
  • blue fit大惊失色,震惊
  • comfortable fit舒适
  • easy〔exact〕 fit很〔正〕合身
  • fainting fit昏厥
  • good fit合身
  • perfect fit完全合身
  • special fit特制接头
  • curve fit曲线拟合,实验曲线的符合
  • fit joint套筒接合
  • fit key配合键
  • fit quality配合等级
  • fit tolerance配合公差
  • by〔in〕 fits and starts一阵一阵地,间歇地
  • in a fit (of)突发地
  • beat〔knock〕 sb into fits把某人打得落花流水,轻易地打败某人
  • burst into a fit of laughter哈哈大笑起来
  • a fit of一阵,一时
  • a fit of acute pain一阵剧痛
  • a fit of anger〔passion〕发脾气,一时气愤
  • a fit of coughing一阵咳嗽
  • a fit of curiosity一阵好奇心
  • a fit of energy〔enthusiasm〕一股〔热忱,热心〕
  • a fit of fury勃然大怒
  • a fit of house cleaning打扫屋子时的一阵忙碌
  • a fit of laughter一阵笑声
  • a fit of weeping一阵哭泣


  • This noble king..The firste night had many a mery fitte With eche of hem.

  • The..words meshed with each other like oiled millstones ground to a fine fit.

    出自:J. Kosinski
  • Black men..are noticeable for the..superb fit of their clothes.

    出自:A. Lurie
  • You must have a hollow key with a worm fit to that screw.

    出自:J. Harington
  • This Boldness does not fit a Stranger.

    出自:N. Rowe
  • What the contents of Middleton's letter were it fitted me not to inquire.

    出自:H. Siddons
  • How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted In the distraction of this madding fever!


[ti:UNIT 3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 23:Li Ming's Happy Birthday] [0:01.095]UNIT 3 第三单元 [0:02.950]Families Celebrate Together 全家一起庆祝 [0:06.531]Lesson 23: 第23课: [0:08.553]Li Ming's Happy Birthday 李明快乐的生日

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1. Throw away your conventional, media-defined ideals of beauty 摒弃传统意义上媒体定义的那种美 2. Pick a hairstyle that suits your face shape 挑一款适合自己脸型的发型 3. Choose glasses and sunglasses depending on your face

发表于:2019-02-12 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 卡卡课堂早餐英语

讲解文本: fit like a glove 合身,合适 Her new dress fits her like a glove. 她的新裙子超合身的。 My girlfriend bought me a new computer, and it fits like a glove. 女朋友给我新买了一台电脑,太适合我了。 疯狂练习

发表于:2019-02-16 / 阅读(245) / 评论(0) 分类 愉悦口语

托福听力中的连音和连读解读!托福听力障碍重重,有很多地方都困扰着大家进行托福听力练习,这些如果不能克服有可能对托福考试听力造成影响,下面就来介绍一下其中的连音问题。 在托福

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(100) / 评论(0) 分类 托福英语

Welcome to this daydream Made by dirty hands I wait for you to jump in But I bet you never can Forget what you are leavin Here youll get aments Whats firm and whats deceiving Here they all will blend Quiet air is grating Soft wind drowns your words W

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

读写尺寸的方法 1.要表达几号尺寸可用size+数字或直接用数字.而要表达几号尺寸的某物,则直接在数字后面加上某物。 如何询问尺码: What size are you?/What's your size?/What size do you take? 你是什么尺

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(76) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

I've got no need for open roads 'Cause all I own fits on my back I see the world from rusted trains And always know I won't be back 'Cause all my life is wrapped up in today No past or future here If I find my name's no good I just fall out of line B

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(110) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲
(pons (varolii))
accounts receivable trade
aonidiella citrina
arterio-venous vasculature
badger baiting
block adjustment with independent model
Cellino Attanasio
civil aviation hygiene
commercial order
community property system
conference microphone
cross check system
cup shaped hammper
day's of grace
differential phase shift
dispermic tetrafoil egg
Doagh I.
double partition
driver's log
ethernet network
evolutionary reversion
floating-gate memory
flop symbol
full-duplex switched ethernet
functional paralysis
Galen's vein
gas-phase laser
general product carrier
groove of the notch
Ilex yangchunensis
invisibles college
isobornyl formate
jonas edward salks
Kennedy Town
labor-intensive goods
last calls
leventikos (greece)
lig. auriculare anterius
logical terminal
May's graticule
Medina del Campo, Treaty of
musculus cricoarytenoideus lateralis
Muskegon Heights
neck of malleus
oil discharge control system
Ophiorrhiza mycetiifolia
pendant shaking equipment
power supply sensitivity
reading week
reasonable comparability
round cell
scattering of points
scroll chuck
sphygmo plethysmograph
sucking solenoid
table corduroy
think long and hard
tilting kettle
trunk transportation
turn of tidal current
Viktor Vasarely
wooden frame
Wāris Alīganj