音标:[wɒtʃ] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 观察, 手表, 看守, 守护, 监视, 值班人
vt. 看, 注视, 照顾, 看守, 守护, 监视
vi. 观看, 注视, 守侯
n. a small portable timepiece
n. a period of time (4 or 2 hours) during which some of a ship's crew are on duty
n. a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
n. the period during which someone (especially a guard) is on duty
词型变化:现在分词 : watching ; 过去式 : watched ; 过去分词 : watched ; 第三人称单数 : watches ; 名词复数形式 : watches



  1. I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。
  2. Watch what I do and how I do it.注意看我的动作和方法。
  3. I was assigned to watch the road.我被派去护路。
  4. We sat there watching basketball.我们坐在那看篮球比赛。
  1. How much is that watch?那块手表多少钱?
  2. The police put a watch on the suspect's house.警方派人监视那个可疑人的住宅。
  3. The guards are still on watch at midnight.看守在深夜仍在站岗。
  4. I was on duty during the morning watch.我值早班。


  1. Are you going to play or only watch?你打算参加比赛还是只去看看?
  2. Some were playing cards, and others were watching.一些人在打牌,另一些人在观看。
  3. She sat there watching, but said nothing.她坐在那里看着,但没说什么。
  4. If you watch carefully, you'll see how the trick is done.你如果仔细观看,就能看出这一把戏是怎么做的。
  5. Many companies have watched helplessly as their stock prices fell.股价下跌时,许多公司无能为力地看着。
  6. The nurse watched to see what would happen.护士注意着会发生什么情况。
  7. She watched beside her sick mother's bed for several nights.她在她母亲的病榻旁守护了好几夜。
  8. Watch!That tree is going to fall on you!当心!那棵树快要倒下来压在你的身上了!
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They seldom watch television during the day.他们白天很少看电视。
  2. I love to watch table-tennis matches.我喜欢看乒乓球比赛。
  3. We watched a football game yesterday.我们昨天看了一场足球赛。
  4. They bought tickets to watch the games.他们买了观看比赛的入场券。
  5. I came to watch the fun.我来看热闹。
  6. They watched the games while sitting under the trees.他们坐在树下看别人做游戏。
  7. They watched the country out of the window.他们从窗口看外边的田野。
  8. She watched his face anxiously.她焦急地注视着他的脸。
  9. Watch your money or it will be gone before payday.花钱当心点,不然在发薪以前你就用光了。
  10. You have to watch your words when you talk to the general.你跟将军谈话言辞要谨慎。
  11. I watch the boys at play.我照看孩子们玩耍。
  12. I'll watch the patient while you are away.你不在的时候,我来看护这病人。
  13. The shepherds watched their flocks.牧羊人看守着自己的羊群。
  14. Watch the prisoner and make sure he doesn't escape.看着那个犯人,一定别让他逃跑了。
  15. Watch your chance and then run.等到时机来了就跑。
  16. Watch your opportunity, and you will succeed.等待机会吧,你会成功的。
  17. You had better watch your time and then act.你最好等到时机来了再行动。
  18. It's a good plan, but you should watch your time if you want to make sure it's adopted .这是个好计划,不过要保证它能被采纳,你得等待时机。
  19. She watched him in silence.她默默地望着他。
  20. Watch the magician and try to figure out how he makes the rabbit disappear.注意看魔术师,设法弄清楚他是怎样使兔子隐去的。
  21. She watched the train till it disappeared from sight.她注视着火车,直到看不见为止。
  22. 1
  23. She had a feeling that she was being watched.她有一种被别人监视的感觉。
  24. The parade was watched by thousands of people.有成千上万的人观看了游行。
  25. The situation is being closely watched.正密切关注着那里的局势。
  26. The house is watched by guards.这栋房子由警卫守着。
  1. Watch that he doesn't cheat you.注意别让他骗了你。
  2. Watch that the baby doesn't fall.看好这婴孩,别让他摔着了。
  3. Watch that the milk doesn't boil over.当心,不要让牛奶沸溢出来。
  1. We'll watch what's good and what's bad about him.我们将观察他有什么优缺点。
  2. Watch what I do and how I do it.看我的动作,看我是怎样做的。
  3. Watch where you are going!留意你在往哪儿走!
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to/ -v
  1. We were standing watching them skipping.我们站在那里看他们跳绳。
  2. He had watched me grow from childhood.他是看着我长大的。
  3. He was watching the crowd go by.他注视着人群走过。
  4. I watched him enter that shop.我看着他走进了那家商店。
  5. They watched the sun set behind the trees.他们观看太阳在树林后面落下。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. They watched a procession filing past.他们一直看着游行队伍走过。
  2. He stopped to watch us working.他停下来看我们干活。
  3. We watched the girls going through some of the movements they had just learned.我们观看了女孩子们练刚学的一些舞步。
  4. I used to sit and watch the boats moving down the river.我过去常坐着看河里的船只航行。
  5. They watched Brooks being beaten.他们看着布鲁克斯被打败。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed
  1. Helpless, we watched a whole season's labour and half a year's food destroyed.我们眼睁睁地看着整整一季度的劳动和半年的粮食给毁掉了。
  2. I watched a whole basket of apples thrown into the river.我看着一大筐苹果被倒进了河里。
  1. My watch is fast.我的手表快了。
  2. They make watches.他们制造手表。
  3. He forgave her stealing his watch.她偷了他的表,他原谅了她。
  4. He got back the watch he lost.他丢的表找回来了。
  5. Keep a close watch on everything that happened on the island.密切注视岛上发生的一切事情。
  6. The man's cry aroused the town watch.那人的喊叫声惊醒了镇上的值夜人。
  7. In spite of the watch set on the house, the thief escaped.尽管这幢房子设置了看守人员,小偷还是逃跑了。
  8. A watch usually lasts four hours.一班通常持续4个小时。
  9. You'll take the first watch tonight.你今晚值第一班。
  10. Call out the watch!把巡夜警察叫来!


watch for (v.+prep.)
    寻找; 等待 look for or expect sthwatch for sb/sth

    The two detectives stood there for an hour watching for the suspect.


    I am watching for the postman all the time.


    Will you watch for the bus while I go into the shop for a moment?


    I poked my head out of the window to watch for the signal.


    Watch for our new improved product, which will be on the market next week!


    Our units have watched for battle opportunities for quite a long time.


    watch for sb/sth to-v

    I'm just watching for a chance to punish him in return!


    We watched for them to pass.


    He was watching for the man to leave the house.


    watch sth for sth

    Watch this space for notice of our next sale.


    Have you been watching the papers for news of changing exchange rates?


watch out (v.+adv.)
    保持警觉 keep alertnesswatch out

    Watch out!This is a very busy road.


    Watch out!There is a car coming.


    Watch out!There is danger ahead.


    Watch out!The roof is falling!


    You'll catch cold if you don't watch out; you need a warmer coat than that.


    watch out that-clause

    Watch out that you don't catch cold, going out in the pouring rain.


    But watch out that you don't get them into trouble.


    watch out

    We need to watch out here.Some dangerous gunners are said to be around this area.


    Are you all watching out?The Queen will come this way in a few minutes!


watch out for (v.+adv.+prep.)
    当心,留神; 注意 be careful; remain alert ; be attentive or observant so that you notice sb/sthwatch out for sb/sth

    We should watch out for those friends in disguise.


    He asked me to watch out for his uncle who would be wearing a green suit.


    The scouts are watching out for enemy patrols.


    Watch out for the dog!


    Watch out for cars when you cross the road.


    He climbed the mountain carefully, all the time watching out for loose rocks.


    I'm always watching out for mistakes that I may have missed before.


    The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.


    Watch out for a chance to improve your position in the firm, they don't come very often.


    Watch out for these pictures.


watch over (v.+prep.)
    看守; 保护 guard or protect from harm or dangerThe dog watches over his master's house.这狗为主人看家。
be on the watch (for)
    提防,警惕,当心 be on guard; be careful
go on watch
    上夜班,值勤 be on duty; keep guard
keep watch
    站岗,守夜 keep guard; remain awake for devotional purpose
keep a good watch for
    提防,警惕 be on watch; be careful
keep a watch on
    监视,密切注视 keep guard; watch closely
keep a watch over
    照看 look after
maintain a watch
    彻夜不眠,守夜 remain awake by night
on watch
    值班,站岗,监视 on duty


用作动词 (v.)
  • watch sb's chance等待〔窥伺〕时机
  • watch sb's diet注意饮食
  • watch sb's dust看(某人)迅速地做事
  • watch sb's language注意某人的语言
  • watch sb's moment等待〔窥伺〕时机
  • watch sb's step留心脚下,小心从事
  • watch sb's time等待〔窥伺〕时机
  • watch sb's weight注意体重
  • watch television看电视
  • watch the development of affairs注意事态的发展
  • watch the dog小心狗
  • watch the events注意事件
  • watch the market注意市场
  • watch the performance观看演出
  • watch the progress注意进展
  • watch the situation关注形势
  • watch the stock market注意股票市场的行情
  • watch absently心不在焉地观看
  • watch anxiously焦急地注视
  • watch apprehensively焦虑地观看
  • watch attentively专心地观察
  • watch breathlessly屏住气息地观看
  • watch carefully仔细看
  • watch closely密切关注
  • watch eagerly焦急地注视
  • watch faithfully忠实地守卫
  • watch greedily贪婪地注视着
  • watch helplessly无助地望着
  • watch jealously警惕地看着
  • watch keenly密切注视
  • watch lazily懒洋洋地观看
  • watch minutely仔细地观察
  • watch narrowly仔细地观察
  • watch sharply敏锐地观察
  • watch slyly偷看
  • watch out当心,提防,密切注意
  • watch out for danger注意危险
  • watch out for pickpockets谨防扒手
  • watch out for the train小心火车
  • watch out for unexpected changes注意意外变化
  • watch at sb's bedside守在某人床边
  • watch for守候,注意
  • watch for a chance等候机会
  • watch for a friend等待朋友
  • watch for fire小心火烛
  • watch for symptoms of a disease注意疾病的症状
  • watch for the dawn等待天明
  • watch for the postman等候邮递员来
  • watch in silence默默的注视某人
  • watch over照管,看守,保护
  • watch over sb's property照看某人的财产
  • watch with much interest以很大的兴趣观看
用作名词 (n.)
  • adjust a watch校准表
  • assemble a watch装配手表
  • call watch召集值班人
  • call out the watch召喊值班人
  • carry a watch戴表
  • check a watch检查手表
  • consult sb's watch看表,看时间
  • draw sb's watch掏出怀表
  • embellish sb's watch修饰表
  • engrave sb's watch刻表
  • fix a watch修表
  • fondle a watch抚弄表
  • handle sb's watch to向某人交班
  • hock a watch以表作抵押
  • illuminate a watch修饰表
  • keep watch担任警戒
  • keep watch and ward精心照料
  • keep watch by sb's bed在床边护理某人
  • keep watch during the night值夜班
  • keep watch for the thief防备盗贼
  • look at a watch看表
  • lose a watch丢失表
  • lubricate a watch给表上油
  • mend a watch修表
  • observe sb's watch看表,看时间
  • overwind a watch给表上发条
  • produce watch提出轮班时间
  • pull out a watch摘下表,拿出表
  • relieve the watch换班
  • repair a watch修表
  • set a watch调表的时间
  • wear a watch戴表
  • wind up a watch给表上发条
  • adventuring watch冒险监视
  • advised watch考虑过的轮班时间
  • airy watch空中观察
  • brotherly watch兄弟般的照管
  • celestial watch天体的观察
  • close watch密切注视
  • faithful watch忠实的警戒
  • fierce watch勇猛的守夜人
  • furtive watch窥视
  • happy watch高兴的观看
  • incessant watch不断的监视
  • nice watch好表,漂亮的表
  • patient watch耐心的监视
  • small watch小表
  • solitary watch单独监视
  • strict watch严格的监视
  • sympathetic watch同情的监视
  • thrilling watch令人激动的观看
  • tireless watch不停的监视
  • unceasing watch不停的监视
  • unnatural watch不自然的监视
  • vigilant watch警惕的监视
  • waterproof watch防水表
  • clock watch报时表,自鸣钟
  • gold watch金表
  • pocket watch怀表
  • stop watch跑表
  • the hour hand of a watch表的时针
  • the minute hand of a watch表的分针
  • the second hand of a watch表的秒针
  • the constables of the watch守夜的警官
  • on watch从事监视


  • Fell into a sadness, then into a fast, Thence to a watch.

  • Ladies of the parish had..offered..piously to watch with her.

    出自:H. James

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look, look at, see, watch 都有看的意思,但用法不同。以下是小编整理的2017高考英语知识点:look,watch,see的区别和用法,供同学们参考学习。 1. 从词义上看:look 通常表示主动地、有意识地看,

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Apple made its case for consumers to buy itsforthcoming smartwatch, positioning the device as away to handle the brief interactions that fill ourdays, from meeting reminders to short messages tocalling for a car。 苹果公司发布了新款智能手表

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Apple made its case for consumers to buy its forthcoming smartwatch, positioning the device as a way to handle the brief interactions that fill our days, from meeting reminders to short messages to calling for a car. 苹果公司发布了新款智能手

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across country
administrative subpoena
ado r. (adogawa)
after culture
alpha key
assignable debt
be consequent upon
bendix drive
biotite jacupirangite
black scoter
canal street
cavity disinfection
changing weight
cloud coner
co-recursively enumerable
Common UNIX Printing System
conjugate chords
Damn me!
dear john letter
deterministic distribution
dimensionless group
double-end knife colter
durian trees
end directive
engine fuel
ergun they
etodroxizine dimaleate
ferry gasket
flow function
former tenant
geography of tourism and leisure
high-strength quartz glass
impulse row
label terminations
landing expenses
linear conditions
LOX generator
mean probable error
Metlex plug
monsoon dynamics
moral education psychology
nodose antenna
oedema nephriticum
off on wave generator
optical image
pop for
propionyl chloride
pulvis cretae et opii aromaticus
Rebecca-Eureka system
recurrent vein
return card
roll center
root-mean-square question
rope-way conveyer
school miss
Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya, Respublika
side-dressing attachment
statistical relationships among variables
straight shooters
synthetic papers
Terrington Marsh
the great wall
theory of limit
uniform automatic processing system
village colleges
vital revolution