音标:[si:] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 看见, 查看, 参观, 游览, 理解, 知道, 同意
vi. 看, 观看, 注意, 知道, 考虑
n. 主教的职位
n. the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located
v. perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight
v. deem to be
v. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
词型变化:过去分词 : seen ; 过去式 : saw ; 现在分词 : seeing ; 第三人称单数 : sees ; 名词复数形式 : sees



  1. If you shut your eyes you can't see.要是把眼睛闭上就什么也看不见了。
  2. When the sun goes down, we can see the stars.当太阳落下,我们能看见星星。
  3. It is getting dark and I cannot see to read.天渐渐黑了,我看不见字,无法再阅读了。
  4. "The door opens like this.""Oh, I see."“这门是这样开的。”,“噢,我明白了。”
  5. I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it.我大惑不解,就是不明白他是怎么做到的。
  6. The teacher checked the roster to see whom he would teach this year.老师查看花名册, 想了解今年要教的学生。
  7. In so far as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement.据我了解,代表们对这一安排都感到满意。
  8. This little girl has seen so much misery in her time.这个小女孩经历了很多的苦难。
  9. I can't see myself allowing people to cheat me.我无法想象会让人骗了。
  1. The see of the pope is namely the bishop of Rome.罗马教皇,即罗马的主教的教座。


  1. The blind do not see.盲人无视力。
  2. I can hardly see without my glasses.我不戴眼镜几乎什么也看不见。
  3. He sees poorly with his left eye.他左眼视力不好。
  4. She sees no further than her nose.她只看到鼻子底下这一点。
  5. None is so blind as those who will not see.不愿正视事实的人简直连瞎子都不如。
  6. I see, you are on leave.我明白了,你是在休假。
  7. Let me see, maybe we will be free Saturday morning.让我想想,或许星期六早上我们会有空。
S+~+to- v
  1. Can you see to write?你能看得见写字吗?
  2. It's getting dark and I couldn't see to read.天渐渐黑下来了,我看不见,不能阅读。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. Whenever anyone teased Jacelin about his weight, he saw red.每逢有人笑话杰斯林太胖时,他便怒不可遏。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. See you again!再见!
  2. I'm glad to see you.见到你很高兴。
  3. I hope to see him shortly.我希望不久见到他。
  4. I looked but saw nobody.我看了看,但没有看见任何人。
  5. I have not seen him for a long time.我很长时间没看见他了。
  6. Do you see that light in the distance?你看见那远处的灯光吗?
  7. Fifty thousand people saw the match.5万人观看了这场比赛。
  8. Let me see your ticket, please.请让我查看一下你的票。
  9. For more information, see page 11.欲知详情,请参看11页。
  10. We have never seen such rudeness.我们从来没有见过如此粗鲁无礼的行为。
  11. Did anyone see the accident?有谁目睹了这次事故?
  12. I saw much of him.我经常看见他。
  13. I saw little of him.我很少看见他。
  14. I saw quite a lot of him.我经常看见他。
  15. I have seen much less of him.我很少看见他。
  16. I saw a great deal of him.我经常看见他。
  17. I saw nothing of him.我没看见他。
  18. This was the last I saw of him.上次我看见了他。
  19. I have come to see the last of him.上次我看见了他。
  20. It was the first I ever saw of him.那是我第一次看见他。
  21. He saw a strange sight.他看见一个奇怪的景象。
  22. I can't see the advantage of doing that.我看不出做那事有什么好处。
  23. I can see a great future for you in music.我可以预见你在音乐方面大有前途。
  24. Can you see my point?你能明白我的观点吗?
  25. She laughed politely even though she didn't see the joke.尽管她没听懂那个笑话,但还是有礼貌地笑了。
  26. She saw a little of life.她对生活了解一点。
  27. You'd better see a doctor.你最好去看病。
  28. We're going to see grandma in hospital tomorrow.明天我们将去医院探望祖母。
  29. I went to see an old friend yesterday.昨天我去拜访了一位老朋友。
  30. Brooks is too busy to see visitors.布鲁克斯太忙,不能会客。
  31. The manager can see you for ten minutes at present.经理现在可以接见你10分钟。
  32. April 1st saw the opening of the meeting.4月1日会议开幕了。
  33. This stadium has seen many thrilling football matches.这个体育场举行过许多场扣人心弦的足球比赛。
  34. This year has seen a big increase in road accidents.今年交通事故大大增加了。
  35. The coat of mine has seen hard wear.我这件外套已穿过很多年了。
  36. He has seen a great deal in his life.他一生中见多识广。
  37. She never saw such grief.她从未经历过如此的悲伤。
  38. I am seeing him this evening.今晚我将会见他。
  39. I don't approve of his action, but he explained his reason and then I saw the light.我并不赞同他的行为,但经他解释后,我恍然大悟。
  40. He wouldn't agree, no matter how hard we argued, but eventually he saw the light and changed his mind.不管我们怎样讲,他总是不同意,但后来终于领悟了,并改变了主意。
  41. A new method will see the light.一个新方法将被发现。
  42. During the war, he saw service in the Far East.战争期间,他在远东服兵役。
  43. He saw service in both World Wars.他参加过两次世界大战。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. If you watch carefully, you will see how to do it.如果你仔细观察,你就会看出如何做此事了。
  2. We often write down a word in order to see how to spell it.为弄清一个单词的拼写,我们常把单词写下来。
  1. I saw his eyes fixed on me.我看见他两眼盯着我。
  2. They saw the job had been done.他们看到工作已经做了。
  3. I saw that she did not intend to come back.我看出她不打算回来了。
  4. I saw that his mind was elsewhere then.我看得出他当时心不在焉。
  5. He saw at a glance that something unusual had happened.他一眼就看出发生了不寻常的事情。
  6. I see in the paper that the Prime Minister has been in London.我在报纸上看到首相已抵达伦敦。
  7. I see in the magazine that the government lost two votes in parliament.我从杂志上获悉政府在议会中失去了两票。
  8. We saw that the plan would work.我们知道这个计划是行得通的。
  9. I see that it is useless arguing about it.我知道辩论这事没有用。
  10. They saw that further resistance was hopeless.他们明白继续抵抗是没用的。
  1. See who is at the door.看看谁在门口。
  2. Can you see what that sign says?你能看见那指示牌上写的是什么吗?
  3. Now I could see more clearly what loneliness was.现在我更清楚地体会到了什么叫孤独。
  4. I see why he did it.我知道他为什么干那事。
  5. I can't see why she's so against the idea.我不明白她为何如此反对这个主意。
  6. I could not see how the trick is done.我不明白这把戏是怎么做的。
  7. I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解 一下,是否真有其事。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(as+) n.
  1. Can you really see Facer as the new headmaster?难道你当真认为费塞是新校长吗?
  2. Her colleagues see her as a future Prime Minister.她的同事们把她看作是未来的首相。
  3. She sees this incident as further proof of his incompetence.她认为这一事件进一步证明了他的无能。
  4. I can't see her as a ballet dancer.我不能想象她是一名芭蕾舞演员。
  5. Can you see him as Hamlet?你能想象他扮演哈姆雷特吗?
  6. I saw myself as the saviour of my country.我幻想自己为国家的救星。
  7. We're happy to see China a strong country.看到中国是一个强大的国家,我们非常高兴。
S+~+ n./pron. +as adj.
  1. I saw him as trustworthy.我看他是值得信任的。
  2. I saw the box as empty.我认为这盒子是空的。
S+~+ n./pron.+adj.
  1. I am delighted to see all so happy.看见大家这么快乐我很高兴。
  2. I have never seen her so sure of herself.我从未见过她这样自负。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be adj.
  1. I saw the trouble to be unavoidable.我看这麻烦是不可避免的。
S+~+(it+) adj. +to- v
  1. The director did not see (it) fit to call another committee meeting so soon.主任认为这么快又召开一次会议是不合适的。
S+~+ n./pron. +to/- v
  1. I saw her face go pale.我看见她的脸变苍白了。
  2. You wouldn't see her leave here all alone?你不会看她一个人孤单单地离去吧?
  3. You can't see people starve without trying to help them, can you?你不会坐视人们挨饿而不想办法去帮助他们吧?
  4. 1
  5. He was seen to fall.有人看见他摔倒。
S+~+ n./pron.+v -ing
  1. I saw him getting on a bus just now.刚才我看到他上了一辆公共汽车。
  2. I'm very glad to see you looking so happy.我很高兴看见你显得如此幸福。
  3. We saw him working in the garden this morning.我们看见他今早在花园里干活。
  4. It's thrilling to see people diving into the sea from a cliff.看人们从悬崖上跳入海里,真叫人胆战心惊。
  5. Did you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party?你看到那个讨厌的家伙了吗?他对聚会上的每个女人都垂涎欲滴地打量不停。
  6. Can you see women going into combat carrying forty-pound guns?你能设想妇女扛了40磅重的重型枪投入战斗吗?
  7. I can't see myself lending him money, can you see him ever paying it back?我无法想象借钱给他的情况,你能想象他曾还过钱吗?
  8. I saw her lying there.我看见她躺在那儿。
  9. 1
  10. They were seen speaking to the teacher.有人看见他们正在和老师说话。
  11. She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她逃离犯罪现场。
  12. A panda was seen climbing up a bamboo.有人看见一只熊猫往一棵竹子上爬。
S+~+ n./pron.+v -ed
  1. Have you ever seen a man hanged?你见过将人处以绞刑吗?
  2. He saw his own brother murdered by the terrorists.他亲眼目睹自己的兄弟被恐怖分子所杀害。
  3. Looking up,I saw her eyes fixed on me in curiosity.我抬起头看见她的眼睛好奇地望着我。
  4. Have you ever seen the mountains covered in snow?你曾见过大山被雪覆盖吗?
S+~+ n./pron.+adv.
  1. At last the sailors saw land ahead.最后水手们终于看到陆地了。
  2. I see many difficulties ahead.我预见到前面有许多困难。
  3. I'm glad to see you back.我很乐意送你回家。
  4. Eby will see you back as far as the supermarket.伊比将把你送到超市。
  5. He insisted on seeing me home.他坚持要送我回家。
  6. She is seeing him home.她正送他回家。
S+~+ n./pron.+prep -phrase.
  1. I'll see you to the station.我要送你到车站。


see about (v.+prep.)
    考虑 considerWe can't decide now, but we'll see about it.我们现在还不能决定,但我们会考虑的。
see across (v.+prep.)
    带(某人)安全地通过 take sb safely across sthsee sb across sth

    I saw the old lady across the road.


    She was employed to see the children across the busy street into the school yard.


see after (v.+prep.)
    照料; 料理 receive; take care of; attend tosee after sb/sth

    Who's going to see after the visitors when they arrive?


    It's the duty of the young people to see after the aged.


    She promised to see after the children when their mothers were on the night shift.


    Will you please see after my luggage while I'm away?


    I'll see after the details of the contract.


see against (v.+prep.)
    根据…考虑 consider according to sth常用于 be ~ed 结构
see alone (v.+adv.)
    单独见面 meet sb alonesee sb alone

    I wish to see you alone.


see around (v.+prep.)
    (带某人)参观 visit; take sb on a tour of a place〔说明〕 see around作此解时通常不用于被动结构。see around sth

    This mirror enables you to see around corners.


    see sb around sth

    I've seen her around the school, but I don't know her name.


    see around sth

    May we see around the house?


    Would you like to see around the old castle?


    see sb around sth

    Mr. Smith will see the visitors around the factory.


see for oneself
    亲眼看看 use one's own judgement in forming an opinion, by experiencing or examing the facts directly
see from (v.+prep.)
    从…角度观察〔考虑〕 observe or think over sth from a certain anglesee sth from sth

    He sees things from a different angle from ourselves.


    Try to see the matter from her point of view.


see in1 (v.+adv.)
    把(某人)引进来 conduct sb insee in

    Close the door, so that no one can see in while I dress.


    see sb ⇔ in

    The garage doors are rather narrow, you'd better let me see you in.


see in2 (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉看中〔喜欢〕 have sth as a reason for liking (sb/sth)〔说明〕 see in作此解时不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。
see into (v.+prep.)
    预见 understand or have knowledge of (sb/sth such as the future)〔说明〕 see into作此解时不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。see into sth

    Can you see into the room?


    see sb into sth

    Would you like me to see you into the garage?


    see into sth

    He said he would see into the matter himself.


    It is difficult for me to see into his full meaning.


    see into sth

    The old man claims to be able to see into the future.


see of (v.+prep.)
    与(某人)在一起; 见到某人 be in (the company) of sbsee sth of sb

    They're good friends and see a lot of each other.


    They've seen little of each other recently.


    Where's Facer?I've seen nothing of him all week.


see off1 (v.+adv.)
    把(某人)赶走 drive sb awayAfter a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off.经过几小时的激烈战斗,我们赶走了入侵的匪徒。
see off2 (v.+prep.)
    (把某人)从…赶走 drive sb away from some placesee sb off sth

    The farmer threatened to see the thieves off his land with a gun.


see out (v.+adv.)
    持续到结束 last until the end of sthI don't think grandfather will see out another month.我认为祖父再也活不到一个月了。
see over1 (v.+adv.)
    从上方看 see sth from a high placesee over

    The little children can't see over; will you lift them up?


see over2 (v.+prep.)
    查看 visit and examine a placeWe want to see over the house before we decide to rent it.我们想先看一下房子然后再决定租不租。
see through1 (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉帮助渡过难关 help sb survive a difficult time or crisisHis business was about to fail, but the bank saw him through.他的生意几乎破产,银行帮他渡过了难关。
see through2 (v.+prep.)
    帮助渡过难关 help sb survive a difficult time or crisissee through sth

    Don't fool me; I can see through your tricks!


    The old man's story was seen through at once.


    see sb through sth

    That overcoat should see me through the winter.


    This money will see us through the week.


see to (v.+prep.)
    照顾; 料理 take care of; attend tosee to sb/sth/v-ing

    He knew the cut was dirty but he would not see to it, and so contracted poisoning.


    A man was there to see to our luggage.


    See to the fire while I'm out.


    We should see to the people's housing problem.


    I'll see to the actual business.


    I must go and see to some things.


    The electrician's come to see to the faulty light-switch.


    I must see to getting the dinner ready.


see (to it) that
    务必做到; 保证 be sure to do sth; promise to do sthsee (to it) that-clause

    See to it that you're ready on time!


    See to it that you are here punctually tomorrow.


    I'll see to it that they are present at the meeting.


    They saw that the same mistake didn't happen again.


    I promise to see that the job is done on time.


    See that everything is ready by twelve.


    When you leave, see that you lock the door.


    Steps are taken to see that the paper appeared regularly.


see up1 (v.+adv.)
    引上去 take sb to a place on a higher levelsee up

    If there's light at the top you should be able to see up.


    see sb ⇔ up

    I'll see you up to the director's office on the top floor.You'll never find it on your own.


see up2 (v.+prep.)
    往…的上方看 look sth upwardssee sth up sth

    I can see a bird up the chimney; how can we get it out?


see with (v.+prep.)
    借助…看 visit and examine (by tool or sth else)see with sth

    I see so much better with my new glasses!


    see sth with sth

    You can see distant objects with this special instrument.


seeing that
    因为,由于,鉴于 since, because of


用作动词 (v.)
  • see each other约会
  • see life体验生活,见世面
  • see sense觉悟,懂得道理
  • see the sights of Suzhou游览苏州名胜
  • see aboard送(某人)上船〔飞机〕等
  • see again再见
  • see ahead看到前方的…,朝前看,预见
  • see alone单独见面
  • see double把一物看成二形
  • see far and wide高瞻远瞩
  • see further看得更远
  • see hardly几乎看不见
  • see home送(某人)回家
  • see well看得清楚
  • see clearly清楚地体会到
  • see comprehensively综合地理解
  • see differently以不同角度观察
  • see dimly朦胧地看见
  • see distinctly独特地理解
  • see faintly看得不清楚
  • see lately最近见到
  • see objectively客观地考虑
  • see poorly视力不好
  • see previously预先考虑
  • see regularly定期看望
  • see shortly不久见到
  • see subjectively主观地考虑
  • see vividly清晰地看见
  • see sb back送某人回家
  • see in往里看,把…引进,庆祝…的到来
  • see the New Year in庆祝新年的到来
  • see off送行
  • see out进行到底
  • see over从上方看,查看〔视〕
  • see through做到底,帮助渡过难关
  • see about查看,负责处理
  • see about an important matter着手办理一件重要事情
  • see about the tickets负责弄到票
  • see after照料,看管
  • see after children照顾孩子
  • see around看到,参观
  • see around the factory带…参观工厂
  • see as视为,考虑可接受
  • see sb as a friend把某人看作朋友
  • see sb as a member of organization接受某人成为组织中的一员
  • see for a job求职
  • see sb in a dream梦见某人
  • see into调查,看出,了解
  • see into a matter调查某事
  • see out of the corners of one's eyes斜眼偷看,侧目而视
  • see over从…的上方看
  • see to负责,留心,照料,陪伴到
  • see to the arrangements照看安排的情况
  • see to the cooking负责做饭
  • see to the people's housing problem注意人民的住房问题
  • see sb to the director's office陪某人去主任办公室
  • see sb to the door送某人到门口
  • see sb to the station送某人到火车站
  • see through领会,看透,帮助…渡过(困难等)
  • see sb through college供某人读完大学
  • see sb through period of grief帮助某人渡过悲痛的时期
  • see sb through the difficulty帮助某人克服困难
  • see through the little game看穿那套小把戏
  • see through the scheme看穿阴谋
  • see through trick看穿诡计
  • see with同意


  • O'er Roslin..A wondrous blaze was seen to gleam.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • She turned so that he could see all her face.

    出自:G. Vidal
  • Do you see the light on those green trees?

    出自:W. Bronk
active attitude control system
air stations
all-movable tailplane
anal crypt
antimony liver
applying the proviso
area of foil
beat to a mummy
binderless birquetting
blends into
boring spindle travel
burst test pressure
cajole sb. into doing sth.
carpet backing
cash outlay expense
cemented objective
central storage
circle setting mechanism
crematogaster subnuda formosae
cycas siamensis miq.
day jessamines
dormant volcanoes
economic ailments
elastic currency
enjoy life
epilobium amurense amurense
equiinclination method
extrapyramidal system
fetal alcohol syndrome
file name block
gallipoli (gelibolu)
gas gathering network
Gaul's pits
hook height
hub lift
hydrogen evolution reaction (her)
impermeable soil
infringement action
Jane Addams
King's Lynn
launch an offensive against
letter of hardship
Life Guards
logical OR operator
mutual inductance transducer
ordinary high water springs
pelvic congestion
pluri-national river
powder density determination
pre-Botzinger complex
precious little
prenanthes serpentarias
Queitao, I.
Rhamnus henryi
Scorzonera circumflexa
seasonal fluctuation zone
secondary parameter
ship safety inspection
spatial interpolation
spray apparatus
standard disk plough
standing aside juror
stay for dinner
strainer bonnet
Stromeyer test
structured teaching
sucking stomach
thrust identity
vector locus
vertical splitter
visible photon
written agreement
yellow trumpetbush