音标:[ækt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 行动, 行为, 幕, 法案
vi. 行动, 表演, 假装, 见效, 表现, 担当
vt. 扮演, 装作
[计] 先进通信技术, 先进计算机工艺, 自动代码翻译技术
n. a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
n. something that people do or cause to happen
n. a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
n. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
词型变化:现在分词 : acting ; 名词复数形式 : acts ; 过去式 : acted ; 过去分词 : acted ; 第三人称单数 : acts



  1. It is an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street.帮助盲人过街是慈善的行为。
  2. This act had to get a strong support from them.这个行动必须得到他们的大力支持。
  3. In 1601, Parliament passed an act, which aimed to provide the poor with more jobs.1601年,国会通过了一项旨在向贫困群体提供更多工作机会的法案。
  4. Don't take her seriously--it's all an act.别跟她认真--完全是装腔作势。
  1. Think well before you act.要三思而后行。
  2. They still act like college kids.他们的举止还有很浓的学生气。
  3. John's been acting very strangely lately.近来约翰的行为怪得很。
  4. I decided to act dumb.我决定装哑。
  5. Act interested even if you're bored.即使你觉得厌烦,也假装有兴趣。
  6. Now let's act out the model dialogue.现在让我们表演一下示范对话。
  7. She plans to act Lady Macbeth in summer stock.她计划在夏季剧团中扮演马克白夫人
  8. I volunteered to act as chauffeur.我自愿充当汽车司机.
  9. Alcohol acts on the nervous system.酒精对神经系统有影响。


  1. Acts, not words, are what we need.我们需要的是行动,不是空谈。
  2. Her first act was to shut the door.她的第一个行动是关门。
  3. My first act was to run into the waiting room.我的第一个行动就是跑进候车室。
  4. The act was committed with savage brutality.这是野蛮行为的表现。
  5. The act of murder is the act of madness.谋杀是疯狂的行为。
  6. The act of standing up made her head ache.站起来她感到头痛。
  7. The sexual act itself meant little to her.性行为本身对她来说没有什么。
  8. Act Ⅰ takes place in a castle.第一幕的场景是一座城堡。
  9. The act ended and the lights were turned on.幕终灯亮。
  10. Our next act is a very talented young musician.我们的下一个演员是一位很有才华的年轻音乐家。
  11. The act broke up after 30 years. 30年后这帮演员搭档分手了。
  12. It's a foolish act.那是愚蠢之举。
  13. It was a brave act.那是勇敢的行为。
  14. To kick a cat is a cruel act.踢猫是残忍的行为。
  15. Slapping his face was a childish act.打他的耳光是幼稚的举动。
  16. That's one true act of friendship.那是一种真正友好的行为。
  17. It is the act of a mad man.这是一种不审慎的行为。
  18. It is a noble act to help a blind man across the street.搀扶盲人横过马路是高尚的行为。
  19. He ran into the burning house and saved the child.That was really a brave act.他冲入着火的房子救出小孩,真是勇敢的行为。
  20. He committed many cruel acts.他干了许多残忍的事。
  21. He returned to England, repeating his disappearing act so he wouldn't have to discuss scripts.他回到英国,重施“销声匿迹”的故伎,免得别人要他谈论剧本。
  22. He kept up his balancing act between the two parties.他继续在两党之间施展他的“平衡”的绝招。
  23. Tim always does a disappearing act whenever my mother comes to stay.每当我的母亲来住时,蒂姆总是溜之大吉。
  24. They did the hospitality act in great shape.他们格外殷勤地接待客人。
  25. He has committed terrible acts of violence.他犯下了滔天的暴行。
  26. His presidency was very successful—it'll be a hard act to follow.他当总统很成功——这将是别人很难赶上的。
  27. It is my own act.Why do you bring my mother in?这是我自己做的事,为什么把我母亲扯进来?
  28. Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of animals for pleasure.议院通过了一项禁止杀生取乐的法令。
  29. I'm hoping that I shall like the second act.我希望我会喜欢第二幕。
  30. Most modern plays have three acts.最现代的戏剧通常有三幕。
  31. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our next act, the Lemon brothers.各位女士先生,请欢迎我们下一个节目,雷蒙兄弟的表演。
  32. They're a brilliant comedy act.他们是一群卓越的喜剧演员。
  33. They are a brilliant act.他们是一对出色的搭档。
  34. They've got a very original act.他们有了一档别出心裁的组合。
  35. His elaborate grief was just an act.他那悲痛欲绝的样子不过是装腔作势而已。
  36. Don't take her seriously, it's all an act.别跟她认真,她完全是装腔作势罢了。
  37. Don't feel sorry for her—all this crying's just an act.别为她伤心——她的哭泣全是假装的。
  38. The act was passed by Congress and went into effect in August,1980.这项法令由国会通过,于1980年8月生效。
  39. The Natural Gas Policy Act was passed.天然气法案被通过。
  40. This area was declared a National Park by an act of Congress.根据国会的一项法案这一地区被宣布为国家公园。
  41. All water used by the Fire Brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress.根据议会的法案,消防队用于灭火的水全部免费供应。
  42. He was criticized for one careless act.他因为一个粗心的动作而受到了批评。
  43. He paid for the foolhardy act with his life.他为鲁莽的举动付出了生命的代价。
  44. From his acts he seems to be a fool.从他的举动来看,他似乎是一个傻瓜。
  45. Shakespeare's plays were written in five acts.莎士比亚的剧本分为五幕写。
  46. It is a play in five acts.那是一出五幕剧。
  47. She was magnificent in Act One of Carmen .她在歌剧《卡门》的第一幕中演得很出色。
  48. Hamlet kills the king in Act 5 Scene 2.哈姆雷特在第五幕第二场戏中杀死了国王。
  49. He was accused of some 30 terrorist acts.他被控搞了三十次左右的恐怖主义行动。
  50. He sat with his back to the stage all through the first act.演第一幕时,他自始至终背向舞台坐着。
  51. The hero does not enter until the second act.男主角直到第二幕才出场。
~+ prep. -phrase
  1. The simple act of telling someone about a problem can help.向别人讲述问题这一简单举动会有所帮助。
  2. Sometimes just the act of writing down the problems straightens out your thinking.有时单把这些问题写下来,就会理清你的想法。
  1. How ought I to act?我该怎么办呢?
  2. I can't act that way.我不能这样做。
  3. Now at last Simon acted.这时西蒙终于采取行动了。
  4. Think carefully before you act.你要三思而后行。
  5. I don't think he acted quite right.我看他做得不太对。
  6. I've acted like a total idiot.我的行为完全像个白痴。
  7. John's been acting very strangely lately.近来约翰的行为怪得很。
  8. Did the BBC act reasonably in sacking the journalist?英国广播公司开除该记者做得合理吗?
  9. Had the paramedics not acted so swiftly, he would have died.要不是急救人员行动迅速,他就没命了。
  10. She claims that she acted out of necessity.她声称自己是迫不得已而为之。
  11. Stop acting like spoilt children!别再像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了!
  12. The council must act quickly, before more people are killed on that road.市政会必须迅速采取措施,以免更多的人在那条路上被撞伤亡。
  13. The court must establish whether the accused acted illegally.法庭必须证实被告是否非法行事。
  14. The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.多亏医生行动迅速,女孩的生命得救了。
  15. The report said that the doctor had acted very responsibly.报告说医生的诊治是很负责的。
  16. We acted in good faith—we did not know the goods were stolen.我们做事清白,我不知道商品被偷了。
  17. Why don't you make up your mind to act at once?你为什么不下定决心立刻采取行动?
  18. She is not really crying; she's just acting to get your sympathy.她并没有真哭,只不过装哭以博得你的同情罢了。
  19. We must act now to prevent further damage to our rainforests.我们现在必须行动起来制止对雨林的进一步破坏。
  20. Have you ever acted?你演过戏吗?
  21. How long have you been acting?你演戏有多久了?
  22. I can't take her seriously because she always seems to be acting.我没法认为她是认真的,因为她总是像在演戏。
  23. I don't think that play will act.我看这个剧本没法上演。
  24. I've always wanted to act.我一直以来都想演戏。
  25. Most of the cast act well.这出戏大多数演员演得不错。
  26. Olivier is acting tonight.奥利维尔今晚将要出演。
  27. The play is acting wonderfully well.这出戏上演得非常成功。
  28. We acted on the stage last night.昨晚我们上台表演了。
  29. You can't take her seriously because she always seems to be acting.你不能对她太认真,她似乎一直在演戏。
  30. Does the drug take long to act?这药要过很长时间才发生作用吗?
  31. Don't expect the medicine to act immediately.别指望这药能马上见效。
  32. The medicine acts well.这药很见效。
  33. The drug failed to act.这药没管事儿。
  34. The pump is not acting well.这台泵运转情况不好。
用作系动词S+~+ n.
  1. Don't act the ass.别像个蠢驴似的。
  2. Stop acting virtue!不要总是摆出一副道貌岸然的样子。
  3. He's always acting the experienced man who has seen everything.他总是装出一副见多识广,颇为老练的样子。
  4. He acted the gentleman and slept in the armchair.他像一位绅士一样睡在一张扶手椅子里。
S+~+ adj.
  1. The people we met looked and acted happy, pleased with life.我们遇见的人都表现出很高兴、生活愉快的样子。
  2. She acted calm although she was very worried.她虽然很忧虑,可是都装得很沉着。
  3. Don't act so stupid.别装得这样傻。
  4. Sometimes she acts young for her age.有时候她装出年纪很轻的样子。
  5. The boy acted tired to avoid more work.那男孩装出疲倦的样子,不想再干活了。
  6. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am, but people never notice it.有时候我装出比我年纪大的样子,可是人们从来未觉察出来。
S+~+ v -ed
  1. He acted surprised and overjoyed.他流露出又惊又喜的样子。
S+~+as if-clause
  1. He acts as if that he was ill.看样子他像是病了。
  2. He acted as if he'd never seen me before.他表现得好像从来就没有见过我似的。
  3. Just act as if nothing's happened.就假装好像什么事都没发生过。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. In the evening they acted a play which Joe had written and a few friends came to see it.晚上他们表演乔写的剧本,有几个朋友来看演出。
  2. She acts her part well.她演得很好。
  3. She is acting the role of Juliet她演朱丽叶这一角色。
  4. The boy is going to act the part of messenger in the play.这个男孩将在剧中扮演通讯员。
  5. Who's acting Hamlet?谁演哈姆雷特?
  6. He acted the main hero in the play.他在那出戏中演主角。
  7. 1
  8. Last week a new play was acted.上星期演了一出新戏。
  9. The play was well acted.这出戏演得不错。
  10. The play was acted for the first time last night.这个剧昨晚首次上演。


act of God
    天灾,不可抗力(如风暴、洪水、地震) an event caused by natural forces beyond human control, such as a storm, a flood or an earthquake
be an impossible〔hard〕 act
    令人望而兴叹,令人难以企及 used in order to say that the way sb has done sth is so successful or impressive that it will be difficult for the next person, team, etc. who does it to be as good
be〔get〕 in on the act
    〈非正〉参与,插一手 be〔become〕 involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get sth for yourself
in the act
    正要做(某事); 当场 while doing, at the moment of doingin the act

    It happened in the act, not before or after.


    A criminal was caught in the act.


    He denies all guilt, even though he was caught in the act.


    in the act of v-ing

    In the act of taking a bath,I heard a knock at the door.


    I was in the act of shooting him when I suddenly recognized him.


    She stopped in the act of turning and stared at me.


    I caught him in the act of reading my private letters.


    I photographed them in the act of stealing my car.


    The farmer caught the boys in the act of stealing of his apples.


    He was caught in the act of breaking into the house.


put on an act
    装模作样 behave in an insincere manner
get one's act together
    〈非正〉协同一致begin to work together in an effective way
act against( v.+prep. )
    违反 be againstact against sth 〓

    I acted against your advice.


    They acted against the discipline of their school.


act as( v.+prep. )
    充当 fulfill the post of sthact as sb/sth

    A copper wire acts as a conductor.


    I'll act as an interpreter for American tourists.


    Sometimes they acted as referees.


    He acted as secretary to the board.


    A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.


    Classroom testing most certainly acts as a stimulus to study.


    The drugs act as a brake on the spread of the disease.


    This kind of tea acts as an aid to digestion.


    You speak Greek—will you act as interpreter?


act for( v.+prep. )
    代表…行事 to be employed to deal with sb's affairs for them, for example by representing them in a court of lawact for sb

    A solicitor acts for his clients.


    Lawyers acting for the family will issue a statement this morning.


    His lawyer acted for him; he did not appear in court himself.


    He asked me to act for him at the meeting.


    Please act for me during my absence.


    Will you please act for me in the matter?


act on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    (立即)行动(尤指处理紧急情况)do sth immediately, especially in order to deal with an urgent problem
act out( v.+adv. )
    (用言辞或行动)将(想法或情感)表达出来 express your thoughts or behaviour
act to( v.+prep. )
    对待 treat toact to sb

    He acts kindly to old people and children.


    She was wondering how to act to her superior.


    Indeed, she acted like a mother to us.


act up( v.+adv. )
    作出适当反应 respond appropriately
act up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    实行,履行,遵守 put into practice; behave in such a way that one's actions are in accord with expectations, a promise, one's reputation, etc.act up to sth

    He always acted up to the principle he set for himself.


    I hope that he will act up to his promise.


    You must act up to the contract between us.


    What you say means very little unless you act up to it.


act up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    对…无礼 behave in an unruly or capricious manner with sbact up with sb

    The boy often acts up with his mother when she keeps him from smoking.


    The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.


    The lad is fond of acting up with him.


act a part
    具有…功能 have a natural or usual duty
act the fool
    装疯卖傻; 瞎胡闹play the fool


用作名词 (n.)
  • appreciate an act of kindness感激仁慈行为
  • commit a rash act轻举妄动
  • commit an act of war against对…采取战争行动
  • commend an act of charity称赞慈善行为
  • do another noble act做另一件高尚的事
  • do many acts of kindness做许多善事
  • do wrongful acts为非作歹
  • get into the act插手,参与,参加
  • have no act in没有参与
  • pass an act通过法案,使法案成立
  • perform a plucky act作出勇敢的举动
  • play the baby act作出幼稚的举动
  • practise an act练习一个动作
  • praise an act of charity颂扬善行
  • put on an act装模作样
  • aggressive act侵略行径
  • amendable act修正法
  • amusing act有趣的表演
  • arbitrary act独断专行
  • atrocious act粗暴的行为
  • authenticated act决议书; 认证的协议
  • barbaric act野蛮行径
  • barbarous act野蛮行径
  • beneficent act慈善之举
  • benevolent act仁慈的举动
  • brave act勇敢的行为
  • brutal act兽行
  • childish act幼稚的举动
  • churlish act粗暴的举动
  • cogitative act深思熟虑的举动
  • compromising act妥协方案
  • compulsive act冲动的行为
  • conscientious act谨慎认真的举动
  • conspicuous act惹人注目的行为
  • courageous act勇敢的行为
  • covert act隐蔽的行动
  • cowardly act怯懦的行为
  • craven act怯懦的行为
  • creative act创造性之举
  • criminal act犯罪行为
  • crowning act至高无上的行为
  • cruel act残忍的行为
  • daring act大胆的行动
  • dastardly act卑劣的行为
  • dauntless act大无畏的行动
  • decisive act断然行动
  • defensible act防御行动
  • derisive act幼稚可笑的举动
  • detestable act可恶的行为
  • disadvantageous act不利的举动
  • disdainful act轻蔑的举动
  • disgraceful act不光彩的行为
  • dishonorable act无耻的行为
  • disinterested act无偏见的行为
  • dreaded act令人畏惧的行动
  • egotistic act自私的行为
  • energetic act精力旺盛的行为
  • exasperating act令人恼怒的举动
  • expressive act富于表情的表演
  • ferocious act野蛮的举动
  • foolhardy act鲁莽的举动
  • foolish act愚蠢的行为
  • generous act慷慨之举
  • governmental act政府的法案
  • graceful act优雅的举止
  • gracious act恩惠
  • hardy act鲁莽行为,大胆行动
  • hazardous act冒险行动
  • heroic act英雄行为
  • high-handed act高压手段
  • horrific act可怕的行动
  • hostile act敌对行动
  • human act人道的行为
  • ignoble act卑鄙行为
  • ignominious act不光彩的行为
  • illegal act不法行为
  • illicit act违法行动
  • illogical act不合逻辑的行动
  • impolitic act失策之举
  • imposing act给人深刻印象的举动
  • impudent act厚颜无耻的行为
  • incongruous act自相矛盾的举动
  • incriminating act连累别人的行为
  • indecent act下流的行为
  • indiscreet act轻率的行为
  • inexpiable act不能抵偿的罪过,不能赎的罪
  • infamous act伤风败俗的行为
  • inopportune act不合时宜的举动
  • instinctive act本能的行为
  • irrevocable act不可改变的行动
  • judicial acts司法条例
  • juridical act法律行为
  • kind act善举
  • laudable act值得赞许的行为
  • laughable act可笑的行为
  • lawless act违法行为
  • loathsome act令人讨厌的行为
  • lugubrious act故意装出的悲哀举动
  • mean act卑鄙的行为
  • meritorious act值得称赞的行为
  • militant act好战行为
  • mischievous act恶作剧
  • monstrous act可怕的行为
  • mutinous act变节行为,叛变的行为
  • needless act多余的行为
  • noble act高尚的行为
  • offensive act进攻行动
  • official act正式条文,官气十足的举动
  • oppressive act暴虐行为
  • overbold act鲁莽的行动
  • overt act公开的行动
  • questionable act可疑的行为
  • rash act贸然行动,轻率的行动
  • reprehensible act应受谴责的行为
  • ritualistic act遵守仪式的行为
  • ruthless act冷酷的行为
  • salutary act健康的行为
  • selfish act自私的行为
  • self-confident act自信的举动
  • servile act奴性的举动
  • sexual act性行为
  • shameful act可耻的行为
  • specific act特殊的行动
  • sublime act英勇的行为,崇高的行为
  • superfluous act多余的行为
  • suspicious act可疑的行为
  • symptomatic act有征候的病情
  • the land-lease act租借法案
  • thoughtful act体贴的行为
  • thoughtless act轻率的举动
  • touching act动人的一幕
  • unauthorized act越权行为
  • unconstitutional act违反宪法的行为
  • unfair act不公正的行为
  • unfeeling act冷酷的行为
  • unfortunate act使人遗憾的行为
  • ungallant act怯懦的行为
  • unknown act未被发觉的行动
  • unpopular act不得人心的举动
  • unremembered act忘却了的行动
  • unspeakable act不能以言语表达的行为
  • unwarrantable act不正当的行为
  • unwise act不明智的行为
  • valiant act英勇之举
  • violent act狂暴行动
  • virtuous act善良的行动,有功德的事
  • voluntary act自发行动,自愿行为
  • vulturous act贪婪的行为
  • well-justified act充分证明为正当的行动
  • well-planned act周密计划的行动
  • wicked act邪恶的行径
  • wilful act固执行为
  • comedy act喜剧短节目
  • dance act舞蹈短节目
  • emergency act紧急法案
  • juggling act杂耍短节目
  • the National Insurance act国家保险法
  • the Security A-社会安全条例
  • the Social Security A-社会保险条例
  • trapeze act高空秋千短节目
  • between act幕间
  • a play in five acts一出5幕的戏
  • in the act当场,正在动作时
  • in the (very) act of正在…时,当场,在行动过程中
  • under act根据法令
  • act of …的行为
  • act of a play戏剧的一幕
  • act of aggression侵略的行为
  • act of audacity大胆的举动
  • act of bravery勇敢的行为
  • A- of bankruptcy破产法
  • act of charity慈善行为
  • act of clemency宽厚的行为
  • A- of Congress国会法案
  • act of disposition处分行为
  • act of execution执行行为
  • act of faith考验信仰力量的行为
  • act of God天灾,不可抗力
  • A- of Grace大赦令
  • act of grace恩惠
  • act of hostility敌对行为
  • act of insulting nature侮辱性的行为
  • act of justice正义的行为
  • act of kindness慈善行为
  • act of law法律条例
  • act of love友好行为
  • act of madness疯狂行为
  • act of Parliament〈英〉议院的法令
  • act of politeness彬彬有礼的行为
  • act of retaliation报复的行为
  • act of terrorism恐怖行为
  • act of thoughtfulness考虑周到的行动
  • act without thought贸然行事
用作动词 (v.)
  • act the ass当蠢人
  • act the experienced man阅历丰富的人
  • act the fool装傻子
  • act the idiot装白痴
  • act the lord装阔
  • act the part of Othello扮演奥赛罗
  • act a play演戏
  • act Shakespeare's play上演莎士比亚戏剧
  • act advisably明智地行动
  • act arbitrarily一意孤行
  • act badly表现不好
  • act bravely表现得英勇
  • act cautiously谨慎地行动
  • act contemptibly行动卑鄙
  • act corrosively起腐蚀作用
  • act cowardly in a battle在战斗中表现怯懦
  • act craftily行动狡猾
  • act dastardly行动卑怯
  • act decisively〔manly〕行动果断
  • act deliberately行动审慎
  • act diplomatically机巧地行事
  • act disloyally to对…行为不忠
  • act foolishly干得很愚蠢
  • act generously表现很慷慨
  • act half-heartedly做事不认真,马虎地行事
  • act hastily仓促地行事
  • act ignobly行为可耻
  • act immediately立即行动
  • act indiscreetly做事轻率
  • act judiciously行动审慎
  • act nobly行为高尚
  • act precipitately行动鲁莽
  • act promptly立即行动
  • act prudently行动审慎
  • act rashly轻举妄动
  • act responsibly负责任地行事
  • act rightly做得对,行为正当
  • act selfishly自私地行动,表现自私
  • act sensibly明智地行动,表现明智
  • act squarely and above-board做事光明正大,正大光明地干
  • act unadvisedly行动欠考虑
  • act unexpectedly出乎意外地行动
  • act unwisely不明智地行动
  • act vigorously采取有力行动
  • act warily谨慎地行动
  • act out扮演,以动作表达
  • act out the story of the three bears表演三只熊的故事
  • act out one's troubled feelings表达出不安的心情
  • act up(机器)出毛病,(病情)复发
  • act according to按照…行动
  • act according to one's conscience凭良心办事
  • act against advice不按忠告行事
  • act against one's interest违反自己的兴趣行事
  • act against order违抗命令
  • act against rules违反规则
  • act against the will of sb违反某人的意志行事
  • act as起…作用,扮演,充当
  • act as a buffer against...作为对付…缓冲物
  • act as a conductor担任指挥
  • act as a receptionist当接待员
  • act as a spy充当间谍
  • act as barrier作为障碍
  • act as chairman当主席
  • act as go-between作为中间人
  • act as guide做向导
  • act as an umpire任裁判员,任公断人
  • act for代理,代表…
  • act for one's interests做有利于自己之事
  • act from a reason to oneself出于个人考虑而行事
  • act from a sense of duty凭责任感行事
  • act from jealousy出于妒忌行事
  • act from caprice做事任性
  • act from high or low motives由于高尚或卑鄙的动机而行事
  • act from impulse凭一时冲动行事
  • act from instinct出于本能行事
  • act in cold blood采取冷酷无情的行动; 冷静地采取行动
  • act in collusion一致行动
  • act in concert with与…一致行动
  • act in contravention of违反
  • act in coordination配合行动
  • act in good faith做事清白
  • act in self-defence自卫行动
  • act in unison与…一致行动
  • act like行为像…,表现得像…
  • act like a wet blanket行动使人扫兴
  • act like an ostrich采取鸵鸟政策
  • act like one man像一个人一样一致行动; 齐心协力
  • act on〔upon〕按…行事
  • act on a previously-determined plan按既定计划办
  • act on a sudden impulse凭一时心血来潮而行事
  • act on faith根据信仰行事
  • act on impulse凭一时冲动行事
  • act on information received根据所得到的情报采取行动
  • act on mistaken orders按错误的命令办事
  • act on nervous instinct凭神经性的本能行事
  • act on one's knowledge of根据自己对…的认识行事
  • act on one's principles根据原则行事
  • act on previously-determined policy按既定政策办
  • act on sb's advice按照某人的指点行事
  • act on sb's behalf代表某人行事
  • act on sb's request按照某人的要求行事
  • act on the emotions of sb在某人情绪影响之下行事
  • act on the idea按照这个意见行动
  • act on the spirits of发扬…精神
  • act on the suggestions made by...根据…的建议办事
  • act on wrong views按错误的观点办事
  • act out of kindness行动出于善行
  • act out of pity出于同情而做
  • act out of spleen出于愤恨而行动
  • act through sb通过(谁)而行事
  • act to the best of my judgement竭力按照我的判断行事
  • act under在…情况下行动
  • act under compulsion被迫去做
  • act up表现不好; 行为不良; (机器)出毛病; 作弄; 开玩笑; (旧病)复发; 恶化
  • act up to one's ideal遵照某人的理想办事
  • act up to promise履行诺言
  • act up to one's reputation做符合某人声望的事
  • act with extreme caution极其谨慎地行事
  • act with great composure泰然自若地行事
  • act with the most perfect sense极为通情达理地行事
  • act with vigour办事精力充沛
  • act without any thought of the consequence做事不考虑后果
  • act without a plan盲目行事,胡搞,胡来
  • act without thinking轻率行事


  • Victorious deeds Flam'd in my heart, heroic acts.

  • Had Satan been able to have acted anything by force.


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ACT I Good morning, Susan. 早安,Susan。 Good morning, Sam. 早安,Sam。 What's the schedule today? 今天的工作是怎么安排的? Ten o'clock, 十点钟, telephone FAO Schwarz about the ne

发表于:2018-12-20 / 阅读(156) / 评论(0) 分类 走遍美国 Family Album U.S.A

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发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(201) / 评论(0) 分类 午后咖啡

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发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(380) / 评论(0) 分类 外研社新标准高中英语选修9

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发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(396) / 评论(0) 分类 外研社新标准高中英语选修9

今天要讲的惯用语里有个共同的词act。这真是个多义词,但是我们的时间有限说不了那么多,所以今天要说到的act都有表演的意思。比方说,我们要学的第一个习惯用语是:class act。 Class这里

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(164) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

By Margaret Besheer United Nations 25 September 2007 An unprecedented summit on climate change has ended at the United Nations. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the event has sent a powerful political signal to the world that there is the will and

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(170) / 评论(0) 分类 2007年VOA标准英语(九月)

BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhuanet) -- A new study has found that Actos, a medicine treats onset diabetes, could also reduce the diabetes(糖尿病) risk in people with prediabetes. The study, which was published Wednesday in New England Journal of Medicin

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(222) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

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13-mode test cycle
accounting code number
acupoints on lung channel of hand-Taiyin
adaptive alternatives
alloted space
AM-FM converter
ardennic movement
astronomic tide
barometric levelling
battles of pittsburgh landing
Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station
beta-gamma emitter
black swallow-wort
building material map
change speed gear box
Chergui, Chott ech
chromaffin cell
cobric acid
Danish oil
directional emissivity
duplex scaling
ectocardia pectoralis
epidemic gangrenous proctitis
exclude sb from
field of coefficients
filtering machine
flank angel
formal instrument
frozen time period
galvanized iron sheet valley
group address message
Guadajira, R.
healed varnish
Hensen's cells
heteroside linkage
ionospheric wind
Kent, James
Library General Public License
luminous filament pyrometer
lysergic acid diethylamides
maximum angular velocity
micro penetration hardness
Navaho blanket
normal-gap switch
octahedral shear stress theory
octet string
performance metrics
pin your ears back
port feed pump
read out signal
samoan dances (samoa)
shrinkproof film
smooth one's ruffled feathers
sound-off switch
square end
stadia station
table steel guitar
Virginia spring beauty
wooden deckhouse