音标:[di'gri:] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 程度, 度数, 学位, 度
[医] 度, 程度
n. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality
n. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process
n. a measure for arcs and angles
n. the highest power of a term or variable
词型变化:名词复数形式 : degrees



  1. He went down without taking a degree.他没获得学位就离开了大学。
  2. To do this job, you must have a degree in English.从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
  3. She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree.她也受到波及,但程度较轻。
  4. They cannot be trusted in the slightest degree.对他们一点也不能相信。
  5. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。
  6. A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree.如果一个图的每个顶点都具有相同的度数,则称它是正则图。


  1. Every circle has 360 degrees.每个圆都有360度。
  2. Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.小于90度的角叫锐角。
  3. The lamp-post was leaning across the road at an angle of thirty degrees.灯柱以30°的倾斜角向马路方向倾斜。
  4. It's 10 degrees below zero.零下10℃。
  5. The thermometer stands at 22 degrees.温度计的读数是22度。
  6. We had five degrees of frost last night.昨晚零下5度。
  7. We have different degrees of ability .我们的能力大小各不相同。
  8. The students have different degrees of ability .这些学生具有不同程度的能力。
  9. She shows a high degree of skill in her work.她在工作中表现出高超的技巧。
  10. The device acquires a high degree of dexterity.这台仪器的灵敏度很高。
  11. The science has attained a high degree of development.该学科已达到高度发展的程度。
  12. His art has reached a high degree of excellence.他的艺术造诣已达到炉火纯青的地步。
  13. There seemed to be a degree of personality in her remarks.她话里有些人身攻击的成分。
  14. I'm not in the slightest degree interested in geometry.我对几何丝毫不感兴趣。
  15. He can't be trusted in the slightest degree.他一点也不值得信任。
  16. These new words have won some degree of acceptance and use.这些新词在某种程度上已被接受和使用。
  17. To what degree was he involved in the crimes?他在多大程度上参与了这些犯罪活动?
  18. Their friendship by degrees grew into love.他们的友谊逐渐发展成为爱情。
  19. Each is useful in its degree.各有程度不同的用处。
  20. A high degree of socialist initiative has emerged in the masses.群众中出现了高度的社会主义创造性。
  21. You must accept some degree of responsibility.你必须承担一定的责任。
  22. He has advanced one degree in promotion.他晋升一级。
  23. He took his M.A. degree at Oxford.他在牛津大学获得文学硕士学位。
  24. I graduated from Beijing University with a B.A. degree this year.我于今年毕业于北京大学,并取得文学学士学位。
  25. He was awarded a degree in commerce.他被授予商科学位。
  26. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded to him.他被授予哲学博士学位。
  27. She obtained a Ph.D. degree.她获哲学博士学位。
  28. I was granted a degree in education.我被授予教育学学位。
  29. He has a degree from Columbia.他获得了哥伦比亚大学的学位。
  30. He took his degree with first-class honour.他以优异成绩取得学位。
  31. The girl is working toward a degree in history.这女孩正攻读历史学位。
  32. A university gives a degree to those who pass the examinations.大学向通过考试的人授予学位。
  33. A university degree is not necessarily a gateway to a good job.大学学位未必能带来一份好的工作。
  34. I didn't put down that I had postgraduate degree.我没有写上我有硕士学位。


by degrees
    一点一点地,逐渐地 gradually
to a degree
    〈英口〉极其,非常 very much indeed


用作名词 (n.)
  • achieve a degree达到一定的程度
  • bear a degree有学位
  • do a degree修读学位课程
  • elevate degree使等级程度升高,提高地位
  • exalt degree提高地位
  • have five degrees温度五度
  • hold a degree有学位
  • honor degree使学位增光
  • intensify degree加强程度
  • limit degree限制程度,减少度数
  • mark degrees标明度数,表明程度
  • match degree和地位相称
  • obtain a Ph. D-获哲学博士学位
  • overrate degree对程度估计过高
  • raise degree使度数升高,提高地位
  • reach a degree达到一定程度
  • receive a degree得到学位
  • take a degree获取学位,修读学位课程
  • take the degree取得学位
  • win the degree获得学位
  • adequate degree适度,适当的学位
  • adroit degree机敏的程度
  • advanced degree高级地位,高等学位
  • alarming degree令人惊恐的程度
  • amazing degree令人惊异的程度
  • ancient degree古代等级
  • appalling degree令人震惊的程度
  • astonishing degree惊人的程度
  • awe-inspiring degree使人畏惧的程度
  • comparative degree相当的程度
  • considerable degree很大程度
  • corresponding degree相应的程度
  • coveted degree渴望得到的地位
  • cunning degree熟练的程度
  • different degrees不同程度
  • disgraceful degree不光彩的地位
  • diverse degree形形色色的阶层
  • doctorate degree博士学位
  • earned degree获得的学位
  • every degree各阶层
  • excessive degree过分的程度
  • extraordinary degree离奇的程度
  • extravagant degree奢侈的程度
  • fair degree合理的等级
  • feverish degree狂热的程度
  • fine degree敏锐的程度
  • fullest degree最完美的程度
  • gentle degree慷慨的程度
  • great degree高水平
  • greatest degree最大的程度
  • high degree地位高
  • illuminating degree显赫的地位
  • imperceptible degree难以察觉的程度,微妙的程度
  • imposing degree庄严的程度
  • impressive degree感人的程度
  • improbable degree未必有的程度
  • impudent degree冒失的程度
  • incalculable degree极大的程度
  • increasing degree继续增加的度数
  • incredible degree难以置信的程度
  • infinitesimal degree无限小的程度
  • intolerable degree不能忍受的程度
  • irreparable degree无可挽救的程度
  • large degree广泛的阶层
  • lavish degree过分的程度
  • least degree最小的度数
  • limited degree有限的等级
  • low degree地位低
  • marked degree明显的表现
  • maximal degree最大的程度
  • measurable degree可测量的度数
  • microscopic degree细微的程度
  • minute degree微小的程度
  • moderate degree中等的程度
  • modified degree被更改的等级
  • multiform degree多种形式的等级
  • notable degree值得注意的程度
  • paramount degree至上的地位,最高学位
  • passable degree合格的学位
  • practicable degree适用的度数,可行的等级
  • pronounced degree明显的程度
  • rare degree罕见的度数,杰出的地位
  • reasonable degree适当的度数,合理的等级
  • reduced degree递减次数
  • remarkable degree异常的度数,值得注意的程度
  • remote degree疏远的程度,极小的度数
  • requisite degree需要的程度,必要的学位
  • shameless degree无耻的程度,伤风败俗的程度
  • significant degree重要的程度,值得注意的度数
  • singular degree卓越的阶层,异常的程度
  • slight degree轻度
  • slightest degree丝毫,轻微的程度
  • small degree小度数,低微的地位
  • startling degree令人吃惊的程度,惊人的度数
  • striking degree显著的程度,惊人的度数
  • sublime degree极端的,异常的程度
  • subordinate degree从属地位,次要等级
  • successive degree连续度数
  • sufficient degree足够的度数
  • superlative degree最高的程度,最高学位
  • surpassing degree卓越的程度,非凡的地位
  • tiny degree极小的度数
  • traditional degree传统的等级
  • transcendent degree超常的程度
  • unabated degree不衰的程度,不减的地位
  • uncanny degree可怕的程度,不可思议的程度
  • uncommon degree难得的度数,显著的地位
  • unparalleled degree前所未有的程度,无比的地位
  • unprecedented degree前所未有的程度
  • unsatisfactory degree不能令人满意的地位
  • unsolicited degree未经请求的等级,主动提供度数
  • unusual degree异常的程度,与众不同的阶层
  • unwonted degree不平常的地位,罕见的程度
  • valuable degree宝贵的程度,有价值的学位
  • valued degree受到尊重的地位,受到重视的阶层
  • varying degree多样化的程度,多样的等级,变更的地位,多样的学位
  • vulgar degree庸俗的阶层,普通的身份
  • college degree大学学位
  • Doctoral degree博士学位
  • graduate degree研究生学位
  • Honours D-优等学位
  • Master's degree硕士学位
  • science degree理学学士学位
  • university degree大学学位
  • zero degree零度
  • degrees centigrade摄氏度
  • ascend by degrees渐渐升高,慢慢攀登
  • attain by degrees逐渐达到,渐次获得
  • by insensible degrees极缓慢地
  • by slow degrees慢慢地
  • change by degrees逐渐改变,慢慢变化
  • coax by degrees逐渐把…弄好
  • improve by degrees逐渐改善,渐渐变得更好
  • lead by degrees渐渐引导
  • sharpen by degrees渐渐加重,慢慢削尖
  • turn by degrees慢慢旋转,渐渐变质
  • study for a degree读学位
  • differ in degree程度不同
  • in a degree有一点儿
  • in a greater degree更加
  • in a small degree稍微,略微
  • in a surprising degree惊人地
  • in any degree稍微,一点点
  • in its degree各自的程度不同
  • in no degree决不
  • in some degree略微,在某种程度上
  • murder in the first degree蓄意谋杀
  • murder in the second degree误杀罪
  • of a high degree高度的
  • suffice to degree满足阶层的需要
  • to a degree在一定的程度上,非常
  • to a certain degree在一定程度上,相当
  • to a considerable degree在很大程度上,显著地
  • to a greater degree在更大程度上
  • to a very high degree非常,高度地
  • to an uncommon degree不寻常的
  • to some degree在某种程度上
  • to such a degree that到这样的程度以至于
  • to the last degree极端,非常
  • to what degree达到什么程度
  • with the B.A. degree取得文学学士学位
  • degree from Columbia哥伦比亚大学的学位
  • degree in commerce商科学位
  • degree in law法学学位
  • degree of B.A.获文学学士学位
  • degree of courage胆量
  • degree of development发展的程度
  • degree of dexterity灵敏的程度
  • degree of freedom自由度
  • degree of latitude纬度
  • degree of light光的强弱
  • degree of Master of Arts文学硕士学位
  • degree of responsibility一定的责任
  • degree of safety安全度,安全系数
  • degree of skill不同程度的技巧
  • degree on the centigrade scale摄氏温标上的度


  • Scorning the base degrees By which he did ascend.

    出自:Julius Caesar,Shakespeare
  • Much-degreed ladies.


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a cock of the walk
Acantholimon tianschanicum
achlorhydric anemia
advanced calculus
afford an opportunity
ambrose gwinett bierces
Androsace pomeiensis
artificial blowing
blot your copybook
bottoming indigo dyeing
carotid arterial system
Central African Republic
closing session
Crataegus pedicellata
cutting trade
detailed soil map
Douglas scale
electrophotographic printing paper
entrance wire
excitability index
external acromial bursa
financial disintermediation
five year mortality rate
floo-floo bird
fractional discretion order
glass lamp
gob guiding apparatus
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
hardness unit
hydrographical service
in one's skin
ionic selective permeability
isoelastic temperature
kyilhor (tibet)
Laugh and grow fat.
light machine oil
link upward
mactra cuneata
minorante for series
navigable waterway
ocean sampling and environmental analysis system
on the wrong side of the post
operation at power
post-processor execution subsystem
r'eseau mondial
Reynaud, Paul
rocky ledge
ski bunny
sodium bicarbonate gargle
standard policy
stress in virgin rock mass
subnet dependent convergence protocol
Tc cell
Teluk Intan
throttled back
tin soldering alloys
tuberous vetches
VCS (voter comparator switch)
weakly bounded set
weed ecology
X-ray luminosity analysis