标签:黑热病正在世界范围内迅速蔓延 相关文章
These were the patricians the word means something like 'city fathers' although in those days they weren't citizens as we know them, 这些人是patricians(贵族)这个词的意思大致相当于市议员但是你不可以把这个时代的市议员
Anyone who came into his presence had to fall on their knees before him and speak to him as if he were a god. 任何人来到他的面前必须向他下跪并仿佛他真的是一个神似的同他讲话。 And in the manner of Oriental kings he had
For six years he led the life of a hermit and penitent. 他过了六年修道和忏悔的生活。 But his meditations were deeper and his sufferings greater than those of any other hermit. 但他比所有的其他人都想得深远,他比先前的任
So this was the Enlightenment that the Buddha experienced under the fig tree: 这便是释迦牟尼在无花果树下所参悟的道: the realization that, instead of giving in to our wishes, we can break free from them rather like when we are feel
When I was a schoolboy, China was to us, as it were, at the other end of the world. 在我上小学时,中国对于我们来说是世界的另一端。 At most we had seen the odd picture on a teacup or a vase, so that we imagined a country of stif
Since the Olympic Games took place once every four years, and were attended by all the Greeks, they provided everyone with a convenient way to measure time. 由于奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次,而且所有的希腊人都来观看,所以运
As sometimes happens in volcanic regions, there was a fissure in the ground from which vapor issued. 像在火山地区常见的那样, 蒸汽使地面产生裂缝。 If anyone inhaled it, it literally clouded their mind. It was as if they were drunk
Having finally succeeded in persuading the allies not to leave, 最终成功劝服同盟者不离开, he secretly sent a messenger to Xerxes saying: Make haste and attack, or the Athenians allies will escape you! 他便悄悄派一使者去向薛西斯
Added to which, the Athenians all knew what was at stake: their freedom and their lives, and those of their wives and children. 再加上全部的雅典人都知道,这关系到什么:关系到他们的自由和他们的生命,关系到他们妻子
Yet, under Cyrus's leadership, they succeeded, through courage and guile. 然而波斯人在居鲁士的统率下因其机谋和勇敢精神却终于成功了。 And so Cyrus became lord of that great realm. 于是居鲁士便成为统治整个国家的
Something very strange happened between 550 and 500 BC. I don't really understand it myself, but perhaps that's what makes it so interesting. 在公元前550年与公元前500年间发生了某种奇怪的事情。本来我也不明白这是怎么发生
When the Greeks came to Greece, they were not yet Greeks. 当希腊人移入希腊时,他们还不是希腊人。 Does that sound strange? Yet it is true. 这听起来不奇怪吗?但是这却是真的。 For the fact is that when the tribes from
The people were mostly seafarers, like the Phoenicians, only they traded less and fought more. 他们大都是航海者,像腓尼基人,只不过他们不怎么经商,却常常进行战争。 They were often at war with one another, but on occa
Do you also remember the tale of the wily Odysseus? 你还记得足智多谋的奥德修斯的故事吗? How, returning from Troy, he experienced the strangest adventures, 他如何回到特洛伊,经历了最奇妙的冒险, Till, at last, on
Here are some lines to be chanted aloud while tapping their rhythm, 这里是一些他们打节拍时大声唱出来的诗行, Lines that were used by the poets of Greece in their stories of warfare, 希腊诗人用于讲述他们战争故事的诗行
If I have the gift of prophecy and can see into all mysteries and have all knowledge and have all faith so that I can move mountains, 我若有先知讲道之能,也明白各种的奥秘、各种的知识,而且有全备的信,叫我们够移山,
He didn't just put the whole empire in order, he put time in order too. 但是他不仅在整个帝国而且也在时间方面建立秩序。 He put time in order? Whatever does that mean? 这是什么意思? He reformed the calendar, so that it en
They would give their all for him. Not just on foreign soil but at home as well. 他们愿意为他竭尽全力,不但在敌国,而且在家乡。 For, in their eyes, a great hero of the battlefield was just what was needed to keep order at home,
79 第一次感受有声世界的精彩 Date=8-5-01 Title=people in America #1833 - Helen Keller, part 1 Byline=Katherine Clarke Voice one: I'm Shirley Griffith. Voice two: And I'm ray freeman. Every
Part-time Job When my son was a hign-school sophomore, he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket. He came home all smiles.