标签:黑热病正在世界范围内迅速蔓延 相关文章
It may seem to you that what Confucius taught was obvious. 孔子和他的弟子们这样教导说。 But that was exactly his intention. 因为诸侯的首要职责是当他的全国居民的榜样。但这恰恰是他希望的。 He wanted to teach
Thus, for Confucius, the family, with its brotherly and sisterly love and respect for parents, was the most important thing of all. 所以孔子认为家庭,兄弟姊妹之间的爱,对父母的尊敬,这些是整个生活中最重要的东西。
This was the famous orator Demosthenes, whose fulminating speeches at the Assembly,这就是著名的雄辩家德摩斯梯尼,他在公民大会上发表呵斥的演说,in which he repeatedly warned people against King Philip's schemes, are known
The driver was forced to explain that this was an old man. 驭车人只得给他解释这是一位老人。 Deep in thought, Gautama returned to his palace. 乔答摩若有所思地回到他的宫殿。 On another occasion he saw someone who was sick
Holy men like these penitents and hermits, were common in India 3,000 years ago, and there are still many there today. 3000年前,这样神圣的人、忏悔者和遁世者在印度有很多很多,今天也还有。 But one of them was different
For the divine breath of Brahma is the essence of all things. 因为神圣的梵天(波罗贺摩)的气息是万物的精华。 To help their pupils understand this, Indian priests had a lovely formula which you may turn over in your mind. 为使他们
The idea that came to him, his great Enlightenment, the solution to human suffering, was this: 他参透到的伟大的知觉,让人类摆脱苦难的思想,是这样的: if we want to avoid suffering, we must start with ourselves, because all
I can already hear you saying: That's all very well, but people can't help wanting things! The Buddha thought otherwise. 我已经听到你说的:说得不错。但是人们对自己的欲望是无能为力的呀。 释迦牟尼不这样认为。 H
In time, most of the continent was subdued by the descendants of these invaders, 当时,该大陆的大部分被这些侵略者的后裔征服, who, like the Spartans, maintained a distance between themselves and the peoples they had conquered. 他
Although we know almost nothing about the people who built Mohenjo Daro, 尽管我们几乎一点不知道什么人建造了摩亨佐.达罗, we do know that different people arrived much later, and that they are ancestors of the people who inhabit
All we have are little paintings on pottery on vases and urns. 我们只见到陶制器皿上、花瓶上和坛子上的小型画像。 Their loveliness tells us what we have lost. 这些画像如此之美以至我们能够想象得出来我们丧失了
When you look at the works of Greek artists, and see how fresh and simple and beautiful they are, 看希腊艺术家的作品时,你会发现它们是多么清新、简单和美好, it is as if their creators were seeing the world for the first t
These laws were so strict that people still speak of Draconian severity. 这些法律十分严厉以致人们今天还在谈论德拉古的严厉。 But the people of Athens, who had roamed the seas in their ships, and had heard and seen so many diff
He died soon after, leaving his son and successor, Xerxes, to take revenge on Greece once and for all. 不久他便死去,把向希腊彻底复仇的任务一下子交给了他的继承人薛西斯。 Xerxes, a hard, ambitious man, needed no urging
There they subdued the inhabitants, and set them to work in the fields. 他们在那里征服了从前的居民,并让他们在田地劳作。 They themselves founded a city where they lived, and called it Sparta. 他们自己建造了一个名叫斯
How do you do it? 这件事你怎么做? Why, every schoolchild knows the answer, You spell out the words. 为什么,每个小学生都知道答案,你拼写出单词。 Yes, all right, but what exactly do you mean? 对,但你到底是什么意思
From now on, things were constantly changing. 自此一切都一再起变化, And this is why, nowadays, when we find even a fragment of pottery in Greece, or anywhere else in Europe, 这就是为什么当我们现在在希腊或欧洲的其它地方
To be nearer to their stars, and also to see them better in a misty land, 为了离他们的星星近一点,也为了在这个多雾的地方看星星看得更清楚些, the Babylonians, and the Sumerians before them, erected strange buildings wi
One such pharaoh was King Cheops, who lived in about 2,500 BC. 就有这样一位名叫齐阿普斯的法老,他生活在于公元前2500年。 He summoned all his subjects to help construct his tomb. 他就曾下令让他所有的臣仆建造他的坟
Would you like to know how to write using hieroglyphs? 你想知道如何用象形文字书写吗? In fact, learning this sort of writing must have been incredibly hard, as it's more like constructing a picture puzzle. 事实上,这种书写确实不