标签:英语语言 相关文章
大家好,最近在新西兰,发现有不少的海外留学生在口语学习的时候,或多或少的存在着这样或者是那样的误区,结合到以前我在中国的教学经验,我认为有几点是大家需要注意的: 1、口语练习和其他
Communication without words 非语言沟通的力量 You have no doubt heard the proverb:Actions speak louder than words. It's true. Your body is a crucial part of communicating your inner feelings. 你一定听过这个谚语:行动胜于空谈。说
Molly Malone Allan chang 歌词简单如下: Molly Malone - Sinead O'Connor In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty I first laid my eyes on sweet Molly Malone As she wheeled her wheel barrow Through the streets broad and narrow Crying
Language Points 英式英语里,first floor是二层,一层是ground floor。美国二层是Second floor. 英美发音区别:water idea breakfast 垃圾人 haters/human trash
Saving a Critically Endangered Language in Australia People in Australia are leading efforts to save a critically endangered language. At one time, an estimated 300 indigenous languages were spoken on the continent. Only about 90 are still spoken tod
许多中国人花了很多时间在这个看到就头疼的英语上,只为了考试,成绩却常常一塌糊涂。如果只有外来的压力,学习效果就不会好到哪儿去。源自内心的动力是必需的。 Improving Your Motivatio
1.扎实的语言基本功。 一名优秀的译员应具备良好的英语修养和扎实的汉语基本功,掌握英汉两种语言的特点和互译规律,拥有快速、准确地遣词造句的能力。译员要有良好的语音基本功,掌
Language Points cold Kevin:Oh, Rose, I was awkward on yesterday's performance. Rose:Why? You have prepared for it for a long time. Kevin: Yeah, but I got cold feet before the speech. Rose: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. awkward/embarrased cold feet
Take the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 6. Spend 20 seconds memorizing that sequence before saying them out loud again. 看看下面的数字:4、8、5、3、9、7、6,将它们大声读出来,然后背过脸去,用20秒来仔细回
Feel like taking a swing at tennis yourself? The first step is understanding the game’s unique language, much of which is explained by tennis’French origins.“Love,”for example, representing a
Listen, I shouldn't judge cause i think it would be hard to learn a new language entirely 听着 我没有资格评判 因为我觉得学习一门新的语言是很难的 So I couldn't do it I couldn't move to another country and learn another langua
Language Points 1. Learning a Language Will Improve Your Relationships 学习一门外语可以增进你身边不同的关系。 2. Learning a Language Will Improve Your Memory 学习一门外语可以增强你的记忆力 3. Learning a Language Will
Cognitive psychologists believe that our language construction is a result of a two-step word retrieval process. The first step is the search for a words meaning, and the second step is the search for the actual sound of a word. Different speech erro
1、练就假嗓子功夫: 说明:说英语时,声音浑厚,富有磁性,听起来像外国人 操作:每天跑步10分钟,一边跑步一边有节奏地喊1234,坚持10天见效果哦。 2、 增强舌头的柔韧度: 说明:改掉