204. Assumption of State Debts. 204.州债务的承担 A further part of Hamilton's original scheme aroused even greater opposition. 汉米尔顿最初方案的纵深部分遭到了更为激烈的反对。 During the Revolutionary War the states, t

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202. The National Debt. 202.国债 The National Debt was the price of independence. 国债是独立所付出的代价。 During the war Congress had been too poor to pay gold and silver for what it needed to carry on the war. 在战争期间国会太

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198. Ceremonies and Progresses. 198.接见仪式与过程 Washington liked a good deal of ceremony and was stiff and aristocratic. 华盛顿喜欢丰富多彩的庆典,他表情严厉而高贵, He soon gave receptions or leveesas they were call

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196. Appointments to Office. 196.官员的任命 The President now appointed the necessary officers to execute the national laws. 此时,总统开始任命必要的官员以执行国家法律, These were mostly men who had been prominent in the

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Chapter 19 第19章 Organization of the government 政府的组建 192. Washington elected President. 192.华盛顿当选总统 In the early years under the Constitution the Presidents and Vice-Presidents were elected in the following manner. 在早些

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184. Compromise as to Apportionment. 184.关于众议院名额分配的折中方案 Should the members of the House of Representatives be distributed among the states according to population? 应该根据各州的人口来分配众议院的代表人数

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243. The Treaty Ratified. 243.修改条约 Jefferson found himself in a strange position. 杰斐逊发现自己处于一个尴尬的境地, The Constitution nowhere delegated to the United States power to acquire territory. 宪法中找不到授权

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Chapter 23 第23章 Jefferson's Administrations 杰斐逊政府 237. President Jefferson. 237.杰斐逊总统 Thomas Jefferson was a Republican. He believed in the republican form of government. 托马斯杰斐逊是共和党人,他信奉共和形式

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295. National Roads. 295.国家的路况 Steamboats were now running on the Great Lakes and on all the important rivers of the West. 此时,汽船运行在五大湖及西部所有重要的河流上, The first result of this new mode of transpor

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291. The Tariff of Abominations, 1828. 291.可憎的关税(1828年) In 1828 another presidential election was to be held. 1828年要举行新的大选, The manufacturers thought that this would be a good time to ask for even higher protective

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Now the people of the United States sympathized with the Spanish colonists in their desire for independence. 此时,美国人民同情西班牙殖民地居民的独立愿望, They also disliked the idea of Europeans interfering in American affair

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Thousands of office-seekers thronged to Washington. 数以千计的求职者涌向华盛顿, They even slept in out-of-the-way corners of the White House. 他们甚至睡在白宫偏僻的角落里, Day after day, from morning till night, they pr

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263. The Frigate Constitution. 263.宪法号护卫舰 One of the first vessels to get to sea was the Constitution, commanded by Isaac Hull. 美国最早到海上航行的舰船之一是由伊塞克o哈尔指挥的宪法号, She sailed from Chesap

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336. Seizure of California. 336.夺取加利福尼亚 California was the name given to the Mexican possessions on the Pacific coast north of Mexico itself. 加利福尼亚是对墨西哥以北太平洋沿岸墨西哥属地的称谓, There were no

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The law of 1850 gave the enforcement of the act to United States officials. 1850年的法律将强制执行这个法案的权力交给美国政府官员, The agents of slave owners claimed many persons as fugitives. 奴隶主代表们宣称许多人都

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When the time came to run the boundary line, the American and Mexican commissioners could not agree. 但在谈及国界时,双方的外交官没有达成一致, So the United States paid ten million dollars more and received an additional strip o

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An election was held. Hundreds of men poured over the boundary of Missouri, outvoted the free-soil settlers in Kansas, and then went home. 人们举行了一次地方选举,数以百计的人冲过密苏里边界,他们以多数票击败在堪萨斯

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Chapter 36 Secession,1860-1861 第36章 南部各州脱离联邦(1860~1861年) 369. The Republican Nomination, 1860. 369.共和党的提名(1860年) Four names were especially mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for Presi

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390. Plan of the Peninsular Campaign. 390.半岛战役计划 The country between the Potomac and the James was cut up by rivers, as the Rappahannock, the Mattapony, and Pamunkey, and part of it was a wilderness. 在波特马克河和詹姆斯河之间

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Chapter 37 The rising of the peoples,1861 第37章 民众的反映(1861年) 380. Lincoln's Inauguration. 380.林肯宣誓就职 On March 4, 1861, President Lincoln made his first inaugural address. 1861年3月4日,林肯总统发表首次就职

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