标签:美国人眼中 相关文章
All about Americans 美国人面面观 How the Americans See Themselves 美国人怎样看自己 Americans are proud to be Americans but each individual will explain that he, personally, is not like the other Americans. He is better. Americans are pr
Well, I have to bring up two because we talked a little about this before, about the last party your documentary which was San Gore and George Bush now winner of an election here. It's all happening. Yeah. Where it's happening. Yeah. How are you? Are
hat do foreigners find most annoying about Americans? 外国人最烦美国人哪一点? 获得281好评的答案@Erin Paige Law As an Australian who has travelled quite a bit and been part of many different expat communities, I find that Americans
Ice, Ice, Baby 冰,冰啊,宝贝 Think about any beverage, adult or otherwise, that youve ordered in your life. Whats the primaryingredient, regardless of what beverage youve ordered? If you said sugar, youre close, but thats not it. Its ice, of
英文歌词: losing my religion 迷失我的信仰 Life is bigger 生活是这样丰富多彩 It's bigger than you 远远比一个简单的人要宽广 And you are not me 你并非是我 The lengths that I will go to 你眼睛中的距离 The distance in your eyes 那个长度是我想去丈量的 Oh
美国人看什么电视节目节日期间,不少美国人呆在家里看电视。不同年龄的人看的节目也不同。青少年喜欢Sports(体育节目),著名的有College Football,College Bas-ketball(美式足球、篮球的大学校
They may be witnessing their global superpower influence decline in the face of challenges from other emerging players on the world stage, but Americans have been voted the world's coolest nationality in an international poll。 Social networking sit
More people in the US have favorable views of China, according to the latest survey by the Pew Research Center. 皮尤研究中心的最新调查显示,有更多的美国人对中国抱有好感。 The survey released last Tuesday finds that 44% of
Ice, Ice, Baby 冰,冰啊,宝贝 Think about any beverage, adult or otherwise, that youve ordered in your life. Whats the primary ingredient, regardless of what beverage youve ordered? If you said sugar, youre close, but thats not it. Its ice, of
Many believe that dinosaurs and humans once coexisted, but most know that current technology doesn't allow for cloning dinosaurs from fossils. 很多人认为恐龙和人类曾经共存过,但大多数人知道目前的科技并不允许由化石克隆
Homebodies Economize on Energy Use 家庭节能有助于能源利用 The rise in technology, particularly for information and communication, is radically transforming lifestyles. For example, many people can now work from home and still be in almost
Most people dont like to think about death, much less plan for it. Many Americans have thus failed to officially record their wishes should they be faced with catastrophic circumstances that, for example, would require them to be placed on a ventilat
看美国人如何消磨时光 说到消遣玩乐,顾名思义,就是人在闲暇时间为找乐子而参加的娱乐活动。随着时代的变迁,美国人的消遣玩法儿也越来越潮:从早年的集邮、收集模型飞机,到现今的
看美国人总结最不该跟父母说的9句话 很多有口无心的话的确会让父母难过很久。父母渐渐老去,我们应该做的就是听话孝顺,常回家看看。下面来看看美国人总结的不应该对父母说的9句话:
They had planned on marrying as soon as they graduated from high school butUncle Samhad other ideas.他们计划高中一毕业就结婚,但山姆大叔却另有主意。 Most of us know theUncle Sammeans the government of United States. But suppos