标签:热词 相关文章
自垮掉一代悲催一代以来,柯林斯大辞典的2016年词语又为90后贴上了雪花一代的标签。他们看似年轻气盛实则有着雪花一般的玻璃心;看似自信满满实则经不起打击就像雪花一样易融化。 Snowf
Captain's call - a phrase plucked from the cricket pitch and politicised by former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - has become the Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2015. 拍脑袋决定(原意:队长的决定)一词源于板球运
上海世博会已经全面启动,开幕后的世博有哪些新热词呢?赶紧来学习吧。 spot check抽查、随机检查、突击检查 请看相关报导: Visitors to the World Expo should expect at least two rounds of security checks b
The plenary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC)and the National Committee of the Chinese People' s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), popularly known as the twosessions, are kicking off this week. What will be the big talkingpoint
啃老族指既没有上学也没有就业或接受职业技能培训,必须依靠父母养活的青年人。在英国英语中,NEET指啃老族的一员,NEET group指啃老族群体。NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Tr
年底到了,又到了小伙伴们任性看电影的时候啦! 《匆匆那年》(Fleet of Time)、《太平轮(上)》(The Crossing Part 1)、《我的早更女友》(Meet Miss Anxiety),除了这几部影片外,另一部备受瞩目的大片就
自拍是普通人最喜欢的一种消遣方式,而目前有一种提升自拍效果的新神器正迅速成为我们大家生活的一部分。它就是selfie stick(自拍杆)。 A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by
最近特别火用一言不合就...各种造句哈,中文版本刷屏那你知道英文版么?咱们可以用Whenever we disagree with each other, ... 例子:比如一言不合就不告诉他邱邱老师的新班Whenever we disagree with each ot
这些政府工作报告中的热词,你会用英语表达吗?快和小编一起来英语词汇中学习一下吧! 能源消耗 energy consumption 清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources 化学需氧量 chemical oxygen deman
2017年末牛津词典选出了年度新词。这些词18年持续火热。其中就有人设崩塌。怎么说呢?听节目、看推送吧! 语言是活的,不断有词死去,有不断有词新生,所以每年牛津词典都会选出年度新
请看相关报道: The draft law sets operating standards for travel businesses and scenic areas, and prohibits travel agencies from forcing tourists to purchase goods. 该草案设定了旅游行业和景点的运行标准,同时禁止旅行社强
现在娱乐圈中的姐弟恋越来越多,难道这真的是一种趋势吗? 近日,电影《不能说的夏天》(又名:寒蝉效应)22日在台北举办首映会,导演王维明、演员郭采洁、戴立忍、贾静雯、黄远皆出席。
The Duchess Effect The positive economic impact of Kate Middletons fashion choices, derived from her new title, the Duchess of Cambridge. 公爵夫人效应指英国王妃凯特?米德尔顿的时尚穿衣品味对经济产生的积极影响,该说法
吃货们,你们有食忆录吗?食忆录是一种个人体验记录,着重描述食物,并把食物作为表达个人体验的手段。 Foodoir is a memoir that includes recipes or that is focused on food, meals, or cooking. 食忆录是一种包
Law of Supply Demand: This is the founding block of economics. Whenever supply of something increases its price decreases and whenever supply decreases price increases. Thus, when you have excess production of corn, food prices decrease and vice vers