A Paradise for Crawling Creatures Feeling 1)run-down? Stressed? Or just need to get away from it all? We may have found the hotel with the ultimate in service: a luxury resort complete with 2)hydrothe

发表于:2018-11-28 / 阅读(101) / 评论(0) 分类 疯狂英语2004年

Mothers Day is a day for the children to show gratitude to their mothers.As a small kid, I dont have much money,but I really want to do something for my mother.So I decide to help her to do the housework.I clean the floor and wash the dishes.I also t

发表于:2018-12-01 / 阅读(72) / 评论(0) 分类 英语作文

A: Where would you like me to take you? B: I need you to take me to PCC. A: I can do that. B: How long will it take you to get from here to PCC? A: Itll be about 25 minutes. B: You cant get there any faster than that? A: Thats as quick as I can do it

发表于:2018-12-16 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 英语情景对话-邻居

充满爱心的喜剧片《狗狗旅馆》中不乏好听的歌曲,片头的那一首Get Lucky就轻松活泼,可爱无比,来自独立女声Dradonette的演绎,有没有给你带来一些阳光灿烂的好心情? Get Lucky by Dragonette So

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(43) / 评论(0) 分类 电影歌曲

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 英语抢先学

Without You Mariah Carey No I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving But I guess that's just the way the story goes You always smile, but in your eyes your sorrow shows. Yes, it sh

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(114) / 评论(0) 分类 最好听的50首英文歌曲

Checking Out 结帐 Key Sentences(重点句子) 185.I'd like to pay my bill now. 我想现在结账。 186.Your name and room number,please? 请问您的姓名和房间号码? 187.Have you used any hotel services this morning? 请问

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(44) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

[00:00.00]851.I don't see how it could be. [00:01.61]这个根本不可能。 [00:03.21]852.Why not give up smoking? [00:04.39]为什么不戒烟? [00:05.56]853.We must keep in mind our final objective and our mission. [00:08.28]我们必须牢记我

发表于:2019-01-20 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 美国常用口俚语

The Bellboy 旅馆侍者 A traveler was standing at the desk in the lobby of a Washington hotel. He was in a hurry. He had only ten minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten something. 一位旅客站在

发表于:2019-01-28 / 阅读(53) / 评论(0) 分类 英语小达人

片语连接词是起连接词作用的片语,常见的有: as soon as(一...就), as long as (so long as)(只要;在...期间), in case(假如), as if(好像), even if (even though)(即使), as far as (so far as)(就...而言), now that(既然), n

发表于:2019-02-01 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇

山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 你一定也有困惑,怀疑自己已经山穷水尽,不知道该怎么办的时候吧?其实未来是美好的,就看你有没有耐心和毅力等到柳暗花明的时候。那么你知道山穷水

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(41) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

Key Sentences(重点句子) 683.I've been a guest in this hotel for the past week.我是上周入住的客人。 684.And I'm due to check out tomorrow,but I'd like to extendmy stay.我明天应该离店,但是我想延长期限。 685.I

发表于:2019-02-11 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

A salesman was chatting with the owner of a motel.Business is terrible, said the motel owner. 'Really bad.But every time I drive by here you have the 'no vacancy' sign on. said the salesman. That's true, replied the motel owner. But I used to turn aw

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(173) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味英语

1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗戴卫斯吗? 2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita. 是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 3.Pardon me. Are you Ralph M

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(45) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

Business 商业 Aarusha Homes: Room to grow 阿鲁沙之家:增多的房间 The road to Indian prosperity is paved with cheap and cheerful hostels. 印度繁荣之路铺满了廉价且宜人的旅馆。 If several hundred million Indians do migrate

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(59) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人财经系列

开门见山说分手 I want to break up. 我要分手。 Its over. 我们缘分已尽。 Dont call me anymore. 别再打电话给我。 Theres someone else. 我有了别人。 Were not meant for each other. 我们命中注定不适合。 旁敲侧击说

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语


发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(90) / 评论(0) 分类 绯闻少女

1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗。戴卫斯吗? 2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita.是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 3.Pardon me. Are you Ralph

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(52) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

The drawing-room at the Hotel de la Fleur was a small room, 鲜花旅馆的客厅并不大, with a cottage piano, and a suite of mahogany furniture, covered in stamped velvet, neatly arranged around the walls. 摆着一架简易式的钢琴,沿着四

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(41) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

I like to learn. I would like to learn. I would like to learn English. I would like to learn English well. I would like to learn English well as soon as possible.

发表于:2019-03-16 / 阅读(308) / 评论(0) 分类 上楼梯英语学习法