标签:撞人老外 相关文章
turn back 转身,回来,使回来 Even though she never turned back, she knew Tom was behind her. 虽然她没有转身,但却知道汤姆就在她身后。 They both turned back to look at the building. 他们同时转身看了看那栋楼。
看到美女帅哥,是不是有想要上去搭讪的冲动?下面就教你几句搭讪用语。 1.BOY:Have we met before? GIRL:I don't think so. 男孩:我们见过吧? 女孩:没有吧. 2.Hi. what a coincidence! 嗨.真巧啊! 3.It's really nice
比如Chuck第一次来中国,下飞机后,负责接待他的东北某大学英语系陈老师说:您刚到,我们吃点饭吧。我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd(豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说
M: oh, Sam! Is this your dog? S: it's Cindy, you know that. Hey, Cindy, say hello to Maria. M: Cindy, you're so cute. S: she is also very naughty. By the way, do you have a dog, Maria? M: I have a little white cat. S: Oh, a cat? Come on. M: yes, cats
I wish I had 如果的话就太好了 I wish I had been married to you. 如果和你结婚该多好啊。 I wish I had told you before. 如果之前告诉了你该多好啊。 That's a good point. Now I wish I hadn't told Julie. 说的没错。现在我
1、Two doctors and an HMO manager die and line up together at the Pearly Gates. One doctor steps forward and tells St. Peter,
Language Points Flirt Flirting is simply showing someone that you are interested in them or think that they are attractive. 表达你对某人感兴趣或被某人吸引。 常用短语 1.Are you on_____? or Do you use_____? Are you on Facebook? 你有
雅思口语分数段5-6.5: keep talking 型考生。 很多同学都意识到了雅思想拿到理想的分数,流利与连贯至关重要。也有同学说某某其实水平不怎么样但就是不停的讲然后得了6.5。于是越来越多的同
狂,疯狂的狂。一看到crazy你的脑海是不是也浮现出一个放荡不羁的狂人呢?殊不知crazy的意思可不止疯狂,它有三个有着细微差别的意思呢! Crazy第一解:strange=奇怪 有时候疯狂是说一个人离
1.sock away 存钱 You should sock away a certain amount each month. 你每个月都应该存一笔钱。 2.live from hand to mouth 收入勉强糊口 Bob had a little money socked away, so he didn't have to live from hand to mouth. 鲍勃存下来了一
释义: get some rest 休息 get 后面接休息或睡眠等抽象名词时,如果是 get some rest 就表示休息一会儿,而 get any sleep 则表示小睡一会儿。 例句: Why don't you get some rest? 干嘛不休息一会儿? I didn
在很多地方,经常可以看到有关Chinglish(中式英语)的文章,但一般都是中国人写的。不过我看到一篇长文,也是有关Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Chinglish 2 E
Never mind 不要在意某事 Never mind that. 不要在意。 Well, never mind me. It doesn't matter to me. 好,不用管我了。跟我没什么关系。 Never mind that we don't have it. 我们就算没有也无所谓。 Never mind what I want.
set aside 单独存放,储备 He had money set aside for this. 他专门为了这个储备了一些钱。 I set aside this weekend to celebrate my wife's birthday; 我安排这个周末给老婆过生日。 I have a lot of time. I set aside my whol
释义: get a move on 抓紧时间做某事 表示因为时间已经来不及了,需要抓紧时间的意思,主要会用作祈使句形态的 Get a move on!或 Let's get a move on!等。另外,如果用 make 代替 get,变成 make a move on 的
释义: stay the same 没有变化,依旧 stay the same 表示完全没有变化,和原来一样。另外,stay (as) +名词表不(作为)留下。 例句: Everything is great! Everything stayed the same! 一切都很好!一切都和原来