标签:微软CEO 相关文章
Scott:I think that's very possible. We believe a carefully crafted carbon program is something that probably is inevitable and probably positive. What we would ask is that people be mindful of the general population and not be so ideological that we
Reporter:Since you joined PG in 1977, how has the marketplace changed? 记者:自从您1977年加入宝洁以来,市场都发生了怎样的变化呢? Lafley: First, the power has shifted from the manufacturer and the retailer to the consumer.
Reporter: Most PG products are sold in supermarkets and drugstores where the shelves are packed. How do you get shoppers to notice and buy your brand? 记者:很多宝洁的产品都是在超市或者药店的货架上进行销售,而那些货架往
Wagoner: Well,certainly, there have been some interesting developments here (in Silicon Valley) and theres a lot of smart people and obviously some tremendously deep engineering capabilityall of which could be helpful to us. We have a lot of differ
The latest acquisitions by Real Madrid. How is that gonna impact on your bottom line? You're obviously quite positive about them. Yeah, of course. Because this gives us opportunity to sell more shirts if great players are coming to Real and I still t
Most of your growth, though, is likely to come in quickly developing countries like China. 你们多数成就是在发展迅速的国家,如在中国取得的。 What is your strategy there? 你们在这些国家有怎样的战略? We just introd
Dell was famous for its low-cost approachfor its direct-sales model via Internet and telephone. 戴尔因其低成本而闻名采用网络和电话直销形式。 Is that still an advantage today? 现在这依然是一个优势吗? We are 10 times
Were Still the Most Profitable Producer 我们仍然是受益最多的生产商 Did you wait too long to come back? 早就等不及要回来了吗? I probably could have come back a little bit sooner, 我原本大概可以早一点回来, but I d
Well, can Starbucks continue to heat this kind of home-runs? Joining me now / the man who created it, its founder, its chairman, its, I guess big one -Howard Schultz . Hi, Neil ,how are you doing ? I
GoodThoughtstoKeepinMind可口可乐CEO论生活 Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some fiveballs in the air. You name them: Work, Family, Health, Friends,Spirit.And you're keeping all
Female Anchor:Leading Internet company Yahoo announced an exclusive partnership with China's largest E-Commerce company Alibaba.com. As part of that deal, Yahoo agreed to purchase Alibaba's shares for
Facebook CEO Denies False News Influenced US Election Facebook的CEO否认虚假新闻影响美国大选 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has denied that untrue stories appearing on the social media site affected the results of the American president
Of the more than 5,000 people who will hear CEO Tim Cook's keyhole speech, Cook is especially happy to welcome one group, 350 young scholarship winners part of Apple's commitment to develop a more inclusive workforce, Cook sat down for an exclusive i
Mark Zuckerberg has released a video of him speaking Mandarin with his wife Priscilla and two-month-old daughter Maxima to celebrate Chinese New Year. 马克扎克伯格发布了一个视频,在视频中他携妻子普莉希拉和两个月大的女儿
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg just had a baby girl named Max, and to honor the occasion he's giving away a massive portion of his wealth. 脸书CEO马克扎克伯格为自己刚出生的女儿取名Max,为了纪念女儿出生,他捐出大部分财产
The impact is what others framed for you and the world after it happens The present is only what you're experiencing and focused on right now 影响是事件发生后 别人为你和世界所构建的 你所能够体验和关注到的只有现在这一
And our first game was at Wisconsin and we went up there and we lost our first game, 21 to 14 我们的第一场球是对威斯康星 结果第一场就输了 21比14 and there was this just crushing disappointment afterwards And I'd like you to thin
We care about environment protection 我们关注环保 Reporter:When you started focusing on the environment at Wal-Mart, 记者:当您致力于整顿沃尔玛的环境问题时, you were under an organized attack from union-backgroups that were
Design Is Our Core Competency 设计是我们的核心能力 Reporter:Is it true that you once spoke to a group of Wall Street analysts on the importance of design? 记者:您与华尔街的分析家们讨论过设计的重要性,是真的吗?