标签:中国礼节 相关文章
Traveling with the Senior Executive 和高级主管一起旅行 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在走廊上遇到美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) A: Good Morning Chen Hao. How are you? C: I am fine, 不过,我正找你呢。 我有点
The Etiquette of Replying to E-mail 回复电子邮件的礼仪 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在走廊上遇见了美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C:Amy,我找了你一整天。 A:What is it? C:我有个关于电子邮件的问题
Holiday Cards 节日贺卡 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在去吃午饭的路上遇到了美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C: Hi Amy,你也去吃饭吗? A: As a matter of fact, I am. Would you like to join me? C: 好啊。Amy, 圣
Business Casual Done Right 商务休闲装正确穿戴 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他有个问题要请教美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C: Hi, Amy. 你有一点儿时间吗?我有个问题想问你。 A: Sure, I need a little
公司执行总裁Dave召集董事会成员Helen和Pete开会,讨论业务外包和公司重组。 Dave: I've called this meeting to discuss a very important decision we need to make. In the interest of cost saving, it's been suggested that we outs
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他到办公室去找美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C:Amy, 今天晚上的表演你去吗? A:Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Our new boss, Mr. Brown, is being kind to take us all to celebrate the
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他跟美国同事Amy一起走出会议室。 (Office ambience) C:Amy, 今天我第一次主持会议。你觉得怎么样? A:I thought you did well considering that you have not been in that position b
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他遇到美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) A:Hi Chen Hao, how are you today? C:还不错,你呢? A:I'm fine, just taking a quick break. C:我刚才看到一件怪事。 A:What? C:我在走廊
公关部主任Janet Liu召集下属开会,询问中东代表团的活动安排。 Janet Liu: Good morning, Silvia. Good morning, Pete. How is my public relations team doing today? Silvia Kranson: Morning, Ms. Liu. Pete Chan: Very well, thank you.
Kim跟朋友Anita一起去吃饭。Anita想跟公司要求涨工资,可是不知道怎么开口,Kim给她出主意。 I can present quite a bit of hard data to demonstrate my usefulness to the company. K: That's great! Then you have to figure out
Paul和Sara夫妇俩跟老朋友Jesse和Miika一起吃饭。 P: It's so good to see you guys! It's been forever! M: We should try to set a monthly dinner date...we've missed you! S: So what's new? J: Tracy just turned four. She's growing ridiculously
公司开会讨论支出账目,经理Tim和会计部主任John告诉大家,要紧缩开支,首先从员工可报销的账目下手。Tim说, Tim: I'm not going to sugarcoat it: we'll have to cut back on our expenses or we'll have to cut back
公司开会讨论支出账目,经理Tim和会计部主任John告诉大家要紧缩开支,首先从员工可报销的账目下手。 Tim (manager): Ok, now for the last item on our agenda: expense accounts. Let me turn the meeting over to our chi
i 公司电脑系统遭到骇客入侵,Dylan跟同事Cory和Brenda一起讨论,Dylan说: D: We may never be able to trace the origin of this attack. But what we can do is work harder to make our systems impenetrable. B: Yes, a lot of people are
中国雇员Kathy忧心忡忡地去找美国同事Mark请教。 K: Hey Mark...do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? Mark: No problem, I've got time. K: Great! Well, I'm going to Seattle for half a year. I'm attending a course at a universit
便餐 light meal工作午餐 working luncheon自助餐 buffet dinner/luncheon答谢宴会 return dinner告别宴会 farewell dinner庆功宴 glee feast招待会 reception庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会 Reception Celebrating
Bob向一家软件公司订购的软件没按时到,Bob要求赔偿,但是对方热线客服Gloria却坚持说是Bob一方取消了订单。Bob生气地说: B: Look...if you review our file you'll find that we are long-term loyal customers who
Bob给一家软件公司客户服务热线打电话,接电话的是Gloria. 大家注意听客户服务一上来该怎样说。 Gloria: Good afternoon and thank you forcalling GlobalCom's customer hotline. My name is Gloria...how can I be ofassistan
Jim和Emily是一家跨国公司从中国聘用的新雇员,公司人事部的Paula对他们进行文化差异的培训。Emily说, E: I know that we will be expected to chat and make small talk with our customers, but I'm worried I'm going to pu
Jane找上司Vincent, 可不是为了工作。 Jane: (knock knock) Hi, Vincent...got a second? Vincent: Sure, Jane...come in. Grab a seat. What's on your mind? J: Well, I know this doesn't fall under your responsibilities, but I really need some advi