美国防部长马蒂斯访华 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --China and the EU stand Against Trade Protectionism --Harley, stung by tariffs, shifts some produc

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(54) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

春运战场刀光血影;梅姨黄鹤楼听完京剧返北京 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Zhaoying Coming up: --China's annual Spring Festival travel rush kick off. --China

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

2017出生人口比2016下降63万,低生育率老龄化社会车轮滚滚而来 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: The birthrate in China fell last year despite t

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(67) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

《2018美国国防战略报告》不重反恐怕中俄竞争 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --China and Latin America want stronger partnership at high-level me

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(71) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

农业强,农村美,农民富如何实现 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: Agriculture, the countryside and farmers, or Sannong (农业农村农民), have always

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(55) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

冬奥会过后,朝核关系何去何从 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the country hopes North Korea and the United States c

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(81) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

平昌奥运会总结向;美朝韩三角关系焦灼微妙 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --PyeongChang Winter Olympics conclude --South Korea says the North is

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(54) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

美国学生暴走白宫呼吁禁枪 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --China's top political advisory body concludes annual session --Russia says British punitive

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

中国政府力挺巴基斯坦反恐有力 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Chinese Premier calls on China, Germany to enhance scientific cooperation --Australia

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

中国宪法修订被立法机构批准通过 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --China's national legislature adopts landmark constitutional amendment --French Pre

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

朝鲜愿意与美商讨弃核?是诚意还是计谋 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Financial minister says China is fully capable of forestalling systemic r

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

电影盛宴!--北京国际电影节 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up : --Chinas commerce ministry says still no talks over trade with the US --China expects posi

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(196) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

冰火两重天!美国驻以色列大使馆搬迁争议大 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Over 200 China A shares are set to be added to MSCI indexes --Dozens

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

92岁马来西亚总理预计2年后禅让前学生 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --North Korea suspends high-level meeting with South Korea amid US military dr

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(70) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

中美贸易战暂停 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Chinese vice premier says China, U.S. agreed not to engage in trade war --South Korea president is set to

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

20亿美元!有钱波兰欲建美军永久军事基地 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Zhaoying Coming up: --Xi Jinping vows to elevate China's industries to higher end of glob

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

印巴罕见同框,伊朗总统SCO访华 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up:The annual Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit is being held this weekend in Qingda

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(62) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

历史会晤!明日特金会前瞻 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Xi Jinping calls for carrying forward Shanghai Spirit --North Korea says the Kim-Trump summ

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(72) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

马其顿共和国改名北马其顿共和国 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Mike Pompeo visits China this week following Kim-Trump Singapore summit --Saudi-le

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线

摒弃前嫌,开启中印新起点 Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- Today keeps you informed and inspired. I'm Suyi Coming up: --Leaders of China and India reach broad consensus in informal summit --DPRK, South Korean le

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(49) / 评论(0) 分类 The Beijing Hour 新闻纵贯线