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[00:03.72]****** 现在我调动步兵师 [00:06.56]****** 和指环王中的半兽人兵团 [00:09.84]****** 从两翼包夹田纳西的志愿者军团 [00:14.28]****** 没这么容易 南方还有两个步兵师 再加上超人和哥斯拉 [00:20.2
[00:01.76]on the other hand,some physicists are concerned that 另一方面 有的物理学家担忧 [00:05.12]if this supercollider actually works, 一旦超级粒子加速器研制成功 [00:06.68]it'll create a black hole and swallow up the earth,
Leonard、Raj、Howard去野外看流星雨,不知情吃下大麻饼干,乱HIGH一气 ;Penny手臂脱臼,Sheldon送Penny去医院,药物副作用制HIGH,唱soft kitty,Sheldon偷看事件。
我先要考考大家。你们都知道,一美元等于一百美分。谁能说出一美分one cent的另外一个名字?(Tickers, and Buzzer Sound) 时间到!如果你说的是penny, 那就对了。Penny以前还挺值钱的,可如今,早就没人
生活大爆炸第一季第四集_2: The Luminous Fish Effect Well, that was fun. 刚刚很好玩呀。 Maybe tomorrow we can go to one of those big warehouse stores. 也许明天我们能一起去那种仓储式商店。 -Penny:Oh, I don't know, S
-Leonard:Look, I need to get enter the laser lab. You're just gonna have to find someone else to take you home. 反正我要用激光实验室,你只能找别人送你回家了。 -Howard:Ah, damn, I picked the wrong side. 该死,我站错队了
-Sheldon:Good morning, Leonard. 早上好Leonard。 Yeah. We're gonna have to stop by pottery barn on the way to work. I bought these star wars sheets, but they turned out to be much too stimulating to be compatible with a good night's sleep. potte
-Sheldon:Worst renaissance fair ever. renaissance:文艺复兴 fair:集市,集会 史上最逊的文艺复兴集会。 -Leonard:Please let it go, Sheldon. 别再墨迹了Sheldon。 -Sheldon:It was rife with historical inaccuracies. be rif
TBBT101-6 生活大爆炸之来了新邻居penny(3) (Penny opens door). Leonard: Hi. Again. Penny: Hi. Sheldon: Hi. Leonard: Hi. Penny: Hi. Leonard: Anyway, um. We brought home Indian food. And, um. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find
The Second Basket Of Pears 第二篮梨子 After a time the father said to his other sons, You see how lucky your older brother has been. 过了一段时间,父亲跟二儿子说,你看你的哥哥多么幸运。 He carried the fine pears safely
In this Business English Podcast, we'll be looking at the language used to make appointments on the telephone. 在本期的商务英语播客中,我们将要学习电话预约所使用的语言。 We live in the era of remote communication: telecon
This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last time you learned ways to start and finish a conversation appropriately. Today youll be studying how to keep a conversation goi
Idiom: Penny pincher ( frugal person ) Hit the book: No man's land Abyss Illuminate Motion activate Stack Cubby Topple illusion Remember the Floor Space If you have lots of long-hanging clothes, the whole bottom of the closet can become a no man's la
Goodafternoon. I believe that this house is for sale. That'sright. May I have alook at it, please? Yes, ofcourse. Come in. How longhave you lived here? I've livedhere for twenty years. Twentyyears! That's a long time. Yes, I'vebeen here since 1976. T
-Leonard:Here's your T-shirt. 这是你的队服。 -Leslie:PMS? PMS? (月经前期综合症) It's a couple days early... 早了几天吧... -Leonard:No. It stands for Perpetual Motion Squad. 不,这是永动队的意思。 -Leslie:Oh, righ
生活大爆炸第一季第十集_3:The Loobenfeld Decay -Sheldon:Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? -Leonard:Let it go, Sheldon. 饶了我吧Sheldon。 The murder was the first mate whether it makes sense to you or not. 凶手是那个大副不管你能
生活大爆炸第一季第十集_2:The Loobenfeld Decay -Leonard:You told her I lied? Why would you tell her I lied? 你告诉她我撒谎了? 你为什么要告诉她? -Sheldon:To help you. 为了帮你。 -Leonard:I'm sorry, I'm not seeing
生活大爆炸第一季第八集_2:The Grasshopper Experiment -Penny:Hi, guys. 嗨大伙们。 -Leonard:Oh, hey. 嘿。 -Penny:I need some guinea pigs. 我需要几只小豚鼠。 -Sheldon:Okay, there's a lab animal supply company in Resed
生活大爆炸第一季第六集_1:The Middle Earth Paradigm -Rajesh: Okay, if no one else will say I will. We really suck at paintball. 好吧,如果没人说那就我来说。我们在彩弹比赛中的表现实在太差了! -Howard: That wa