标签:谈时尚 相关文章
Move Over Fast Fashion, Here Comes Slow Fashion 快时尚尚未降温又迎来慢时尚 A few years ago, Maxine Bdat who is now in her early 30s looked in her closet. It was full of clothes, but she had nothing to wear. And that was because it was a
科技翻译不仅仅是个语言问题(词汇、语法、修辞等),它是牵涉到许多非语言方面的因素。逻辑便是其中最活跃、最重要的因素。苏联语言学家巴尔胡达罗夫曾举过这样一个例子:John is in
For six seasons, Kim Cattrall played the provocative Samantha Jones on
一.对出国和出国后学习、生活的重要性美国人在近几年发现好多中国留学生虽然GRE分数非常高,写作水平却很低,在以后的学习 中遇到了许多麻烦,也造成了教授很大的困扰。所以他们开始
Well of course, in the 20th century,glamour came to have this different meaning associated with Hollywood. 当然,在20世纪,魅力开始和好莱坞联系在一起从而拥有了各种不同的含义。 And this is Hedy Lamarr. 这是Hedy Lamar
He remembers people saying, as he was sort of half-conscious, he remembers people saying, Steiner's been hit in the head. Steiner's dead. 他记得。在他处于半清醒状态时听到人们说:斯坦纳被射中了头部。斯坦纳死了。 And
He wrote, If some religious genius did come up with an explanation of exactly why all these deaths made sense, 他写道:如果真有宗教天才能够解释通为什么这些死亡是合理的, would we feel happier, or safer, or more confident
I am a vicar in the Church of England. 我是一名英国圣公会的牧师。 I've been a priest in the Church for 20 years. 我做牧师已经有20年了。 For most of that time, I've been struggling and grappling with questions about the nature o
勒斯米柏维忆起手写信件这个消逝的艺术,并且分享她父亲生前亲手写给她的一些笔记。 她那简短而动人的谈话, 可能会启发你开始动手写信。
一、不同记忆类型应选择的记忆方法 由于人们的记忆特征是有区别的,所以某种特定的记忆法并不一定适合每一个人,那么在选择背单词的方法时要根据自身的特点来操作。在学英语的人群中
官员对伊朗核谈感到乐观 GENEVA Iranian and international negotiators will continue a key series of meetings on Thursday that officials say could lead to the first steps toward guaranteeing that Iran's nuclear program is purely peaceful, as
梅仁毅教授谈英语学习方法 要学好英语,就要对语言本身及语言所传达的各种文化信息感兴趣。当你读到或听到别人用简洁的英语表达深奥的思想时,兴奋不已,立即记住,这就表明你已对语
DON GONYEA, HOST: OK. We've all been scolded to keep our elbows off the table or to politely say please and thank you, or for heaven sake not to eat with our fingers at a nice restaurant. Well, maybe you haven't been so reprimanded, but I have. So wh
The weather and the British obsession with talking about it has been puzzling outsiders for decades. 英国人痴迷于谈论天气,这个问题数十年来一直让外界人士困惑不已。 Several features of Britain's geography make the weathe
Is the Expansion of Enrollment a Good Thing? Many colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment since 1998. The reasons for the expansion are as follows. Firstly, they want to keep up with the need of the job market to produce more qualifi