Respect and understanding will be critical to avoid conflict and that will take leadership and participation. 尊敬和理解是避免冲突的关键所在这需要领导和参与 So have an opinion Get involved. 拥有自己的主见投身其中 And

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Are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are. And then figure out what is in the next right move. And the key to life is to develop an internal moral emotional GPS. 都会让你学到东西 促使你找回自我然后确定下一步

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I'm even prouder to share a fundamental truth that you might not have learned, even as graduate of Harvard, unless you studied the ancient Greek role with professor Nagy. 同时 我要更自豪地分享一件事尽管你们是哈佛毕业生 可能也不

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And I thought: You want me to speak to Harvard graduates? What I... What can I possibly say to Harvard graduates, some of the most successful graduates in the world. 当时我想 您让我来给哈佛毕业生们做演讲?我能对他们说些什么呢

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There are zeros and ones I'm a one 这里有0也有1我是一个1 You're a one my friend in the Himalayas she's a one 你是一个1我的喜马拉雅朋友她也是一个1 Martin Luther King Jr. He was not a computer programmer so he called this conc

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Taught me that Paul had made the moral choice to do the deep connection to do that hard work to understanding that love is part of healing All those little small acts that Paul did and his staff保罗做的是一种道德选择 希望建立更深的人

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Back in 2001, when I was considering running for mayor people told me: Don't do it. 2001年 当我考虑竞选市长时人们都跟我说 算了吧You'll never win The media will tear you apart. 你赢不了的媒体会把你撕得粉碎 You don't kn

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In a couple of minutes, you will become a graduate but I hope that, for the rest of your life, you will remain a student. 几分钟后 你们就将毕业但我希望你们剩下的人生中 保持一个学生的心态Your capacity to learn is the gre

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And eat some Mac and Cheese wedges I actually hear the atmosphere is very, what's the right word, colorful?. 然后吃一些通心粉和楔形奶酪我听说这里的气候非常 怎么说来着 多彩吗I wanted to go to Sunset Point and sit on a be

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The impact is what others framed for you and the world after it happens The present is only what you're experiencing and focused on right now 影响是事件发生后 别人为你和世界所构建的 你所能够体验和关注到的只有现在这一

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And our first game was at Wisconsin and we went up there and we lost our first game, 21 to 14 我们的第一场球是对威斯康星 结果第一场就输了 21比14 and there was this just crushing disappointment afterwards And I'd like you to thin

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I've learned about Smithies writing honors theses on subjects that I not only don't understand but I can't even pronounce 我发现 很多史密斯人的荣誉论文标题我不仅无法理解 甚至不会发音 Like Lisa Stephanie Cunden's thesis on

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Thank you so much Thank you so much, President Christ, the Board of Trustees 非常感谢非常感谢 克里斯特校长 董事会 Members of the faculty, devoted parents and friends and especially the fabulous Smith College class of 2013 教职工成员

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Whatever life may have in store for you each of you has a grand, lifelong project and that is the development of yourself as a human being 不管人生中等着你的是什么 你们每个人都有一个宏伟的终生项目 就是你自己作为人的

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I should say that he always added that he would do it all over again in a minute So, well done, moms, dads This is indeed an impressive and appropriate setting for a commencement 但他总会补充说 再让他选择 他还是会这样做 所以说 你

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And it won't matter whether they're black kids or brown kids or white kids. 无论是黑人孩子 白人孩子 棕色人种孩子. Or native American kids. 还是美国原住民孩子. Because he'll understand what they're going through. 因为他理解

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Muslim Americans feel it when they're. 美国穆斯林也有这种感受. Stared at with suspicion because of their faith. 总有人因为信仰问题用怀疑的眼光盯着他们. Any woman who knows the injustice of earning less pay for doing the

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It was that mission 这就是学校的使命 Not just to educate men, but to cultivate good men, strong men, upright men 它不仅是教授知识 还要培育善良 强大 正直的人 That brought community leaders together 要能将社区领袖聚集

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That's a Morehouse man talking 这是一个莫尔豪斯人说的 Now, think about it 想想这个 For black men in the '40s and the '50s 对于四五十年代的黑人而言 The threat of violence, the constant humiliations, large and small 暴力的威

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So you should be incredibly proud 所以你们应该异常自豪 And I hope that you never lose sight of what brought you to this day 而且我希望永远不要忘记 是什么成就了这一天的你 those values that you came here with 也就是你们

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