标签:抱怨加班 相关文章
Discussing overtime problems A: Excuse me, Mr. Graham? I have something I need to discuss with you. B: Im in a bit of a hurry, Louise. Can it wait? A: I would really appreciate it if we could talk for a few minutes now. Its about the overtime youve a
1.Do I often have to work overtime? 我需要经常加班吗? 2.Is there any extra pay for working overtime? 有加班费吗? 3.How to compensate me if I work overtime? 加班以后怎么补偿? 4.To be honest, nobody would like to work overtim
加班 Overtime 加班 work overtime =work extra hours A: I have to work overtime today. B: Lots of work,huh? 加班费 overtime pay A: Do we get overtime pay? B: Yes,it's 1.5 times for workday overtime,and 2 times for weekends. 加班申请 request
我快累死了! I'm exhausted.=I'm too tired to stand up. A: Oh,my God,I'm exhausted. B: It'll soon be over,this is the last one. 悠着点儿干 slow down =take it easy A: Slow down!Don't work yourself to death. B: You're quite right.Health is the
Until this deal closes, we work through lunch. 这笔生意谈成前,我们只能边吃边干活。 But as a consolation, we'll also be working nights. 不过作为安慰,我们晚上也要加班。 Nights? You really think that's necessary? 晚上
讲解文本: work overtime 加班 If you ask your employees to work overtime, be there too. 如果你要求自己的雇员加班,那么你也留下来。 She earns about $230 a month, including overtime pay. 包括加班费在内,她每月能挣
How do you feel about working overtime? 你如何看待加班? My focus is not on the time I spend at work,but the results I'm expeted to produce. 对我而言,重要的不是工作所花的时间,而是产生我所期望的结果。 I'm extrem
A: And how would you describe yourself. Miss Tao?What kind of person are you? A:你怎样形容你自己呢,陶小姐?你是什 么类型的人? B: Well, as I mentioned before, I think I am easy-going. I enjoy working and talking with people an
It's late at the offices of Tip Top Trading. 来到Tip Top Trading的办公室已经很晚了。 Anna is alone, working. Again. 安娜又在一个人加班了。 She's been doing this all week, she wants her presentation to Mr Lime to be perfect so s
Idiot. I bet he actually spent hours preparing he just can't admit it. 白痴!我打赌他其实花了几个钟头做准备,他只是不承认罢了。 Well, maybe you're right. I can't think clearly anymore, I'm so tired. 也许你是对的,我再
星期五晚上,Jason和Wanda劝同事Larry不要老加班,应该劳逸结合。Larry却说,手头总有做不完的工作。 L: But I feel like I'm wasting time if I go home and watch TV... even if I'm reading a good book I still feel like I s
Mike, I know that office hour is up now, but could you work during the weekend? 迈克,我知道该下班了,不过你周末能不能加个班? Well, unfortunately I have got something on this weekend. 真对不起,周末我已有安排了。
Nothing makes a week drag on quite like staying late at the office. Working into the wee hours totally disrupts work-life balance, causes you to miss out on time with loved ones, and more often than not, leads you to lose precious hours of sleep. The
Employees at Amsterdam design studio Heldergroen won't be putting in much overtime. Not in the office, at any rate. 在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的设计工作室Heldergroen,员工将不会有太多机会加班。就算加班也不是在办公室。 Th
13. I'm always tied up with my work. 我总是忙得不可开交。 还能这样说: I always have my hands full. I am on the go. 应用解析: tie sb. to work 工作缠身; tie sb. hand and foot 捆住某人的手和脚,使某人不能行动自
9. I need you to stay late. 我需要你留下来加班。 还能这样说: You must stay late. You have to work overtime. 谚语: From saving comes having. 富有来自节俭。 10. I've already logged in 10 hours of overtime. 我已经加了10个
5. I have worked overtime for the entire week. 我一整周都在加班。 还能这样说: I've worked overtime for the whole week. I've worked the entire week overtime. 应用解析: entire affection 纯真的爱情; entire function 整函数;
1. The deadline is coming up. 截止时间就要到了。 还能这样说: It's getting down to the wire. The work is due. 谚语: Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多。 2. I have to work overtime today. 我今天要加班了。 还能这样
Ihavetoworkovertime. 我要加班。 overtime加班;夜班 例句: Ihaven'tfinishedworktoday,Ihavetoworkovertime. 我还没有完成今天的工作,我要加班。 Idon'twanttoworkovertimeeverynight,I'mfedupwithit. 我不想每晚加班,我受够
教你用英语抱怨事情糟透了 抱怨是最消耗能量的无益举动。有时候,我们的抱怨不仅会针对人、也会针对不同的生活情境,表示我们的不满。而且如果找不到人倾听我们的抱怨,我们会在脑海