标签:我继续奖金 相关文章
[00:16.32]Youre back on the show. 你可以回去答题了 [00:46.80]Come on! 快啊! [00:50.12]Come on! Come on! 快啊! [01:05.60]杰默?那个百万富翁? [01:11.92]那个大富翁? [01:13.60]累积巨额奖金的那个? [01:15.08]加油,我祝你拿
Ill try. (To Tom) Tom were operating in tough economic conditions and if you want a bonus 我尽量。(对着Tom)Tom...我们公司现在经济条件很困难,如果你要奖金的话... you really need to pull your socks up. 你真的需要...更
Hmm yes that was the next item on the agenda.Our end-of-year bonus. Hmm...是的...那是我们议程的下一个话题。我们的年终奖金。 Well you see there isnt going to be a bonus this year. 好吧...你也看到了...今年不会有奖金了
Give me your contact details and well ring you first thing in the morning. 你只需要给我联系详情,明早我们第一件事就给你打电话。 Things have worked out well for the team at Tip Top Trading. Tip Top Trading小组现在进展很顺
I bought it when I was hoping to marry a man called Frank, 我买的那时候还希望能够嫁给Frank, although it turned out Frank wasnt much of a man. (Starts to cry) 尽管结果表明Frank并不是我要找的那个人。(开始哭) Oh De
2004 考研写作样句 3、In each semester, a visiting professor is responsible for giving 5 lectures, holding 2 seminars and doing occasional supervision over the research of our faculty. 【译文】每个学期,客座教授要负责做5次演讲
We'll receive a quarterly bonus if quotas are met. 如果我们达到销售额,就能得到每季度的奖金。 We'll receive a quarterly bonus if quotas are met. 如果我们达到销售额,就能得到每季度的奖金。 How much would that
第21期:谈薪资 Keith: If we employ you, what starting salary would you expect? Zhang Jie: I'd like to start at 3000 yuan a month. Keith: I think your background and experience are worth the compensation . Zhang Jie: Does it include bonuses ? Keit
你期望什么样的薪金 面试的时候,你期望什么样的薪水是一个很常被问到的问题,同时也是很难回答的一个问题。不过只要注意一个原则,就是尽量避免正面回答这个问题,让对方透露薪金标
当你的下属做错事情,一定要向他表达你不满。否则对方将无法意识到自己的职责所在。 Im sorry but I have to say that this is no good. 我很遗憾但是我必须说,这样做不好。 To be honest, Im not satisfied
HR Administrator: Welcome to the company. We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company. 欢迎加盟本公司。我们正在对新员工进行调查,想知道你们为什么选择本公司。 Ne
You will bo given a raise after three-momth probation period. 三个月的试用期结束后你的薪资会得到提升。 How long is my probation? 试用期有多久? Three months. And you will be given a raise after that. 三个月,而且之后还
To insure 投保 A: I am looking for insurance from your company. 我是来贵公司投保的。 B: Mr. Wang, Mr. William will meet you in the office. 王先生,威廉先生在办公室接待您。 A: By the way, what kind of insurance are you able
Hilcorp, a private oil and natural gas exploration and production company based in Texas, is in the news for its uNPRecedented generosity towards employees. To celebrate an excellent year, CEO Jeff Hildebrand gave the entire company staff huge bonuse
Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi hasannounced the government will provide larger bonuses and pensions forIndonesian medalists at the upcoming Olympics in Rio Di Janeiro, in Brazil.Gold medalists will receive a bonus of Rp 5 billion (US$ 377,500
A publisher might buy a printing company in order to have more control over its assets, and ensure its presses are used to print its own books first. 出版商可能会为了对其资产有更多的控制权并确保印刷设备首先被用于印刷自
1. Pay check:工资支票。公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票。 2. Pay stub:工资存根。存档的收据。用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项目金额。 3. Pay period:工资周期。两次发工资