Chapter 1 The World Through a Spy-Glass 第1章 透过小望远镜看到的世界 You may never have seen your own face. 你从来都没看过你自己的脸。 This may surprise you and you may say it isn't so but it is so. 这样说可能让你惊讶

发表于:2018-12-04 / 阅读(130) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

When some inquisitive child asked, What does the flat World like a mud pie rest on? 当某个好奇的孩子问道:这个平平的像泥馅饼的世界是放在什么上面的呢? they really truly said, It rests on the backs of four elephants. 他们

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Chapter 4 The Endless Parade 第4章 没有尽头的队列 Did you ever see a paradea very long one? 你看过阅兵队伍吗?非常长的那种? I once saw a parade of soldiers that took all day to pass by. 我曾经看过一次阅兵队伍,队伍

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In the parts of Alaska where fish can be caught for food, Indians live in small villages. 在阿拉斯加那些产鱼的地方,都有一些小村庄, 里面住着印第安人。 In the center of each village they put up a tall pole carved and pai

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Chapter 15 The Est, Est West 第15章 之最最多的西部 A LAND where they have the b-est, the bigg-est, the fin-est, the highest, 据说有个地方,那里有最好、最大、最优、最高、最美的东西, the loveli-est of everythingso

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Chapter 14 Wonderland 第14章 仙境 ALICE IN WONDERLAND is a fairy-tale, but there is a real Wonderland out in the West. One of the wonders is a river. 爱丽丝漫游仙境是一个童话故事,但是远在西部真有一个充满奇迹的仙境。

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Chapter 19 So Near and Yet so Far 第19章 近在咫尺,远在天涯 N-A-M-E-R-I-C-A and S-A-M-E-R-I-C-A are two names printed in large letters across my map of North America and South America. 我有一张北美洲和南美洲的地图,从地图的

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The country of a king is called a kingdom.If one man rules over several countries, he is called an emperor and the countries an empire. 一个国王的国家叫做王国。如果一个人统治好几个国家,他就叫做帝王,这些国家就叫做

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One group of high buildings in New York might be called the capitol of the World. 纽约的一组高楼可以称作是全世界的国会大厦。 After World War II most of the countries of the World wanted to find some way of keeping a third World W

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On one side of Manhattan Island is the Hudson River and on the other side is the East River. 曼哈顿岛的一面是哈得逊河,另一面是东河。 A bridge was built across the East River by stretching ropes made of steel from one side of the

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In spite of the fact that land in New York City is worth more than any other land in the World, there are two big parks where city people may have a little country. 尽管纽约市的土地比世界上其他任何地方都要贵,但市内仍然有两

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Chapter 9 Yankee Land 第8章 扬基人的定居地 A pair of shoes, a hat, or an automobile we should not call New if they were a year old, 一双鞋、一顶帽子或一辆汽车,如果用了一年,我们就不该说它们是新的了, but th

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For some reason or other, every now and then some man tries to jump the falls in a barrel, and at least one man has done it and lived. 不时有人以这样或那样的理由要尝试坐在桶里跳下瀑布,还真有一个人这么做了,而且还

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Many of the people who go to Florida stop on their trip to see sights, 许多前往佛罗里达的人们会在中途停下来欣赏风景, and one of the greatest sights is in Virginia and Kentucky where the rock under the ground is all limestone. 而

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The chief fruits from Florida are oranges and grape-fruit, which will grow only where there is no frost. 佛罗里达州的主要水果是橙子和葡萄柚,这两种水果只生长在没有霜冻的地区。 Grape-fruit grows in bunches like big,

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Where the Mississippi begins in the far north of the United States it is very cold in winter 在美国遥远的北方密西西比河起源的地方,冬季非常寒冷, but as the river flows farther and farther south it gets warmer and warmer and

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As the Mississippi River flows south toward the Gulf of Mexico it passes other cities, but the biggest one is St. Louis, about half-way down. 密西西比河一路向南流往墨西哥湾,沿途还经过其他城市,其中最大的就是中途的圣

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A baby is born every second, but in Detroit an automobile is born every minute. Most of the automobiles in the World are made in Detroit. 每一秒钟就有一个婴儿降生,但是在底特律每一分钟就有一辆汽车生产出来。世界上的

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Business before pleasure. 事业在先,享乐在后。 A great many people take trips on these big lake boats just as they do on the oceanfor pleasure; 很多人乘着大湖上的船只游玩,就像出海度假一样。 but the chief reason for t

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Chapter 9 Five Big Puddles 第9章 五个大水坑 Did you ever wonder what an ant must think of us giants who tread on his ant-hills, or what he must think of a puddle of water? 我们经常踩到蚂蚁窝,你是否好奇小蚂蚁会怎么看我们这

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