标签:公投脱英独立 相关文章
We're starting in a nation that's been described as a bridge between East and West, Turkey, between Europe and the Middle East, between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, has a population of more than 80 million. It's a parliamentary republic and a
First, today, we're taking you to southwestern Europe. There are about 49 million people who live in the nation of Spain. Sixteen percent of themlive in Catalonia. This is a wealthy region of Spain that held a referendum, a vote yesterday on whether
If there is to be another referendum, it will be their time, their choice. 16 years old and hungry from another shot. People are just gonna become more and more desolation than they gonna realize why. You know they don't want XXXX Jeremy Corbyn in th
托福考试写作高频论据之一:Money (金钱) The benefits of money: 1. Basic needs: food, clothes, accommodation, transportation; 2. Education: books, attend courses; 3. Emergency: acute illnesses, accidents; 4. Entertainment: travel, concer
选择公交: 地铁:subway, 公交车:bus, 轻轨:light rail, 火车:train 必杀短语: 对环境有好处 :benefits the environment 私家车的坏处: 成本高: be far more costly than xxx 注册费:registration fee, 维
独立清新:Volvo C70广告歌 I Adore You Volvo C70最清新的广告歌,来自瑞典的两人乐团Melpo Mene,甜美的歌声,听了让人好自在。 Artist:Melpo Mene Song:I Adore You Lost in a daydream of blue And I feel so free And
英国公投脱离欧盟 众多隐患危机四伏 The Washington-based Pew Research Center interviewed 10,000 people across Europe. Theiranswers showed that skepticism about the EU was not confined to Britain. France viewed thebloc even more unfavora
President Barack Obama on Tuesday visited the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 美国总统奥巴马星期二抵达美国属地波多黎各,受到当地民众欢迎。 Buenas tardes! With a greeting of Good afternoon in Spanish, President Obama be
Less than a week ago, Sony indicated that, under pressure of threats, the moviegoing public wasn't going to be able to see the comedy The Interview at a theater today. But that decision hit quickly on a trip wire of criticisms about geopolitics, free
They celebrated victory, even known the result versus one-side / Argentina versus Falkland football match. It was never the question of what the outcome would be, just how big the margin. Ah, fantastic, absolutely phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal, t
Scotland cannot manage without the UK, Theresa May said as she attempts to quash moves for a second independence vote. 特丽莎梅试图取消苏格兰的第二次独立公投,她表示,苏格兰离不开英国。 With 62 per cent of Scots votin
Ukrainian leader vetoes Crimea' s referendum on joining Russia Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Alexandr Turchynov has signed a decree, vetoing the Crimean parliament's decision to hold referendum on joining Russia. The decree says Under the Constitution
Who supports independence? 谁是苏独拥护者? Yes men 赞成党 The typical pro-independence Scot is young, male and working-class 支持苏独的群体往往年轻,男性居多,中产阶级为主 WITH two months to go until Scotland votes
8mm sky,台湾最优美与低调并陈的独立摇滚乐团,他们形容自己的音乐是夏天的午后突然打雷。
新托福口语题型为两大部分共有6道题目,考试时间15分钟,总时间约为20分钟。分为两道独立题和四道综合体。 第一部分是独立题 准备时间为15秒,回答问题时间为45秒。题型要求考生就某一话
Scottish independence 苏格兰独立 Sparks flying 火花四溅 Poverty and dependence on the state pull Scots in opposite directions 贫困和对英国的依赖将苏格兰拉离了原来的方向 BETTING shops in Rosyth are rowdier than usual. The
不管是托福iBT口语考试的1、2题独立任务,或者是雅思考试的卡片,抑或就是普通与外国人的交流。 大多数学生都要面对以下三个问题: 1. 对内容的陈述缺乏细节,绕圈子,意境朦胧,让人觉得不知