标签:中国礼节 相关文章
晚宴结束,Jason跟同事Harold一起往外走。Jason是从中国来的,对西方人交往时回避谈钱的问题感到不解,问这样做是不是为了不去刺激那些没什么钱的人。Harold回答说: Harold: Yes, I think you hit
Marissa 和同事 Hank 正在讨论吸烟的问题。Hank 说,有不少研究都发现,涨价确实能起到一定的抑制作用,促使一部分人戒烟。Marissa 说, M: I see. The high prices act as the straw that broke the camel's back.
晚宴结束,Jason跟同事Harold一起往外走。Jason说: Jason: That was a lovely party, wasn't it? Harold: Yes, it was. The food was pretty good, too. J: I was a little puzzled about something, though. H: What was that? J: At one point in ou
公司主管 Lenny 要接受媒体采访,请媒体咨询公司的Carl帮他准备。Carl告诉Lenny, 记者一上来会问几个简单问题,但不能因此而放松警惕。Carl说: C: Remember to keep your game face on. It's really important
Henry买了最新的超小电脑Orange SuperCom 4,拿给同事Sara和Mark看。Sara问他: Sara: So did you already own an Orange SuperCom 3? Henry: Yeah, I sold it on eBay last week. M: I used to rush out and buy the latest gadgets as well, but
陈豪是在北京ABC美国公司工作。今天他下班后和公司里的美籍华人Mary一起去参加了一个招待会。现在两人正在往地铁站走。 (Office ambience) C:Mary,非常抱歉,我刚才没有给你介绍在跟我讲话的
陈豪是在北京的美国ABC公司工作的年轻人。他今天到外面办事刚回来。一回到办公室就急着去找美籍华人Mary 。 (Office ambience) C:嗨,Mary,我刚才去我们的会计公司。接待我的那位先生身上有股
陈豪今天晚上要参加公司举行的正式晚宴。他想起在电影上看到的这种场合,桌上放满了刀叉。这些刀叉该怎么用?他决定去请教公司里的美籍华人Mary。 (Office ambience) C:Mary,今晚公司为美国
陈豪在美国公司已经工作了一段时间。今天老板要找他谈话。老板找谈话会有什么事呢? 陈豪心里有点不安,所以急着去请教美籍华人Mary。 (Office ambience) 陈:(很着急地)Hey, Mary,快,我有事问
陈豪在北京的一家美国公司工作了一个月。今天下午他有机会见到公司总裁。第一次见面怎么才能给美国老板留下一个好印象呢?他决定去和Mary谈谈。 陈:Mary,我下午会见到总裁,这是第一
三角洲通讯公司老板John Smith到银行申请贷款,接待他的是银行负责人Ted Johnson。史密斯想申请个人贷款,用来修建公司的新仓库。Ted Johnson说,除了需要物品抵押外,还有一个要求。 T: I know
公司副总裁Jason到上海出差,由Gina接待。Jason让Gina帮忙选礼物。 Jason: Hey! You know what might be good gifts for my business associates? Chinese antiques! 嘿,你知道什么是礼物适合给我的工作伙伴吗?中国的古
公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank,商量如何提高产品销量。 Lisa: What about our pricing? Are we competitive? Frank: Actually, we are roughly 15% more expensive than our closest competitors. But it's going to be hard to cut cost
公司主管开会,执行总裁Rick宣布,公司要召回一批质量有问题的空调,召回行动的第一步是发表新闻简报,Rick告诉公司另外两位高管Samantha和Hank说: R: We will then specify the year and model of the AC
公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank. Lisa: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are very disappointing. What's going on here? Frank: I haven't actually seen the new figures. How far have we fallen? L: We were in sixth pla
Bob向一家软件公司订购的软件没按时到,Bob要求赔偿,但是对方热线客服Gloria却坚持说是Bob一方取消了订单。Bob生气地说: B: Look...if you review our file you'll find that we are long-term loyal customers who
Dylan早上见到同事Cory和Brenda, 告诉他们公司出事了。 Dylan: Hey, Cory....did you hear about the break-in? Cory: No! Burglars broke in? Did they steal anything valuable? D: Actually, they might have gotten quite a bit of valuable infor
美国驻中国员工Tiffany跟中国同事Kelly聊天儿,说起中西餐的差别。比如,美国人饭桌上永远看不到鱼头或是鸡头。Tiffany大发感慨道, T: In some ways, perhaps the Chineseapproach to meat-eating is more honest
Jerry跟同事Paula和Will打招呼,注意听他们三人周末都干了些什么。 Jerry: Hey, Paula. Hi, Will. Did you have a good weekend? Paula: Yeah... I checked out that new 3-D movie. It's amazing what they can do with technologies these da
Jerry跟同事Paula和Will聊天,说到telecommuting远程上班。 Paula说: Paula: Twenty years ago, many people thought that by this time, no one would be working in offices and everybody would have a more flexible schedule. W: Well, that cert