All Hitler can do is try to hold back the advancing Allies 希特勒能做的只有奋力阻止盟军前进 But he is unable to prevent the fall of Mussolini 但他无法预防墨索里尼垮台 which leads Italy to surrender and to change sides 进而

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The Allies have landed in Italy which is occupied by the Germans 盟军登陆意大利,这里仍被德国占领 In the advance towards the north while Mussolini is still in control 在挺进仍由墨索里尼掌控的北部时 The American, British

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In Italy several months later, the Wehrmacht is still holding the Gustav line and Mountain Casino 在意大利,数个月后,德军仍坚守古斯塔防线以及卡西诺山 The French Genernal Juan proposes to suprise the Germans 法国朱安将军

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The first assault wave from the American troops is getting ready to tackle the German defences on Omaha beach 美军第一波攻击准备对付德军在奥马哈海滩的防御工事 Among them is American writer Ernest Hemingway who is war correspon

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The Allies plan to land three hundred and twenty-six thousand men 盟军计划让32万6千人登陆 in just one week a daily average of ten thousand men 仅仅一周内每天平均有一万人 three hundred two thousand vehicles and fifteen thousand

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But when the Marine land on this tiny island with its only 9 kilometers wide 但当海军陆战队登陆这宽仅九公里的小岛 one of its bloodiest battles of the war begins 大战最血腥的战役之一于焉展开 Over 15 thousand Americans a

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Von Manstein wants reinforcement in order to continue his offensive 冯曼斯坦需要援军来继续进攻 He is waiting for Hitler 他在等希特勒 He immeadiately tells him 他立即告诉希特勒 We have suffered losses but the Russians have t

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On the 7th November the anniversary of the revolution 11月7日,革命纪念日 the beleagued soldiers holding Stalingrad and the Soviet troops all along the front 守着斯大林格勒的被困士兵和前线的苏军 listen to their Commander Chi

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In August 1942, Churchill and Harriman, Roosevelt's ambassador flight to Moscow to meet with Stalin 1942年8月,丘吉尔以及罗斯福派遣的大使哈里曼飞往莫斯科与斯大林会面 who is demanding that the second front be open in the

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The children's fathers are prisoners in Germany. 这些孩童的父亲都是德军的阶下囚 Staller camps for enlisted men and Offler camps for the officers. 史塔勒战俘营囚禁的是士兵,奥夫勒战俘营则用来囚禁军官Gaston Schi

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More than 3,000 tanks, 7,000 cannons, 3,000 aeroplanes. 德军出动三千多辆坦克车、七千多座大炮、三千多架飞机。 Within 24 hours, 1,500 Soviet aircrafts are wiped out on the ground. 不到二十四小时,一千五百架苏联飞

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Great Britain's cities have been devastated by German bombs. 英国有多座城市遭德军炸毁。 But the country stands firm around Churchill and with the providential aid of Roosevelt. 但这国家因有邱吉尔的领导及罗斯福的及时援助

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The Germans occupied the channel islands Jersey and Guernsey, stepping stones towards the invasion of Britain 德军占领英吉利海峡中的岛屿泽西和根息,这是入侵英国的跳板。 The British get ready for a German invasion taking m

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German propaganda newsreels insist on showing repeated close-ups of their faces. 德军的宣传新闻片坚持重复播放他们的脸部特写。 The official instructions art portrayed the degenerations of French, 官方指示要描绘出法国的堕

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In the Fuhrer headquaters the Wolf's Lair 在希特勒总部狼堡 beneath obligatory smiles many of the Hitler's officers are deeply troubled 许多希特勒的将领在虚应笑容下忧虑不堪 especially those from the old Prussian military aris

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We can only image how the people in the occupied countries master felt 我们只能想象占领国的人民该是什么心境 After the German defeated the Stalingrad hope is revived 德军在斯大林格勒战败后,人们重拾希望 The German n

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The Fuhrer wants to strike terror into the hearts and minds not only of the Pols but of the French and the British as well. 希特勒不只要让波兰人,还要让英、法国人也心生恐惧。 This's what is in store for you. The world is horr

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 二战启示录

As previously agreed with Hitler, the Soviet has invaded the eastern half of Poland. 如同之前和希特勒协议好的,苏联入侵波兰东半部。 Here the soldiers are fraternising an incongruous sight to say the least. 德国和苏联士兵在

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After the war, he will be tried in Nuremberg and hanged for crimes against humanity. 战后他将在纽伦堡受审,并因违反人道罪处以绞刑。 These gipsies held in a pen are filmed by a German. 一名德国人拍摄了这些被关在围栏

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All the major cities of Poland will have their ghetto prisons where German, Austrian and Czech Jews will also be interned. 波兰所有主要城市都将设立犹太隔离区,同时也囚禁德国、奥地利和捷克的犹太人。 The Jews here s

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