This guy, for instance, 比如说这个家伙, he's head of research at the University in Troms? 他是特罗姆瑟大学的科研带头人。 And I will show you a piece of cloth, 我给你们看看这块布条, this one. 就是这个。 It's th
But it's a long program, 不过它真的是一部很长的节目, so some watched part of it, like the Prime Minister. 所以有些人只看了其中一部分,比如咱的首相大人, Some watched a little bit more. 还有的呢,看得稍微久
I was born in Switzerland and raised in Ghana, West Africa. 我出生在瑞士,在西非的加纳长大。 Ghana felt safe to me as a child. 加纳对儿时的我是安全的家。 I was free, I was happy. 我很自由快乐。 The early 70s marked a
And fortunately I decided in 2008 to return to Ghana, 幸运的是2008年的时候在阔别了28年之后, after 28 years of absence. 我决定回到加纳。 I wanted to document on film the 2008 presidential elections. 我打算拍一部2008年总统
And they had traveled from near, they had traveled from far,because they wanted to make their voices heard. 有些住在附近,有些远道而来,但他们都想表达自己的声音 And I asked one of the voters, I said, Whom are you going to vote
Five years ago, I was on a sabbatical, 五年前趁休假的时候, and I returned to the medical university where I studied. 我回到我曾就读的医学院。 I saw real patients and I wore the white coat for the first time in 17 years,in fact
So no wonder that some of my old colleagues are frustrated. 怪不得我过去的同事们那么沮丧。 At BCG, we looked at this, 在BCG(波士顿咨询公司),我们分析了这个问题, and we asked ourselves, 我们问自己, this ca
You flip a coin. Fifty percent risk. That's quite a lot. 这和掷硬币的几率一样。 50%的风险,不是一般的高。 If he instead would go to Hamburg, 如果他换而选择去汉堡, and to a clinic called the Martini-Klinik, 去一个叫
They published the data, 他们发布了这些数据, and it actually transformed clinical practice in the country. 而这一举动改变了整个国家的临床实践。 Everybody saw this makes a lot of sense. 大家都发现这样做很有意义。
The United States has, for many diseases, 事实上,美国在很多疾病上, actually a quality which is below the average 的保健质量是低于OECD平均水平的。 Now, if the American healthcare system would focus a lot more on measuring qu
They will share the information on how to improve. 他们会交流如何改善治疗效果的经验。 So it is, by measuring and creating transparency, 正是通过医疗效果量化和透明化, you get a cycle of continuous improvement, 我们进入
And I realized it had to come from the people. 我意识到和平必然来自人民。 After all, they decide, 毕竟是他们的抉择, and they did. 而他们这样做了。 So the sounds that were before distorted and loud, 于是之前嘈杂混乱
I believe that women and girls today have to partner in a powerful way with men with their fathers, 我相信今天的女人和女孩子要和男性成为伙伴和她们的父亲, with their sons, with their brothers, 她们的儿子,兄弟, wi
There is even a photo studio where you see the sort of aspiration with a faraway place, like that hotel in Sweden. 这是甚至有一个照相馆让你看到一种期望去住在真正的大房子里或者和一个遥远的地方产生联系,比如瑞
While it may appear to be a completely chaotic place, 虽然它看上去好像是一个很混乱的地方, when you see it from above, there seems to be a whole grid of waterways and canals connecting each and every home. 但当你从上往下看,那
When a new inhabitant moves into the tower, 当一个新的居住者搬进这座大楼, they already have a roof over their head, 他们已经有一个可以遮盖的房顶, so they just typically mark their space with a few curtains or sheets. 所
There's only one little entrance to the entire building, 整座大楼只有一个小小的入口, and the 3,000 residents come in and out through that single door. 3000居民从这里通过这一个门进出。 Together, the inhabitants created pub
Over the past seven years, I've been following my fascination with the built environment, 在过去的七年里,我一直在追随着我对建筑环境的兴趣, and for those of you who know me, you would say that this obsession has led me to li
Throughout my career, I've been fortunate enough to work with many of the great international architects, 在我的职业生涯里,我非常幸运的和很多着名的国际建筑师一起工作过, documenting their work and observing how their
I want to address the issue of compassion. 我想探讨慈悲心这个话题。 Compassion has many faces. 慈悲心有很多形态。 Some of them are fierce; some of them are wrathful; 有些是激烈的;有些是忿怒的; some of them are ten
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- TED演讲:学习新语言的四个理由(1)
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- TED演讲:学习新语言的四个理由(7)
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- TED演讲:内向性格的力量(1)
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