听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球 11
时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球
[00:02.30]你闲暇时间做什么? What do you do in your spare time?
[00:05.76]每隔50年左右 Every 50 years or so,
[00:06.90]当我想放松一下的时候 When I wanna get away from the rush,
[00:08.80]我会去新几内亚岛的一个原始部落 I go down to a primitive 1 tribe in new guinea
[00:11.21]在那里我被当做永恒的神 Where I’m worshipped as an immortal 2 god,
[00:13.60]他们还为我造了一大座雕像 And they have a huge statue of me.
[00:16.00]那真是个盛大的派对 It’s a big party.
[00:17.20]我还拍了很多照片 Yeah, I’ve got a lot of pictures of it,
[00:19.20]但我已经打包了 不好意思 But I’ve already packed them up. I’m sorry.
[00:21.13]我可不想给肮脏的穴居人指出明显的硬伤 I won’t make the obvious nasty crack about more unwashed cavemen.
[00:24.90]事实上 那时盛行洗澡 Actually, bathing was the style
[00:26.26]直到中世纪教堂告诉我们 Until the middle ages when the church told us
[00:28.16]洗去上帝赐予的污垢是罪恶的 It was sinful to wash away god’s dirt,
[00:31.03]所以人们在十月 So people were sewn
[00:32.26]把自己缝进内衣里 Into their underwear in october
[00:33.95]来年四月才跳出来 And they popped out in april.
[00:35.69]你说你经历过 You said you just happened.
[00:37.40]我不信 I don’t believe that.
[00:39.26]如果你的故事是真的 If your story’s true,
[00:41.06]为什么上帝会允许你存在呢? Why did god allow you to happen?
[00:44.01]这个观点有意思 That makes an interesting point.
[00:46.93]你信教吗?John? Are you religious, john?
[00:48.60]我不信已知的宗教 I don’t follow a known religion. No.
[00:51.16]从不? Ever.
[00:52.23]很久以前 我信过 Long time ago I did,
[00:54.55]就像大多数人 Like most people.
[00:56.80]有些人从未清醒 Some just never get over it.
[00:58.63]你信上帝吗? Do you believe in god?
[01:01.10]就像拉普拉斯(1749-1872)说的 As laplace said,
[01:02.90]"我对此不作假设" "I have no need of that hypothesis. "
[01:05.56]也许他在周围 He may be around, though.
[01:07.10]他无所不在 只是我们看不到他 He’s everywhere. We just can’t see him.
[01:09.78]切~ 如果我能力不济 Pfft. If this was the best I could do,
[01:12.43]我也会躲起来 I’d be hiding, too.
[01:13.98]那么 创世纪 And creation...
[01:15.46]这点 我不太确定世界是被创造的 It’s here-I’m not so sure it was created.
[01:17.83]什么? Edith: what then?
[01:19.16]也许只是量的积累 各领域互相影响 Maybe it’s just accumulated, fields affecting fields.
[01:22.76]那么作用的能量源呢? What about the source of the field energies?
[01:25.43]这不正暗指原始推动吗? Wouldn’t that imply a prime mover?
[01:27.40]我也会好奇源头的来源 I’d wonder about the source of the prime mover,
[01:29.53]时间无限倒退 但和我没多大关系 Infinite regress, but that doesn’t imply anything to me.
[01:32.76]退回上古时代 Back to the mystery.
[01:34.53]这是个永恒的问题 It’s a very old question,
[01:36.60]除了宗教 其他无法解释 But there’s no answer except in religious terms.
[01:40.50]如果你有信仰 就有答案 If you have faith, it’s answered.
[01:43.23]你遇到过历史上宗教里的人物吗? Did you ever meet any person from our religious history?
[01:46.70]《圣经》里的原型? A biblical figure?
[01:48.76]某种程度上 In a way.
[01:50.10]谁? Who?
[01:51.80]我想跳过这段 We should skip this one.
[01:53.30]不 不 别跳过 说吧 No, no, no skipping. Come on.
[01:55.03]下一个问题 Next question.
[01:56.28]哦 别这样! No, come on!
[01:59.03]说吧 Come on, spit it out!
[02:00.33]天哪!你就是其中之一! Good lord! You were one of them!
[02:02.00]这次谈话朝我没有预料到的方向发展了 This is going in a direction that I-I didn’t expect.
[02:05.66]我不希望... 我们 今晚就到这儿吧 I hoped it wouldn’t - We... call it a night.
[02:08.88]拜托!你是宗教历史里的人物? Come on! You were someone in religious history?
[02:12.06]是的 Yes.
[02:13.30]《圣经》里有? In the bible?
[02:14.86]是的 Yes.
[02:15.83]我们认识的? Someone we know?
[02:16.90]《圣经》里我们谁不认识? How could we not know someone in the bible?
[02:18.96]我是说有重要地位的 I mean somebody important.
[02:20.43]你们大概觉得你们认识他 You may think you know him,
[02:21.86]但关于他的事都是神话 But it’s mostly myth.
[02:23.40]整部《圣经》都是神话和寓言 The entire bible is mostly myth and allegory
[02:26.78]有可能基于历史事件 With maybe some basis in historical events.
[02:30.13]你参与了那段历史? You were part of that history?
[02:34.46]是的 Yes.
[02:36.66]摩西 Moses.
[02:37.93]摩西的原型是米西斯 一个叙利亚神话 Moses was based on misis, a syrian myth,
[02:41.80]还有更早的版本 And there are earlier versions-
[02:43.66]万物漂浮在水中 All found floating on water,
[02:45.46]权杖变成了蛇 The staff that changed to a snake,
[02:48.03]海水分开 追随者 Waters that were parted so followers 3
[02:50.56]获得自由 Could be led to freedom
[02:52.13]还有刻在石桌 And even receive laws
[02:53.63]或木桌上的法典 On stone or wooden tablets.
[02:55.23]十二使徒之一 One of the apostles.
[02:58.13]他们其实不是十二使徒 They weren’t really apostles.
[03:00.58]他们并没有传过教 They didn’t do any real teaching.
[03:02.96]皮特 那个渔夫 懂得点捕鱼的技能 Peter the fisherman learned a little more about fishing.
[03:06.30]你怎么知道的? How do you know that?
[03:10.73]神秘的铺盖越来越厚 The mythical 4 overlay is so enormous...
[03:15.10]这样不好 And not good.
[03:17.16]真相其实 很简单 The truth is so, so simple.
[03:23.36]《新约圣经》甚至不到100字 你们准备好了吗? The new testament 5 in 100 words or less: you ready?
[03:27.10]我不想听 I don’t think I wanna hear this.
[03:28.70]哈里 你能送我回去吗? Harry 6, will you take me home?
[03:30.23]不 不是现在 我很想听 No, not right now. I do want to hear this.
[03:32.10]坐下 伊迪斯 你这样好像是相信了他 Sit down, edith. You act like you believe him.
[03:34.50]这是亵渎 It’s sacrilege.
[03:35.90]这怎么会是亵渎? How can it be sacrilege?
[03:37.13]他还没说什么呢 He hasn’t said anything yet.
[03:38.26]新的《新约圣经》就是亵渎 The new new testament is sacrilege.
[03:40.91]已经有很多新《新约圣经》了 There are a dozen new new testaments 7,
[03:43.81]从希伯来语 到希腊语 到拉丁文 到延代尔翻译的圣经 From hebrew to greek to latin to tyndale,
[03:46.66]直到詹姆斯王朝 All the way to king james,
[03:48.50]全是修正主义 All revisionist,
[03:49.83]大家都说自己是真相 And all called revealed truth.
[03:52.10]我是说一部不到100字的新《新约圣经》 I mean a new new testament in 100 words.
[03:55.30]我可以给你10个字的十戒: I can give you the ten commandments in ten words:
[03:57.63]别 别 别 别 Don’t. Don’t, don’t, don’t,
[03:59.20]别 别 别 别 别 别 Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.
[04:01.03]别 Don’t.
[04:02.63]这些戒律只是古代法律的补丁条例 The commandments are just modern updates of more ancient laws.
[04:05.73]汉莫拉比法典 Hammurabi’s code.
[04:07.56]对 它们都不是原创的 对吗? That’s right, they weren’t the first, right?
[04:10.10]伊迪斯 我在天主教的家庭中长大 Edith, I was raised on the torah...
[04:13.06]我的妻子 信伊斯兰教 My wife, on the koran.
[04:14.53]我的大儿子是无神论者 My oldest son is an atheist 8.
[04:16.20]我的小儿子是基督教科学会的 My youngest is a scientologist.
[04:18.05]我的女儿在学习印度教 My daughter is studying hinduism.
[04:19.83]我想我的卧室里该有一场圣战了 I imagine that there is room there for a holy war in my living room,
[04:24.10]但我们事实上互帮互助 But we practice live and let live.
[04:27.60]你为什么不坐下来 Why don’t you sit down.
[04:36.13]你喜欢哪个版本的《圣经》? What is your preferred version of the bible?
[04:39.10]当然是 詹姆斯王朝的 The king james, of course.
[04:40.56]它是最新版本 伟大学者的伟大著作 It’s the most modern, the work of great scholars.
[04:43.06]最新的就是好的 Modern is good.
[04:46.33]来吧 John 拿短篇砸我们吧 All right, john, hit us with the short form.
[04:50.60]那家伙遇到了佛祖 喜欢他说的道义 Guy met the buddha 9, liked what he heard,
[04:52.66]思索了一段时间 Thought about it for a while-
[04:54.50]大概500年 当他回到 Say 500 years, while he returned
[04:56.30]地中海时 To the mediterranean 10,
[04:58.30]成了伊特鲁利亚人 Became an etruscan.
[05:00.23]来到了罗马帝国 Seeped 11 into the roman empire.
- It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。
- His book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society.他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。
- The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal.野生可可树实际上是不会死的。
- The heroes of the people are immortal!人民英雄永垂不朽!
- the followers of Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地的拥护者
- The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him. 改革者很快就获得一群追随者支持他。
- Undeniably,he is a man of mythical status.不可否认,他是一个神话般的人物。
- Their wealth is merely mythical.他们的财富完全是虚构的。
- This is his last will and testament.这是他的遗愿和遗嘱。
- It is a testament to the power of political mythology.这说明,编造政治神话可以产生多大的威力。
- Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
- Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
- The coastline is littered with testaments to the savageness of the waters. 海岸线上充满了海水肆虐过后的杂乱东西。 来自互联网
- A personification of wickedness and ungodliness alluded to in the Old and New Testaments. 彼勒《旧约》和《新约》中邪恶和罪孽的化身。 来自互联网
- She was an atheist but now she says she's seen the light.她本来是个无神论者,可是现在她说自己的信仰改变了。
- He is admittedly an atheist.他被公认是位无神论者。
- Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed.几个妇女跪在佛像前祈祷。
- He has kept the figure of Buddha for luck.为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像。
- The houses are Mediterranean in character.这些房子都属地中海风格。
- Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。