时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球


  [00:03.00]John! John!

[00:04.10]很高兴我逮住你了 I’m glad I caught you.

[00:05.60]有人说你要走了 Someone mentioned that you were leaving-

[00:07.56]打你电话 和你说过快挡不住了 Called you, told you that I’ve lost it.

[00:09.46]还好你来了 局面有些失控 Glad you’re here. Things are going in unexpected directions.

[00:12.26]是的 我听说了 Yes, so I hear.

[00:13.53]嗨 Hi.

[00:14.80]你肚子饿了吗? Are you hungry?

[00:16.41]哦 谢谢 不饿 Uh, thank you, no.

[00:17.96]威士忌呢?尊尼获加绿 Whiskey? Johnny walker green.

[00:20.16]这个好 Oh, yes.

[00:25.53]- 你看起来很眼熟 - 我叫琳达·玛菲 You look very familiar, my dear. Linda murphy.

[00:28.16]我是你周二心理学1班的学生 哥鲁伯博士 I’m in your tuesday psych 1 class, dr. Gruber.

[00:30.76]啊 我对那堂课 Ah, well, this lesson may be something

[00:33.33]印象不是很深 I could not have imagined.

[00:36.40]恕我直言 John I regret being so obvious about this, john,

[00:40.76]这帮人都非常关心你 But these people are all very concerned for you.

[00:44.06]是啊 我正在剪纸恐龙呢 Yes, I’m cutting out paper dinosaurs 2.

[00:46.70]我真希望从一开始就在这儿 I really wish I’d been here from the beginning.

[00:49.90]我也是 Me too.

[00:50.93]让我先说句话 Let me just say something right now.

[00:52.96]很显然 世界上没有一种方法 There’s absolutely no way in the whole world

[00:55.33]能够让John来证实他的故事 For john to prove this story to us,

[00:58.10]当然我们也无法证否 Just like there’s no way for us to disprove it.

[01:01.10]无论我们觉得多么离奇 No matter how outrageous 3 we think it is,

[01:03.30]无论我们认为自己知识有多渊博 No matter how highly trained some of us think we are,

[01:06.60]我们都无法反驳 There’s absolutely no way to disprove it.

[01:08.80]那么我们的朋友要么真是个穴居人 要么他在说谎 要么是神经病 Our friend is either a caveman, a liar 1, or a nut.

[01:13.30]既然这么做无疑是白费力气 So while we’re thinking about that,

[01:14.80]我们为什么不继续听下去呢? Why don’t we just go with it?

[01:17.46]天知道 I mean, hell, who knows,

[01:18.93]最后可能是我们被他说服 相信他 He might jolt 4 us into believing him,

[01:20.98]或者他被我们说服 回归现实 Or we might jolt him back to reality.

[01:23.00]信他?现实相对于谁来说? Believing? Whose reality?

[01:25.51]你 是个穴居人? So... you’re a caveman.

[01:28.00]是的 呃  Yes. Uh...

[01:29.30]呃 我想我是个克鲁马努人 <i>Uh, I was a cro-Magnon, I think.</i>

[01:32.76]你连自己是不是穴居人都不知道? You don’t know if you’re a caveman or not?

[01:35.56]不 这点我很确信 No, I’m sure about that.

[01:36.86]克鲁马努人 A cro-Magnon, then.

[01:38.00]你什么时候意识到的? When did you first realize this?

  [01:40.13]当克鲁马努人首次被发现确认 When the cro-Magnon was first identified,

[01:42.36]从人类学界给他们命名起 When anthropology 5 gave them a name,

[01:44.46]我有了名字 I had mine.

[01:45.96]请继续 Well, please continue.

[01:47.40]我想你肯定有很多话要说 I’m sure you must have more to say.

[01:49.36]你介意我坐下来吗? Would you like me to lie on the couch?

[01:51.30]请随意 As you wish.

[01:55.73]作为一个心理研究者 我很好奇 As a physician, I’m curious.

[01:58.36]在你描述的无穷的生命里 In this enormous lifetime you describe,

[02:01.73]你生过病吗? Have you ever been ill?

[02:03.58]当然 和普通人一样 Sure, as much as anyone.

[02:05.40]重病呢? Seriously ill?

[02:06.96]有时 Sometimes.

[02:08.46]得了什么病?你知道吗? Of what? Do you know?

[02:10.43]在史前时期 我不知道 In prehistory, I can’t tell you.

[02:12.03]也许得过一两次的肺炎 Maybe pneumonia 6 once or twice.

[02:15.60]持续了几百年时间 Last few hundred years,

[02:17.50]我克服了伤寒 黄热病 I’ve gotten over typhoid, yellow fever,

[02:20.70]天花 我从黑死病中幸存下来 Smallpox 7... I survived the black plague.

[02:23.86]黑死病? Bubonic?

[02:25.16]哦 太可怕了 Oh, that’s terrible.

[02:26.56]比历史书上写的更严重 More so than history describes.

[02:28.30]还有天花 但你身上没有疤痕 And smallpox - But you’re not scarred.

[02:31.86]我从不留疤 I don’t scar.

[02:33.06]不 John 那不可能 No, john, that is not possible.

[02:34.46]拜托 我们应该关注John这故事 Please, let’s take john’s story

[02:35.80]本身的意义和将来的研究价值 At face value and explore it from that perspective.

[02:38.95]他不结疤这点和其他部分比 一点不奇怪 If he doesn’t scar, it’s no stranger than the rest of it.

[02:42.06]John 你能在离开前来一下我的实验室吗? John, would you please stop by my lab, before you take off

[02:44.53]让你友好的邻居生物学家 Suffer a few tests from

[02:46.36]给你做几项测试 Your friendly neighborhood biologist.

[02:48.23]我对实验室很谨慎 I’m leery of labs.

[02:49.56]我怕一进去就得呆上几千年 Afraid I might go in and stay for a thousand years

[02:51.91]然后那些抽着香烟的人会不停研究我 While cigarette smoking men try to figure me out.

[02:54.23]你该不会觉得我会背叛你吧? You don’t think that I would betray you?

[02:56.10]隔墙有耳 Walls have ears.

[02:57.56]医学测试可以证明你所说的 Medical tests might be a way of proving what you say.

[03:00.10]我并不想证明 I don’t wanna prove it.

[03:01.32]那么你告诉我们 So you’re telling us this,

[03:02.49]时间旅行的故事 The yarn 8 of the century,

[03:03.60]而你不在乎我们相信与否? And you don’t care if we believe it or not?

[03:05.36]我不该期待你们相信 I guess I shouldn’t have expected you to.

[03:07.07]你们认为我疯了 但你们没有 You’re not as crazy as you think I am.

  [03:08.73]阿门 Amen.

[03:09.70]我一直挺喜欢你的 I’ve always liked you.

[03:11.20]谢谢 亲爱的 Why, thank you, dear.

[03:12.65]我开始改观了 Now that’s changing.

[03:14.03]你不会相信这些浑话的吧 Surely you don’t believe this nonsense.

[03:15.56]我想我们至少该对我们认识 I think we should remain courteous 9 to someone

[03:17.63]和信任的人维持礼貌 伊迪斯 Who we’ve known and trusted, edith.

[03:19.26]既然你坐在这儿就不该打断他的话 Here you sit-You can’t break his story.

[03:22.00]你顶多对他嗤之以鼻 All you can do is thumb your nose at it.

[03:24.70]这就是你想要的 John? Is that what you’re doing, john?

[03:26.73]你心里在嘲笑我们吗? Are you laughing at us inside?

[03:28.42]我希望你们别这么想 I wish you didn’t feel that way.

[03:30.03]你的故事不符合常识 What you’re saying - It offends common sense.

[03:33.43]相对论和量子力学也是 So does relativity, quantum mechanics-

[03:35.26]这些符合自然规律 That’s the way nature works.

[03:36.93]据我所知 你的故事可不符合自然规律 But your story doesn’t fit into nature as we know it.

[03:41.36]可我们知之甚少 丹 But we know so little, dan.

[03:44.13]我们知之甚少 We know so little.

[03:45.40]在你研究领域内的 How many of you know

[03:46.60]5个天才中 有没有1个 Five geniuses in your field

[03:47.91]是你不赞成  That you disagree with...

[03:49.16]而且要极力反驳的? One you would like to strangle?

[03:50.80]我一个都不赞成 Strangle them all.

[03:52.96]我们听够了哈里的 It’s bad enough we have to listen

[03:54.63]白痴玩笑 To harry’s idiotic 10 jokes.

[03:55.90]非常感谢 伊迪斯 Thank you very much, edith.

[03:57.10]也许等我到了110岁 我会和你一样聪明 Maybe when I’m 110, I’ll be as smart as you are.

[03:59.53]即使你活到了John的岁数 If you lived as long as john did,

[04:01.00]你仍然不会长大 You still wouldn’t grow up.

[04:02.68]各位 别激动 Come on, guys. Take it easy.

[04:04.30]我们不是经常能碰到 How often do we get to meet someone

[04:06.80]生于石器时代的人 Who says he’s a stone age man?

[04:10.26]一次就够了 Well, once is enough.

[04:11.53]伊迪斯 Edith.

[04:12.93]那么 以你的智力 All right. A guy with your mind-

[04:15.06]你确实学习了很多 是吗? You’d have studied a great deal.

[04:17.13]我有10个学位 包括在场所有人的 I have ten degrees, including all of yours...

[04:20.60]除了你的 威尔 Except yours, will.

[04:23.00]你让我觉得无地自容 That makes me feel a trifle lilliputian.

[04:25.20]我花了170年时间 That’s over the span of 170 years.

[04:27.56]1840年 我在牛津获得生物学学位 I got my biology degree at oxford 11 in 1840,

[04:30.83]所以我的知识有些过时 So I’m a little behind the times.

[04:32.56]其他领域也一样 The same in other areas-

[04:33.86]我不能跟上所有的新事物 I can’t keep up with the new stuff that comes along.

  [04:36.66]没有人可以 No one can.

[04:37.63]即使在他们专业领域也未必 Not even in their specialty 12.

[04:38.96]万知老人 So much for the myth

[04:40.53]的故事讲完了吗 Of the super-Wise, all-Knowing immortal 13.

[04:42.30]我懂了 John I see your point, john.

[04:44.20]不论一个人活多久 No matter how long a man lives,

[04:45.86]他永远不能超越他所处的时代 He can’t be in advance of his times.

[04:48.00]他无法超越世界上最聪明的人 He can’t know more than the best of the race knows,

[04:51.03]如果是这样 当全世界都知道地球是圆的 If that-I mean, when the world learned it was round,

[04:54.03]你也知道了 You learned it.

[04:55.38]那时候得滞后点 It took some time.

[04:56.74]信息传播很慢 News traveled slowly

[04:58.03]在发达的通信行业兴起之前 Before communications were fancy.

[04:59.96]而且有社会隔阂 There were social obstacles,

1 liar
  • I know you for a thief and a liar!我算认识你了,一个又偷又骗的家伙!
  • She was wrongly labelled a liar.她被错误地扣上说谎者的帽子。
2 dinosaurs
n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西
  • The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs. 雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙绝种已有几百万年了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 outrageous
  • Her outrageous behaviour at the party offended everyone.她在聚会上的无礼行为触怒了每一个人。
  • Charges for local telephone calls are particularly outrageous.本地电话资费贵得出奇。
4 jolt
  • We were worried that one tiny jolt could worsen her injuries.我们担心稍微颠簸一下就可能会使她的伤势恶化。
  • They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.他们拼命地干着,担心余震可能会使房子再次受到震动。
5 anthropology
  • I believe he has started reading up anthropology.我相信他已开始深入研究人类学。
  • Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.社会人类学主要关于文化多样性。
6 pneumonia
  • Cage was struck with pneumonia in her youth.凯奇年轻时得过肺炎。
  • Pneumonia carried him off last week.肺炎上星期夺去了他的生命。
7 smallpox
  • In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox.1742年,他染上了致命的天花。
  • Were you vaccinated against smallpox as a child?你小时候打过天花疫苗吗?
8 yarn
  • I stopped to have a yarn with him.我停下来跟他聊天。
  • The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber.纤维是纱的基本结构单元。
9 courteous
  • Although she often disagreed with me,she was always courteous.尽管她常常和我意见不一,但她总是很谦恭有礼。
  • He was a kind and courteous man.他为人友善,而且彬彬有礼。
10 idiotic
  • It is idiotic to go shopping with no money.去买东西而不带钱是很蠢的。
  • The child's idiotic deeds caused his family much trouble.那小孩愚蠢的行为给家庭带来许多麻烦。
11 Oxford
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
12 specialty
  • Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.贝雕是该城的特产。
  • His specialty is English literature.他的专业是英国文学。
13 immortal
  • The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal.野生可可树实际上是不会死的。
  • The heroes of the people are immortal!人民英雄永垂不朽!
.arj files
a dab of
Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya
arteriola afferens
brazing method
buffer wagon
Cercis occidentalis
collect pipe
compressed air station
Daniel, Sa.
diagonal joining
eta structure
freight operation at originated station
general indirect labor
generated time
go for an airing
heavy-current low-voltage electrical apparatus
Honrubia de la Cuesta
HR diagram
hybrid antibiotic
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John Duns Scotus
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low-abundance isotope
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operation of landing gear
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protective colo(u)r
pseude code
purpura haemorrhagica
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respect persons
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send the aircraft around
sensitive market
shwartzman phenomenon
single curve tooth
sisymbrium tanacetifolias
source movement
strokes of pump
sugar momma
sympathetic neuritis
tail pipe flame
Taocheng Jushi
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three-way key
Tuthmosis I
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uranvitriol (johannite)
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