时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰


  [00:01.88]你确定你想听这个? You sure you want to hear this?

[00:04.08]为什么会写成这样? 我读过了 Why does it have to be them? l read that paper.

[00:07.28]大家都会读到的 为什么它就不能低调点呢? Everyone reads that paper. Why can’t it be the VIllaGe VoIce?

[00:10.65]嗯 这些混蛋也不怎么喜欢 Well, these fuckers don’t lIke It much eIther.

[00:14.02]你有没有想过所有我们认识的人 Do you reaIize that everyone we know

[00:15.80]都正这样坐着 就像这样… is sitting around right now,just Iike this

[00:17.79]吃着早餐 喝着咖啡 吃着百吉圈 Having breakfast, drinkin’ coffee, eating bageIs,

[00:20.11]读着这篇见鬼的评论? reading this goddamn review?

[00:21.60]那你为什么突然在意起这些了呢?  Then why do you give a shit aII of a sudden?

[00:23.67]你什么时候在意过评论了? Since when did you care about reviews?

[00:25.30]因为我之前从没尝试过现实主义小说 Because l’ve never tried to write a reaI noveI before.

[00:27.36]你明白吗? Do you understand that?

[00:28.64]这不一样 这…这就像我的小孩 This is different. This This is my baby.

[00:31.27]它是 文学 This is, you know, Iiterature.

[00:35.48]它可能成为美国下一部经典小说 This couId be the next great American noveI.

[00:38.38]它可能让我跻身于美乐 罗斯 比露这样的公司 This couId put me in the company of MaiIers and Roths and BeIIows.

[00:41.95]更何况 拜托 以前的只是些鸡毛蒜皮 The other stuff Come on. lt’s just fluff.

[00:44.19]只是些侦探小说 而这个应该会很好的 lt’s just detective noveIs. This is supposed to be more.

[00:48.49]听着 是很好呀 只要别去管评论家的话 Look, and it Is more, man, regardIess of what the critics say.

[00:52.49]你都还没读过呢  You didn’t even read it.

[00:53.92]也许你可以把它当成写得好的证明 Maybe you couId take that as a testament 1 to how good it is.

[00:56.87]你知道我没什么艺术细胞  You know l have Iowbrow taste.

[00:58.23]我是那种看《美国丽人》都会睡着的人 l’m the guy who feII asIeep during AmerIcan Beauty.

[01:00.47]知道吗? 错过了塑料袋飘浮的那段 AII right? Missed the whoIe floating pIastic bag thing.

[01:03.64]帮忙读出来吧 伯尼      "庸医"  Read it pIease, Bernie.         ’’Doctor FeeIbad.’’

[01:06.51]噢 操 这就是他们用来嘲弄我的标题? Oh, fuck. That’s their witty 2 pIay on my titIe?

[01:09.65]这就是那些聪明的脑袋瓜能想出来的? That’sThat’s what the briIIiant minds over there couId come up with?

[01:13.75]"对于熟知布莱恩·凯勒翰小说… ’’To readers accustomed to cracking the pages of a Brian CaIIahan noveI...

[01:17.72]并想要寻找那个硬汉形象的 ’’and filnding the hardboiIed,

[01:19.30]纽约警局探长法兰克·奈特… toughtaIking N.Y.P.D. detective Frank Knight 3...

[01:21.59]解决又一可怕犯罪的读者们来说是要失望了" soIving another gruesome crime, they are to be disappointed.’’

  [01:25.49]怎么突然他们倒喜欢起法兰克奈特的书了 And aII of a sudden they Iike the Frank Knight books.

[01:27.70]"相反 他们会发现凯勒翰先生… ’’lnstead, they wiII filnd Mr. CaIIahan...

[01:30.47]正妄图尝试他之前不曾尝试过的… ’’attempting something he hasn’t tried before

[01:33.24]现实文学 并大败而回" serious Iiterature and faiIing.’’

[01:36.41]他们只是看不懂 WeII, they just don’t get it.

[01:37.67]很明显 他们…他们只是看不懂 CIearIy, theyThey do not get it.

[01:39.58]"不再有跌宕起伏的情节 ’’Gone are the pageturning pIots

[01:41.67]和多姿多彩的纽约街道… and coIorfuI street taIk of New York’s filnest...

[01:43.78]取而代之的是一个愚蠢和自私的光棍 ’’and instead we meet the cIueIess and seIfilsh misogynist 4,

[01:46.92]艾伦路韦恩医生…  Dr. Aaron Luvin

[01:50.59]一个对作者自身女人杀手的形象的颠覆影射" a thinIy disguised version of the author’s own IadykiIIer reputation’’?

[01:55.96]开玩笑吗? 他们居然把我的私生活放到… Are you kidding me? They gotta bring up my personaI Iife in a

[01:59.16]这种严肃的评论文章里面? in a serious critique such as this?

[02:01.93]你说过这本书写的不是你 You said the book wasn’t about you.

[02:04.43]没错啊 那不是我 那是…那是虚构的 WeII, it’s not about me. lt’s lt’s filction.

[02:07.24]你个混球! 天哪! You’re an asshoIe! God!

[02:14.81]至少你知道了她会读文章 对不? Look, at Ieast you found out she can read, right?

[02:18.05]我得承认 我…我以为我对评论是有抗体的 l gotta admit, man. l l thought l was immune to reviews.

[02:20.78]但这个…这个…这个真的感觉很不好 But this this This does not feeI good.

[02:22.99]听着 伙计 这当然会不好受 Look, man, of course it’s gonna hurt.

[02:25.02]你全身心地投入到这本书里 You poured your heart and souI into that book.

[02:27.09]我是说 你真的在意这些评论吗? l mean, you reaIIy give a shit what the critics say?

[02:28.73]你知道你在做什么 You know what you did.

[02:30.73]我做了什么?      你终于有了勇气  What did l do?         You filnaIIy had the courage...

[02:32.93]坐下来写这本你很早以前就想写的书 不是吗? to sit down and write the book you’ve been taIkin’ about writing for years, okay?

[02:36.07]这很屌了耶 That takes baIIs, man.

[02:39.94]继续读吧 Continue, pIease.

[02:42.54]"这个好医生简直一钱不值 ’’The Good Doctor is anything but that.

[02:45.77]他就是个悲哀 无聊 沉闷的烦人 ’’lt is sad, duII, dreary 6 and a bore.

[02:49.45]凯勒翰先生是时候该回去重操旧业了… ’’lt’s time for Mr. CaIIahan to go back to writing puIp...

[02:52.01]至于他的文学梦想就去一边呆着吧" and put his dreams of Iiterature to rest.’’

[03:41.13]你在干什么呢 甜心?  What are you doin’, sweetheart?

[03:43.42]我正要把这个拿开 然后要去… l was just putting this away, and l was gonna go

  [03:45.73]不不不 告诉我 你准备做什么 No, no, no. ll just want you to teII me exactIy what it is you were about to do.

[03:51.34]我准备预览一下客户的名单? l was gonna go preview some new Iistings?

[03:55.18]找个突破口?      我能 呃 给你点建议吗?  Get a head start?         Can l, uh, give you a IittIe tutoriaI here?

[03:58.21]就是说 我能给你传授点诀窍吗? ln other words, can l impart some wisdom on you here?

[04:02.18]不 没事的 我知道该做什么      不不 我…   No, no. lt’s okay. l know what to do.         No, no. No, l

[04:05.35]我得跟你说说 我们这里有个大苹果 l wanna do this. You see, what we have here is the Big AppIe.

[04:11.23]当然 要明白 我这只是个隐喻 Now, understand, l’m speaking in metaphors 8.

[04:13.23]你知道什么是隐喻吧 美女? AreYou do know what a metaphor 7 is, don’t you, cupcake?

[04:15.63]当然 这小苹果代表了一个大苹果(纽约别称) Yeah. That lIttle apple represents the BIG Apple.

[04:19.37]对 没错 如果你可以闭上那个洞一会… Yeah, that’s right. lf you wouId just keep your cake hoIe shut for one second...

[04:23.67]你也许就能从这儿学到点东西了 you might Iearn a IittIe somethin’ here.

[04:25.71]你瞧 人们都想住进这个大苹果里 You see, peopIe wanna Iive in the Big AppIe.

[04:28.88]他们想买大苹果里的房产 They wanna buy reaI estate in the Big AppIe.

[04:32.18]而这就是我们在吉尔默尔里做的事 卖房产 And that’s what we do here at GiImore. We seII reaI estate.

[04:36.12]换句话说 人们… ln other words, peopIe

[04:38.89]他们都想分大苹果的一杯羹 They wanna take a bite outta the Big AppIe.

[04:42.96]而我们做什么呢 我们就卖这些羹 And What We do We sell those bItes.

[04:46.33]我们就是做这个的 懂了吗? That’s what we do here. Ha capIto?

[04:49.30]现在 我希望你做的 Now, what l want you to do

[04:51.36]就是把自己从那本书里拖出来 is to get your nose out of that book...

[04:53.70]把屁股移出凳子 your ass 5 out of that chair...

[04:55.70]然后出去给我卖掉点公寓 and go out and seII some fuckin’ apartments.

[05:00.38]好的 Okay.

1 testament
  • This is his last will and testament.这是他的遗愿和遗嘱。
  • It is a testament to the power of political mythology.这说明,编造政治神话可以产生多大的威力。
2 witty
  • Her witty remarks added a little salt to the conversation.她的妙语使谈话增添了一些风趣。
  • He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort.在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。
3 knight
  • He was made an honourary knight.他被授予荣誉爵士称号。
  • A knight rode on his richly caparisoned steed.一个骑士骑在装饰华丽的马上。
4 misogynist
  • He quickly gained the reputation of being a misogynist.他很快地赢得了“厌恶女性者”的这一名声。
  • Nice try,but you're a misanthrope,not a misogynist.不错了,你讨厌的是世界,不是女人。
5 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
6 dreary
  • They live such dreary lives.他们的生活如此乏味。
  • She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence.她听够了那些关于酗酒和暴力的乏味故事。
7 metaphor
  • Using metaphor,we say that computers have senses and a memory.打个比方,我们可以说计算机有感觉和记忆力。
  • In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
8 metaphors
隐喻( metaphor的名词复数 )
  • I can only represent it to you by metaphors. 我只能用隐喻来向你描述它。
  • Thus, She's an angel and He's a lion in battle are metaphors. 因此她是天使,他是雄狮都是比喻说法。
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