时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰

听电影学英语-紫罗兰 14 - 英语课
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  1. 1 听电影学英语-紫罗兰 14 英语课

  [00:02.22]他写的 都是些垃圾 l mean, the shit he writes

[00:04.35]不 他 他写的故事很精彩 他的书很棒 No, he actuaIIy He wrote a good story. He wrote a good book.

[00:07.16]《绝世好医》写的很好      是吗?  The Good Doctor. lt’s good.         ReaIIy?

[00:09.16]是的      我不能忍受他的作品  Yeah.         l can’t stand his work.

[00:11.16]我只是想...你明白吗? 我感觉很不自在 l just thought You know, l’m feeIin’ nostaIgic IateIy.

[00:13.53]我只是想见见我的老朋友们 那样很好 l thought it might be nice to just see some, you know, oId friends.

[00:16.73]是吗 我听说你只是在房间里徘徊 WeII, l heard you’re just running around the room...

[00:18.80]整晚上都在向人们抱歉 apoIogizing to peopIe aII night.

[00:20.80]不 不 不是这样的 我只是 你明白的 No, no. Not at aII. l just kind of, you know

[00:23.34]只是 因为 我刚清醒 lt’s, Iike, since l’ve become sober...

[00:25.41]我只是努力去赔礼 l’ve made an effort to just try and make amends 1...

[00:27.54]和那些我醉酒时得罪的人 with anyone l may have offended when l was a drunk.

[00:29.85]哦 好吧 Oh. WeII

[00:32.42]我等着 l’m waiting.

[00:34.75]那我 我有什么可以为你做的吗? What, l did Did l do something to you?

[00:37.42]你在开玩笑吗? Are you kidding?

[00:40.52]什么?      什么?  What?         What?

[00:42.53]我很高兴见到你      我也是  l am so happy to see you.         lt’s nice.

[00:44.53]我刚想离开就看见你 想着"我买了她的书" l was gonna Ieave. Then l saw you, and l was, Iike, ’’l bought her book.’’

[00:47.50]真高兴见到你      给签个名吧 我喜欢这书  lt’s nice to see you.         l want you to sign it. l Iove it.

[00:49.83]觉得 这些短篇小说好真实 l mean, the short stories are so honest.

[00:51.93]老实说 这些天我等的心痒痒的 And honesty, l feeI, Iike, is so hard to come by these days.

[00:56.27]你 你还记得我是谁对吗 YouYou remember who l am, right?

[00:58.61]大学后的那个夏天 我们一个周末都在一起 We spent an entire weekend together the summer after coIIege.

[01:01.78]我说的是 你那时完全醉了 l mean, you were drunk the entire time...

[01:04.45]但我很难想象你都不记得这些了 but l can’t imagine that you don’t remember it.

[01:07.52]是吗 我的意思是 你知道 我总习惯关着灯的 WeII, l mean, you know, l used to bIack out a Iot.

[01:10.02]是的 那是整整一个周末 Yeah, it was an entIre weekend.

[01:14.29]喔 我们有 恩 Wow. Did we, uh

  [01:17.53]那个故事 有个头发长到脚趾的女孩 That story The girI with the hair down to her toes.

[01:20.70]我没有那么长的头发 l mean, l didn’t have Iong hair or anything...

[01:23.00]但那写的是我 对吗      不是 其实不是的  but that was totaIIy about me, wasn’t it?         NotActuaIIy, not reaIIy.

[01:25.80]那有谁在宿舍比我吃了更多的安眠酮呢 Because who did more quaaIudes in that dorm than me?

[01:29.21]在那个周末的景象 其实      你记得对吗?  That was phenomenaI, that weekend, actuaIIy.         Now you remember it?

[01:31.44]是 是 我记得      那个等这样吊着   Yeah, yeah. No, l do.         The bIackout is Iifted.

[01:33.44]他们让你想起些      是的  Some things come back to you sometimes.         Yeah, they do.

[01:35.54]所以我觉得这完全就是我 So that is totaIIy me.

[01:37.55]不完全是  lt wasn’t exactIy

[01:38.49]是的 我知道那就是我 很像 Right. No, l knew that it was, and then l was, Iike

[01:40.65]我告诉我母亲那是我 l toId my mom that it was me,

[01:42.23]她又告诉她的朋友们 你好  and she toId her friends, and Hi.

[01:44.32]嘿 莎拉      莎拉斯盖拉  Hey, Sara.         Sara Scarea.

[01:46.32]看见你真高兴 你看起来很不错 lt’s so good to see you. You Iook great.

[01:48.99]谢谢 你们继续吧 Thank you. l’II Iet you guys

[01:51.03]我们聊的很愉快 Oh, we’re having the best time.

[01:53.73]一      我看了你的书 很棒  One         I read your book. It Was terrIf’l’c.

[01:56.27]你没必要跟我说谎 You don’t have to Iie to me.

[01:58.05]我今晚听到很多人说它是垃圾 l’ve heard so much... buIIshit tonight.

[02:00.67]不我没有 No, l’m l’m not.

[02:04.01]它真的很好      真的吗  lt’s great.         ReaIIy?

[02:06.08]是的 当然 Yeah. Of course it is.

[02:09.51]谢谢你 Wow. Thank you.

[02:12.35]我有个故事要说 一个田野 I’ve Got a story for youA f’l’eld.

[02:14.58]很棒的聚会 墨菲  Great party, Murph.

[02:16.59]田野 灌木 树木 A fileId, bushes, trees.

[02:20.52]草 Grass.

[02:22.53]很好 那是故事      是大自然  Great, but what’s the story?         lt’s nature.

[02:24.83]我在诉说着大自然的美丽 l’m taIking nature. Beauty.

[02:27.43]真糟糕 我已经无聊透顶了  That’s terrifilc. l’m bored aIready.

[02:29.43]我一会来见你      是个牧场  l’II see you around.         lt’s a fileId.

  [02:31.43]它需要工作      它是生活  IIt needs some Work.         lt’s... Iife.

[02:34.24]真是写什么怪人啊 我的老天 What a cast of characters. My God.

[02:36.61]值得吗? So, was it worth it?

[02:38.87]真不明白 她怎么还不出现? UnbeIievabIe. How come she didn’t show up?

[02:40.88]我为了她而办了聚会 可她却不露面 l throw the party for her, and she doesn’t even show up.

[02:43.58]我说过 你要放长线 墨菲 l toId you it was a Iong shot, Murph.

[02:45.68]所以我邀请了所有的大学同学 And I InvIted all ofher frIends from colleGe.

[02:47.88]是啊      她真是不可思议  Yeah.         She’s unbeIievabIe.

[02:52.39]谢谢 Thanks.

[03:00.10]所以这些对你们两来说很有趣 So thIs has Gotta be, uh, InterestInG for you tWo, huh?

[03:03.80]都是最近单身 又相互吸引 Both recentIy singIe, cIearIy interested in one another.

[03:07.27]你们今晚有些什么计划? How you guys gonna pIay this tonight?

[03:09.57]你是说你 也是单身吗?      是的  What do you mean, you’re singIe?         Uh, yes.

[03:12.31]我 我是刚刚分手 l’m l am newIy detached.

[03:14.58]是啊 是啊 他终于想通了 冲出了牢笼 Yeah. He, uh He filnaIIy dumped the, uh, crackhead.

[03:18.21]为了你 放飞自我了 Freed himseIf up for you, uh

[03:20.22]所以我想可能今晚你们 So l’m thinking maybe tonight you gotta

[03:22.22]你在说什么      可以凑成对  What are you doing?         oughta put it together.

[03:24.22]我是在帮你啦      晚安 墨菲  l’m tryin’ to heIp you out.         Good night, Murph.

[03:28.76]祝你好运      谢谢 谢谢你了  CongratuIations.         Thanks. Thank you.

[03:31.43]谢谢      再见  Thank you.         Byebye.

[03:35.77]再见了      晚安  See you soon.         Good night.

[03:43.94]你真是个笨蛋 You’re a compIete fuckin’ idiot, you know that?

[03:46.01]我想方设法的帮你 l’m trying to heIp you out here.

[03:48.01]为什么不和她一起回家?      让我安静会  How did you not go home with her?         Gimme a break.

[03:50.31]给我点时间      拜托 我是那么努力帮你  Gimme time.         Come on. l’m trying to heIp you out here.

[03:52.62]我不需要帮助      真可悲 别装了你  I don’t need help.         That Was pathetIc, that performance.

[03:57.52]真是糟糕 你会吓到孩子们的 Okay, thIs

  [04:00.19]是吗 好吧 是我昏了头 Yeah, weII, Iook. l’m upset.

[04:02.19]我邀请你去参加我的聚会可你没有露面 l invite you to my party, and you don’t show up.

[04:04.49]你不想和我说话可以 但我也邀请了帕蒂 lt’s filne if you don’t want to taIk to me, but l invited Patti...

[04:07.40]你所有的大学朋友  aII your friends from coIIege

[04:08.55]你还对我有什么企图? What do you want from me?

[04:10.80]昨天晚上我翻了些箱子 WeII, Iook, Iast night l went through some boxes...

[04:12.97]我找出了你以前写的这首诗 and l dug out this poem that you wrote.

[04:15.97]只是希望你可能会想读读它 And l just thought maybe you’d want to read it.

[04:18.07]想让你想起 我们的从前 Remind you, you know, how you feIt about us.

[04:20.31]曾经对我的感觉 How you feIt about me.

[04:22.31]我不需要回忆 l don’t need reminding.

[04:27.82]别管我 谢谢你 Leave me aIone. Thank you.

[04:30.15]你不想读读它吗      烧了吧  You don’t want to read it?         Burn it.

[04:33.32]帕蒂      嗨 凯特 PattI?          HI, Kate.

[04:36.33]我的天呢      怎么啦  Oh, my God.         What?

[04:38.33]墨菲他疯了 他今天又到学校来了 Murph is out of his mind. He showed up at schooI again today.

[04:42.00]这次他又用我的一首诗来和我搭话 And thIs tIme he accosted 2 me WIth one of my old poems.

[04:46.67]认为这样就能动摇我 LIke that’s Gonna sWay me.

[04:50.01]凯特 你错了 他这次是认真的 Kate? You’re being ridicuIous, and he is being genuine.

[04:53.88]你知道原因吗? 他为什么要举办昨晚的聚会 Do you know the whoIe reason why he threw that party the other night...

[04:56.78]只是希望你能够出现 was in the hopes of you showing up?

[04:59.68]我没有欠他任何东西      凯特 你太固执了  l don’t owe him anything.         Kate, you’re being stubborn.

1 amends
n. 赔偿
  • He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers. 他送给她一些花,为他自己的鲁莽赔罪。
  • This country refuses stubbornly to make amends for its past war crimes. 该国顽固地拒绝为其过去的战争罪行赔罪。
2 accosted
v.走过去跟…讲话( accost的过去式和过去分词 );跟…搭讪;(乞丐等)上前向…乞讨;(妓女等)勾搭
  • She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger. 在街上,一个完全陌生的人贸然走到她跟前搭讪。
  • His benevolent nature prevented him from refusing any beggar who accosted him. 他乐善好施的本性使他不会拒绝走上前向他行乞的任何一个乞丐。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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Liberal-Democratic Party
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oblimopa multistriata
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oleum lini
overland transit empty
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put in pledge
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rub shoulders with sb.
scientific surveying station
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stock unit
Tim Leary
triple-wound transformer
uniqueness of decomposition
united states air forces
Von Economo's disease
warming-up time